Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

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Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by xBoBox3 » 15 Jul 2016, 10:25

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):Change rule #13 or add (at least a) xeno-wide ooc.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): There are many benefits that will crop up from this, since members of the same team (mostly xenos) will be able to help each other and teach each other about how to do stuff that you simply can't explain ICly.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Alright, so. Rule #13 states that we are not allowed to use double paranthesis ( (( )) ) in the Say chat unless LOOC is disabled. There have been many times when a xeno asks "How do you devour a host" or "How do you peer up a ladder", and there is simply no way of explaining that in a hivemind-esque manner. (You can't just tell them drag and drop the ladder on you, that makes no sense, or say that they should pull the host then click on themselves ICLY). There are two ways of fixing this that i came up with: Either add a xeno-wide ooc (kinda like aooc, antag ooc on other servers), or allow the usage of paranthesis in the hivemind. I am NOT going to ask where a xeno is and walk halfway across the colony just to tell them how to devour a monkey in LOOC; it's redundant.
Since Rule #13 already has an exception, i suppose we wouldn't lose much by adding another one.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Either permit paranthesis in the hivemind, or add a separate, team-wide ooc.
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Re: Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by Shyguychizzy » 15 Jul 2016, 10:33

Nag breh giving yah -1, no need for that. I mean you don't see a marine ooc for such, looc is used for asking for help anyhow. Its the purpose of asking for help or is the ooc for the round , anyhow the double parenthesizes are quite annoying indeed.
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Re: Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by Neray » 15 Jul 2016, 10:41

Just use LOOC, really. It's not that hard to ask person in :a to find you so you could answer his question in LOOC.

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Re: Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by pyrocketry » 15 Jul 2016, 11:03

Just run into the hive or another area with a bunch of aliens and ask over LOOC. Not really much need for this

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Re: Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 15 Jul 2016, 11:16

Honestly going to +1 however this should only be used for Q&A on game mechanics only, so xeno hivemind doesn't become meme chat, which it sometime already does *cough* *cough* TrumpLord. I think this way since marines are suppose to be in squads together and should be in at least parties of 3 or 4, while xenos such set up, would be nice but its not a requirement due to the numbers difference between xenos and marines. Also these questions are generally time sensitive like how do you devour someone, they generally don't ask this until they have a hugged marine right infront of them and any wasted time would lead to a lost capture and at worst a dead xeno

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Re: Clarification (Change) of Rule #13

Post by forwardslashN » 15 Jul 2016, 13:06

LOOC exists for this purpose. They can also ask via adminhelp if there are no xenos nearby, which will get answered by a mentor or above.
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