jason vorheese

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jason vorheese

Post by evillord363 » 08 Aug 2016, 06:25

Your Byond Key:
Your Character Name:
Kei Hood
Accused Byond Key(if known):
jason vorheese
Character Name:
Jeffrey "jeff" jefferson
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
around 4:30 AM to 5:am midwest
What rule(s) were broken:
Being a dick, Griefing
Description of the incident: doctor was healing him up, about to put him under, he walks away, doctor tells me to go grab him and i shove him down a couple of times. he pulls his gun but i am thinking hes not going to shoot me so i proceeded to keep trying to get him back to the doctor because he was literally dying (him running away with an asthetic mask on is beyond me) he proceeds to shoot me in the chest. this is where it gets ugly, doc proceeds to try to treat me and he walks back in with a helmet (earlier when i was grabbing him he was yelling he needed his helmet or some shit before he shot me). he starts claiming everyone was trying to kill him anyway, and the gunfight starts. doc proceeds to open fire and runs out, and the guy is left with me in crit in the room, BO comes in and tries to kill him and then he blows the BOs head off, then he proceeds to scream over Comms that the doctor killed 3 people ( jefffrey apperently killed someone with his fists before me) and tried i guess to turn the crew against him, and somehow he passes out on the floor, and the doc shoots him to death.
after death he proceeds to make up another bullshit lie in LOOC saying that we where stupid for trying to push him and stop him and basicly playing victim here, when he obvously wanted to be a dick.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
i have no evidence but In game name Craig Blackbeard Jenson can pitch in and add on to what happened, he was the doctor i presume.
How you would punish the accused: Perminant ban, this may seem harsh but the fact that his story was all over the place and made no sense to why he decided he wanted to first punch a man to death, second shoot me in the chest and third kill the BO and attempt to kill the doctor is beyond me. LOOC he tried to play victim saying that we where at fault, but in game during his final moments he literally tried to frame the doctor for everyones deaths over comms. very strange.

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Re: jason vorheese

Post by DrPillzRedux » 08 Aug 2016, 06:47

I was the doc, here's what happened. I'm going to split it up to make it easier to understand.

I'm running my FOB surgery room. Jeff Jefferson (Jason Vorheese) runs in and says he's infected. I try to put an anesthetic mask on him to put him under. He starts running around (later complained about how he would die from cold in LOOC but I had meds ready to prevent damage from that).

A patient is wheeled into my tiny surgery room by another marine. The patient is in crit and blacked out. Jeff Jefferson punches the patient to death (for pushing him he said, but the patient was in deep crit and couldn't).

Jeff Jefferson then runs out of the Surgery Room. I call for marines to help get him back in as he's infected and is acting hostile, having killed one person already. He whips out his shotgun on Kei Hood, who was only trying to disarm him and push him down, and shoots at his head from a tile away. He then runs off.

I take Kei Hood to the surgery room to fix their now broken skull and SEVERE bloodloss. While I'm fixing Kei's head, Jeff runs back in. Having seen him punch a patient to death, and shotgun another in the head, I take out my pistol and shoot at him. He returns fire with a shotgun but misses, hitting Kei more instead.

A BO that came down comes to my aid and shoots Jeff with a shotgun, but Jeff turns around and kills them with a lucky shot.

Jeff gets on coms and screams that I shot and killed Kei and the BO.

I run away, grab a shotgun off the floor, and open fire on Jeff after he collapses, killing him. I then throw the shotgun away and try to save Kei, but at 50% bloodloss, they died faster than I could do anything.

Jeff then started screaming in LOOC at us saying it was our fault that he beat a crit person to death and killed two people with a shotgun.

Lethal force wasn't needed on Kei when all they were doing was trying to disarm him and get him to come back for surgery. Punching the deep crit patient was also a what-the-fuck moment. I literally was stunned irl when I saw that.

Here's an image with marked areas to help show what went down.


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Re: jason vorheese

Post by Warnipple » 08 Aug 2016, 12:24

Has been dealt with.

He's been banned and pending perma.
Accurate representation of my character as Corporate Liason: http://i.imgur.com/Ynnvuxx.png

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Byond: Feweh

Re: jason vorheese

Post by Feweh » 08 Aug 2016, 12:26

