Your Byond Key: john.wayne9392
Your Character Name: Rei 'Blaze' Poward
Accused Byond Key(if known):
Character Name: Katya 'Koshka' Harris
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 11:30 pm CT
What rule(s) were broken: Rule 1, to the point where it was almost verbal abuse.
Description of the incident: I was leading two marines into the caves seems how we had reports of only three aliens left and figured we could take them. However, it didn't go according to plan since one of them was an ancient spitter and pretty much kept all of us paralyzed down. I end up getting kidnapped and dragged back to the nest while in crit before the other two ran, bleeding out in the nest.
However, that's not what this is about. This is about what happened afterward in the dead chat where Katya told me to never SL again because I was apparently worthless despite my half-hearted assault to try and free her. I didn't think somebody could be so mad at this game but I guess I was wrong.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "poward"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "stop playing SL"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "please"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "My shield was blocking about half of the shots"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "you didnt block shit."
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "However, once you get downed, there's no getting back up.;"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "and all you did was just burn few huggers"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Katya, you weren't here the entire time" (I don't think she was watching me the entire time because my shield did block some shots, but it was an ancient spitter.)
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "i literally was with the first assault group, killed two crushers, first queen with pyotr and buncha T1s/T2s"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "all you did was jack shit"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "you didnt even BOTHER"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "and i mean"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "BOTHER"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "communicating with marines"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Me?"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "you went in with a fucking flamer"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "and died"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "yeah, you went in with a shitty flamer and died."
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "you prolonged the damn fucking round"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Those marines had my back. Only when we realized that the three of us couldn't take them on"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Wow"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "Are you that fucking mad?"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, ">had your back"
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "HAHAHAHAH"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "I thought I had problems"
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "But fuck, you two are clearly compensating for something." (Katya and Pyotr were giving me shit for using a flamer)
DEAD: Katya 'Koshka' Harris says, "poward, you literally did nothing as an SL."
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "I didn't have a damn target of opportunity for my OB, and none of my squad asked for supplies."
DEAD: Rei 'Blaze' Poward says, "So whatever."
How you would punish the accused: I think being told to calm down would be sufficient.