Killpath's Spriter Application

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Killpath's Spriter Application

Post by Killpath » 24 Jul 2016, 21:23

Byond ID:Killpath

Age: 19 (20 in Nov)


How would you define yourself? (Coder, Mapper, Spriter): Spriter.

If Coder, what languages? N/A

Any previous experience developing with SS13? Yes, lots I've helped sprite for Archangel Station and a few others that haven't been around for a couple years

Proof of any previous or current work:

How well do you know Git? Ehhh I used to use it a while back for Spriting examples and stuff to help me progress but I am a quick learner and can probably get operational on that part.

Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No) Yeah I don't really like to moderate/Admin anymore that stress is in the past lol.

Anything else you'd like to add? I do have a certificate in Graphic Design and Visual imaging. Sorry about the quality as well. They're all 40k themed and are really well detailed and shaded.
Security? More like Shitcurity.

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SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Killpath's Spriter Application

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 25 Jul 2016, 11:04

Do you have any other examples of your work?

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SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Killpath's Spriter Application

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 25 Jul 2016, 20:38


Locked and fired.
