Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

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Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by EMT_321 » 23 Jul 2016, 07:24

Your Byond Key: EMT321

Your Character Name: Walter Blanco

Their Byond key: Warnipple, possibly Freemysoul or MilesWolfe

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 0330 07.23.16 CST

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
  • Do not abuse your power

    Do not try to heavily influence the game unless it is for very good reasoning such as for an event, a player purposefully holding up the game, dishing out punishment for rule breaking (Examples: a commander killed a marine unjustly, a squad of marines are killing other marines for no reason, a queen is slashing every host known to man, aliens have stacked too many huggers) or other such things.

    Constantly stay cool. Regardless of what a player says to you do not act unprofessional and get angry with them.
Description of the incident:

Late into a lowerpop (<50 people) round, Marines had made severe inroads on the planet, having killed the queen several times and depopulating the aliens. Ultimately, two aliens, a Hunter and a Drone, were the only aliens on-planet. Thus ensued a good 20-30 minute chase as marines sought the last two aliens, who were hiding and running away. From my own experience as alien, i've seen higher numbers of aliens who were evading the round end be admin-killed. That's not my issue though.

According to the CO (John.Wayne9392), they did not touch the command console for ERT requests, yet I saw 3 ERT requests fire in fairly rapid succession (<5 minutes between each). The first two got no response, and the final one spawned an XRT. I die, and in deadchat see people questioning how an XRT was spawned. As Warnipple has a stated history of calling XRT intentionally (when the SM exploded on the Sulaco 2 days ago, and the marines were trying to build an escape hallway to it),I asked respectfully in Ahelp if the XRT was forced. The ticket was immediately closed by Warnipple. I asked twice more, with both tickets immediately closed. I explained why I was concerned that an admin had called an XRT while the bulk of marines were on the ground chasing two xenos, and hence my interest in knowing how this occured. Nowhere in here did I insult or belittle the admins.

I was muted from ahelp some point after my 3rd respectful ahelp being immediately closed by Warnipple with no response. I asked in Dchat why I was being ignored and muted, and Warnipple asked "who are you to question an admin decision [when they] have months of experience?".Assuming that Warnipple was the one to force an XRT while there were 2 aliens left on planet, and then insult any players response to it, it seems wholly unprofessional and an abuse of powers to unneccesarily influence the game.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Ahelp transcript.

DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "Warnipple, i've asked the same question 3 times now. Im curious why a reasonable question is being ignored."

DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Walter, they're ignoring it because people will bitch regardless."

DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "exactly, why does it matter?"

DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "why do you need to know?"

DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "It does matter. If an admin forced an XRT with 2 aliens left"

DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "Then thats complaint worthy.

DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "If its RNG"

DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "Then its not"

DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "youre questioning an admins decision?"

DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "who are you to question someone with months of experience"

How you would punish the accused:

Discretion of the admins.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Desolane900 » 23 Jul 2016, 07:32

I remember that round. I pasted pretty much 80% of the XRT alone. Our CO was dead when it was called iirc.
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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Casany » 23 Jul 2016, 10:30

I thought mods couldn't call ERT, only admin and above could. That's my own opinion though
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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Helgraf » 23 Jul 2016, 10:32

I'm also pretty sure only admins can do that
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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Feweh » 23 Jul 2016, 11:08

I have no issue with my Admins calling and forcing certain ERTs. Its usually for round balance or there are IC reasons the rest of the server isnt aware of.

Further-more, just because you send a A-Help doesnt mean a staff member has to respond, especially if theyre at least marking NO-RESPONSE. Warnipple was correct in what he said, staff dont need to justify their actions to the playerbase. He could of put it in nicer words though.

Personally I wouldnt of called a XRT with two xenos left, if anything Id probably of bombarded them.
Anyways, ill ask miles and freemysoul to respond with their reason.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by MilesWolfe » 23 Jul 2016, 11:18

I sent the xrt, both sides were turtling, xenos had about 5 while marines had 20-30, the round was dragging on for about 3 hours and the numbers on both sides werent really changing. Wed sent the marines close to 10 bioscans to get them moving, but despite that they werent really doing anything. So I sent the xrt to get things moving. War nipple and free can back me up with this.

