Sailor Dave
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by Sailor Dave » 20 Jul 2016, 14:07
Bug Description: When marines are consumed by xenos, the light emitted from whatever they have on at the time stays behind and can't be removed.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Firmly grasp it in your hand.
2. Apply marine directly to forehead.
3. Gaze upon the light in awe as their spirit remains behind to light the way for future marines.
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by MrJJJ » 20 Jul 2016, 14:08
Yeah this hasn't gotten reported for a long time and has exited for a REALLY long time, i always thought that because it never got fixed, that it actually can't be
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by Ithalan » 21 Jul 2016, 14:43
The light seems to update again if the corpse is moved (not teleported) after being vomited up. Maybe it'd be possible to stick a tile or two of conveyor belt in whatever extradimensional space that consumed bodies are sent to in order to get the lighting to update even then?
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by dylanstrategie » 28 Oct 2016, 20:01
This was fixed a while ago with the Devour rework