Your Byond ID: moff_lockwood
Character Name: Random name, something like "Terrel Boyle" I think
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 3 day ban, engineering job banned
Admin who banned you (if known): Warnipple
Total Ban Duration: 72 hours
Remaining Duration: ~57 hours
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Access denied. Banned by host: Reason: Griefer. Caught sabotaging engineering twice. He was given ample time and instruction to reply to PMs but refused to do so. Expires 2.3 days By: warnipple For more information on your ban, or to appeal, head to
(There is no error code.)
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): The following information is to the best of my knowledge, which may contain errors, because I have never played this game before last night.
I will start with the failure to respond to PM's. They were received a couple of hours after the alleged sabotage, while I was on an alien character. We had just invaded the marine mothership, and I was being spammed with bright green messages about corrosion everywhere. The green text on white makes it hard for me to see anything else, and at the same time, I was trying to figure out how to be an alien. The roughly five pm's from warnipple over 2-3 minutes were lost in the confusion until after my connection was lost and I looked at the text buffer.
I started playing CM with two friends last night, after our Pathfinder session ended, when they suggested the new game they had found. I tried to get more information on the game, but this was while the forums were down, so I had no idea how to play. I still don't know how to use the comms, for example. We played a game on BYOND four or five years ago, but I don't remember much, so this is all new again to me.
After being banned, I asked my friend (still in the game) to ask warnipple what was going on, and it was relayed to me that warnipple wanted me to message him through byond. I figured out how to do that, and talked to him, and he said he would see about getting the ban lifted but that I would be job banned from engineering for being "insanely incompetent." He also said it would take a few hours to reach someone who could lift the ban (about 17 hours ago).
Since I'd like to appeal the job ban, I am making this formal appeal now on both bans.
Regarding the alleged sabotage. For my second round in the game, I became a Maintenance Tech. I met another MT, and he seemed to have less of a clue than I did. Having no idea what to do, I mostly wandered around looking through the areas I could go. I found a damaged armored personnel carrier, and tried to work on it, but couldn't find any tool that wouldn't hit it. I gave up on that and went back to wandering. On my travels, I saw the other MT gathering up weird things, like axes and guns, and shoving them in engineering lockers. I shrugged and kept looking around. I electrocuted myself at one point.
Later on, a person with a CE badge came by and asked how the engine was doing. The other tech said "good," and I added "probably." That's when the CE said "good to hear," donned a radiation suit, and went in to check on it. I followed him, and he said the core was gone. I asked where it should be. He pointed at the mass driver. I asked if we could rebuild it, but he wandered off.
So I wandered off and thought about it. I noticed a terminal in the requisition office, and saw super matter core on it, which sounded like the engine core, so I ordered one. A man brought out a crate and said "don't fuck it up." I took it to engineering, where I saw the CE, and he said to unload it in the core area. I dragged it in there, the CE stepping out of the way of the door into the core, and I opened it up. He said to make sure to take it all out, so I did, and then I looked at it and burned my eyes off. I left the core room, and prepared to help the CE with the next steps. After waiting for instructions, I started being attacked by multiple assailants. At the same time I was being jumped by these men crawling in from the vents (or somewhere outside the ship it seemed), and to my horror, I saw remains of another MT in the core through the windows. I was unarmed, so I ran across the station, trying to get people to help, but no one seemed to react to these intruders trying to kill me. I had no time to stop and talk, because they kept hitting me and I was going to die soon if I didn't escape them.
Eventually, I wound up near the armory, and the doors were fortuitously propped open with things left on the floor, so I ran in and found a revolver on the ground. I picked it up and started shooting at the assailants. That's when I was surrounded by MP's and told to drop the gun, and they said no one was chasing me. I wound up in the medbay. While in the medbay, I heard warnings about crystals laminating. And someone said oxygen was in the core. I had no idea what any of that was, but I saw a peculiar man in the surgery bay strapping one of the people chasing me to a bed. I think they both might have been hallucinations. The other MT showed up with similar hallucinations, and we talked about it. He'd never played the game before as far as I could tell, and neither of us could figure out how to use comms. I'm not sure if this was the MT I thought was dead (remains in the core), or if there were three of us. We were all in radiation suits, so hard to tell apart to be honest.
After Mother said everything was back to normal, I wandered back to engineering to see if I could help, and was immediately accused of having sabotaged the core. I denied it, explained my actions, and that seemed to be the end of it. After everyone left, I walked around engineering areas. I saw an APC open, so I tried to close it for a while, but kept accidentally taking out the battery and putting it back in. I was relieved no one was in the room to see the lights going on and off. I gave up on that and walked around more. Then eventually I found a box out of place, opened it, and melted from unattended surplus super matter being left out in the open. Later I became an alien, and that's when I was banned.
Now that the forums are back up, I've found the guide on being an MT. I would like to not be job banned please. It looks like fun, but its hard to divine how to do without having played or having a guide available. I don't think that makes me incompetent. And I have absolutely no clue how I am accused of sabotaging engineering twice, when the core only was going to blow up once. All I did was unload the super matter, go insane, run across the station getting attacked by hallucinations, and almost shoot a few marines with a revolver behind where the apparitions were standing.
I did see a squiggly green piece of wire on the ground in the main engineering room early during the round, and so I poked it with a screwdriver, and it went straight. It didn't seem to connect to anything else, and I don't know how it got squiggly in the first place. I found some doors on the ship with the panels open, so I screwed them closed. I don't know why, but there was an MT breaking in the shooting range; I kept walking.
I saw marines dragging a big orange barrel out of engineering early in the round, and they said something like "shhhh" to me. I shrugged that off. I figured it was flame thrower fuel from the color of the tank.
I can't think of anything else that happened worth noting. After reading the guide, I think what I'm accused of doing is hooking an oxygen drum into the coolant system in place of nitrogen? I had no idea at the time how to do that, and still don't really know aside from theoretical inference from looking at the guide on setting up core cooling combined with being accused of flooding the core with oxygen. I'm guessing pure oxygen explodes when used as a "coolant."
Also, I am thirty. Playing this during the summer has nothing to do with school schedules. I saw the "Grey Tide" post and skimmed it. This weekend just happens to be when my friends found CM and asked me to play.
Ban + Job Ban Appeal
- lucashunter608
- Registered user
- Posts: 209
- Joined: 26 Mar 2015, 15:45
Re: Ban + Job Ban Appeal
Honestly, you sound like a very cool guy to play around, i would realy like to see you unbanned, hope everything goes well 

- Feweh
- Donor
- Posts: 4870
- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban + Job Ban Appeal
Alright alright, you put some effort into this.