The reason why we didnt answer walter here was because him and rana were being really salty about it in dead chat, and id already marked his first message with no response but he kept on with it.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Sancronis » 23 Jul 2016, 12:41

If I correctly recall the round, I believe that the admin was doing the correct thing here. It was far better than waiting an hour to chase down a couple xenos.
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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Neray » 23 Jul 2016, 12:43

Just to finish OP post quote:
DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "It does matter. If an admin forced an XRT with 2 aliens left"
DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "Then thats complaint worthy."
That's Queen.
A huge, looming alien creature. The biggest and the baddest.
It looks slightly injured.
DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "If its RNG"
DEAD: Walter Blanco says, "Then its not"
DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "youre questioning an admins decision?"
DEAD: Mikhail 'Mik' Sokolov says, "back to the waiting game"
Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs gasps!
Rolland 'The Slayer' Storm (follow) says, "Roger"
DEAD: MOD(Warnipple) says, "who are you to question someone with months of experience"

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Mech__Warrior » 23 Jul 2016, 13:47

MilesWolfe wrote:I sent the xrt, both sides were turtling, xenos had about 5 while marines had 20-30, the round was dragging on for about 3 hours and the numbers on both sides werent really changing. Wed sent the marines close to 10 bioscans to get them moving, but despite that they werent really doing anything. So I sent the xrt to get things moving. War nipple and free can back me up with this.

The reason why we didnt answer walter here was because him and rana were being really salty about it in dead chat, and id already marked his first message with no response but he kept on with it.
John.wayne9392 here. I think it was closer to six scans or so and the only reason why I requested those scans was because my marines kept badgering me about them and they wanted locations of the aliens. I know that sometimes a bioscan will reveal the aliens' location, which wasn't the case last night. I was doing all that I could to try and get my marines to do anything but turtle since we had the situation in our favor, but if I left my post on the ship, I'm sure the Sulaco would have crashed onto the planet because there was no XO to take over for me. I assumed my marines were actually advancing and not being dumb, which was beyond the impossible.

There were two distress beacons launched in the span of 3 minutes, the second one was while I was on the bridge, trying to figure out who could have sent it since nobody was there. I was looking directly at the console when it was sent, and immediately claimed the machine was possessed, logging out of the console to make sure no more requests could be sent. It wasn't so much that I was worried that an XRT could be sent, it was more along the lines that we had the situation under control, why were distress beacons being sent out when we weren't under red alert. To me, it makes no sense.

As for the XRT being sent, I don't really mind it. It would have given me something else to do rather than constantly babysit my command console hoping that my marines would actually do something or continue trying to chase that last frigging xeno on my ship (Which I had been doing for almost forty five minutes). However, I was dead at the time, having had my head slashed open and the CMO being new to the game and not knowing how to stop dragging me.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by freemysoul » 23 Jul 2016, 15:34

Freemysoul here, Considering that the marines and xenos had turtling for around an hour or so, WITH multiple Bioscans to help motivate you, Miles did what they thought was best to TRY and force an assault and end the round. However, I was mostly sorting out the ban appeals and player reports at the time.

Remember people, NO ONE likes a 4 hour round being extended by turtling.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Feweh » 23 Jul 2016, 15:59

No action will be taken.

Admins are allowed to force ERT's, generally it's used to either push the rounds along (forcing some people to die) or for "fun".
Mech__Warrior wrote: As for the XRT being sent, I don't really mind it. It would have given me something else to do rather than constantly babysit my command console hoping that my marines would actually do something or continue trying to chase that last frigging xeno on my ship (Which I had been doing for almost forty five minutes). .
This is generally the attitude a lot of the player-base has, however if you're on the receiving end or dying side there's often the vocal minority who hate this.

Further-more, Admin's and Staff DO not need to justify their actions to the player-base. Continuously a-helping asking the same thing over and over again despite getting a no-response reply is grounds for an Ahelp mute.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by Focks » 23 Jul 2016, 19:40

Since I got mentioned as being really salty, I'd like to weigh in on this before it's locked. I was irate because you used very faulty reasoning, "The marines aren't doing anything and need motivation" The primary issue being of the dozen or so people actively on the radio, were all busy, trying to secure the Sulaco from the 3 aliens on board killing people, including doctors and freshly awoken marines and generally being a nuisance and delaying the marines from deploying to kill the last two. So saying people were just turtling and doing nothing is false, in fact as soon as the first two xenos were killed, and briefly before the third larva got on board somehow, there was a rally to the pod to go down to the planet and finish it.

And while my opinion on policy dealing with justification doesn't matter to most anyone here, I feel that personally, they were being overly rude. It was an innocuous question and furthermore "Who are you to question an admin with months of experience" is a very slippery slope.

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Re: Admin-forced XRT with 2 aliens left, lack of mutual respect.

Post by immaspaceninja » 24 Jul 2016, 01:18

Are you guys talking about the same round? Marine werent turtling that time. And our numbers were close to 8 on the planet and around 10 sullyside. The ones planetside were actively searching for remaining ayys after killing most of them during assault on tcomms.
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