Shooting past FF.

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Shooting past FF.

Post by Whistle » 20 Jul 2016, 12:03

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Allow players to shoot around friendlies at point blank range unless on harm intent.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Friendly fire is everywhere and it's terrible, there is no feedback or warning if someone pushes into you or switches tiles as you click, nothing you can do.
All the steps to prevent FF is always trigger discipline (Know when to shoot) and avoiding teams of marines. (A group whom relies on teamwork avoiding team mates...hmmm)

FF is an incredibly detrimental key to the Marine team and is a key part of war and this game, it's not going anywhere, however that does not mean it should be completely unmitigated.
The proposed suggestion will reduce the at times frankly ridiculous incidents from players new and experienced from being removed from the round for something that is usually completely unavoidable on their end.

While some may argue "But Whistleywoo, Aliems needs them FF's to win." I say to you, I main xeno and you should know now, that runner dashing through marines watching them kill themselves like some far fetched anime scene will not be touched.
The effective harassing of the rear guard of an assault team pushing into the hive, untouched.
The FF aliens earn from smart combat and correctly pressuring the right people, will, be, untouched.
The frankly idiotic situations, will be mitigated.

While also opening up new ways to play, a standard FOB or elevator engagement can now have ranks of marines firing over each other, helping break stalemates in alot of situations where there is camping between Z-levels.
A buddy system will now allow a pair of marines to literally stick close to each other and watch their backs without an rp breaking or situation ruining FF incident.

It will greatly reduce the amount of baldies and frankly every player from ruining the game play of others in situations that do not leave players satisfied in any way ever, but willing to abandon the game all together in favour of less salt inducing pass times and really, this is a game, this aspect is not fun for anyone except the people who watch it happen and as a mod who see's it happen more than most, i'm frankly just disheartened.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

The proposed suggestion will give the ability for one marine to shoot past another if they are stood right next to each other, as you would in any situation IRL, firing around the obstacle to save your life.
One marine next to another marine is close enough to stab, grab, inject, bandage, grapple, pull something off, put something on, punch, throw.
The point being is they are close, close enough to lean over, close enough to fire past, fast enough to nudge them aside, all things you cannot do ingame.

Friendly fire should not come about from a medic whipping around to fire on a hunter creeping up on him and his patient, only for his patient to shoot him in the back of the skull, or he himself, because of the tile switch, shooting his patient.
FF should occur with a runner speeding between friendly lines, people losing trigger discipline.
FF should occur when someone suddenly jumps to their feet while their back up tries to shoot the beast that brought them down to begin with.
FF should occur when marines have shitty kill boxes (see upper deck ladder defence Xfire)
FF should not occur when your buddy, the guy right next to you, tries to save you both from the thing sneaking up on you by shooting past you.
FF should not occur from a medic engaging a target in the middle of triage.
FF should not occur from marines trying to engage a mammoth of a creature, that stands taller than the average marine, because your buddy is in hand holding range.

The ability to engage in good ol shoot em ups with people point blank would require the standard harm intent setting, as it should be.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Similar to smart gun logic but limited to one tile around the player as long as they are not on harm intent.

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Re: Shooting past FF.

Post by Toroic » 20 Jul 2016, 12:09

My concern is that you'd just get double deep firing lines everywhere, which is a huge difference at marine defensive encampments.
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Re: Shooting past FF.

Post by Whistle » 20 Jul 2016, 12:20

Toroic wrote:My concern is that you'd just get double deep firing lines everywhere, which is a huge difference at marine defensive encampments.
And the counter to FOB's is still boiler bombard, unaffected.
However being able to set up a more effective firing line within the elevators would be considered a + considering the near stalemate we encounter every round when dealing with the ice map, this might just push it in the right direction, allowing marines to, if organized, to push into the underground areas for a fight, instead of camping on both sides.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Shooting past FF.

Post by forwardslashN » 20 Jul 2016, 13:26

Firing next to your allies doesn't cause FF in most cases. This is also not possible at the moment.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
