Sarah_U. Mapper Application

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Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 10 Aug 2016, 22:40

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How would you define yourself? (Coder, Mapper, Spriter):

If Coder, what languages?
C, C++ C#, LUA, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript and other odd-stuff.

Any previous experience developing with SS13?
Not quite, I've toyed around with it and understands it.

Proof of any previous or current work:
I'm limiting myself to Byond mapping designs and screenshots. I've done several more stuff some of which are under non-disclosure so...
I thought about bringing up some NS2 (Natural Selection 2) mapping designs and pictures in that I've done, but I had to drop the projects and they look unfinished (Material issues).

Narrowed down the list of SS13:CM work to a single album, here's the link: (Source Work Album):
(NS2 Work Album):

How well do you know Git?
I've been using it with some of the people in my company and within collegial work.

Your primary job is server development, not policing the server. You may be given Moderator-level of access but you should *not* be invoking any administrative actions unless there are no moderators or Admins online. Do you understand? (Yes/No)
I don't mind it, I'll say: Yes without any issues.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I'd like this assignment to be temporary and work on a separate map, I really simply wish to create a map on the side for the server to use, enjoy and diversify its choices. I intend to make a very large underground map based around an underground facility concept. Players would be allowed to dig, which would make survivors extremely interesting. There would be ruins, hidden things, etchetera. Generally the ship would also NOT BE THE SULACO, but the design would be straightforward.

I'm returning to college in a few weeks and I'd rather not get too engaged in the long term. I'm free to show 3D work and the NS2 work I've done if required. I have over 236 pictures of past works and involvment sitting by in areas like my steam library.

Sidenote for the readers: I was told to give it a try and see if you'd mind having me try mapper to make this project of mine. I understand it involves serious work, but nevertheless I want to give it a try and commit to the server in my own way.
Last edited by Sarah_U. on 30 Nov 2016, 01:05, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 10 Aug 2016, 23:06

We are at a bit of a shortage of mappers at the moment.

Sure, you get my blessing.

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Warnipple » 10 Aug 2016, 23:31

+1 for Natural Selection 2 mention
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by monkeysfist101 » 11 Aug 2016, 00:31

+1 looking forward to it
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by coolsurf6 » 11 Aug 2016, 02:01

Sarah_U know how to code?! You've been with us for quite some time and some more mappers and coders will help. I am all for you getting a spot. Just be warned that it can take a long time to get this post accepted so have some patience.

P.S teach me how atmos works!
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 11 Aug 2016, 02:27

I'm not applying for coder. I'm applying for mapper, but I felt it nice to imply that I knew programming since doing so makes understanding the development process much easier as a mapper even with what I proposed on the main post.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Mitii » 11 Aug 2016, 14:05


I decided to drop in and provide my own feedback as well. I usually don't login to the forums nor post all that often, but I do check in frequently, and have noticed Sarah_U's activity enough that I personally wanted to give my thumbs up.

Sarah_U is very active on the forums, whether it be posting interesting suggestions or creating helpful bug reports. I have also noticed on the chat the past couple of weeks that you have been working extensively on DM to improve your mapping skills, and have been asking questions regarding map creation as well. The last discussion you had that I recall was about Z-levels I believe.

I am very pleased that you are applying to become a part of the staff. I am sure that you will be a great addition to the roster of amazing staff we currently have, even if you will only be with us as part of the Dev team temporarily.

I wish you good luck, glad to have you with us. :)

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 16 Aug 2016, 18:29

If you want more to be done to prove I've done my homeworks I'll be glad to find some time, but otherwise I'll hold off on making the map as it'll serve no purpose thus far (It'd require I fix a lot of bugs specific to the pre-alpha version and do some research that I currently don't have exhaustive time for) Furthermore, it won't be used (Other than proof of concept possibly) thus I prefered to keep my agenda clear.

However, it did still provide me with ample informations on SS13:CM mechanics and DreamMaker mapping that I will be able to use in the future.
Sidenote: I've just received my class schedule for this term and I will most likely have some time to map once in a while. Although I still want to make a sidemap, mostly for reasons stated above and to prevent inconveniences due to slow development process.
EDIT: I know how to add new zones/turf and will do everything by myself for that map if needed. I heard some of you were worried, thus I decided to inform you all.

EDIT2: I've done a few concepts for a suggestion and I've added them to the worklist. Nothing big, just there for your fancy eyes and nostalgia.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Logi99 » 20 Aug 2016, 16:17

I highly recommended Sarah to join the Developing team(if wanted). I do not know how great she/he is or bad she/he is at mapping but her/his activity is high on the forums. I would say the same if she applicated for Moderator. She/he is mature aswell. This was a feedback.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 23 Aug 2016, 20:06

Updating with NS2 pictures after-all, they're simple things, but I do believe they're nice implementations.

Do please keep in mind I was limited on the assets, engine capability and time when I produced those. Furthermore, they were meant ot be concepts and generally made to lay a basis rather than a full-blown map due to the issues encountered with the editor. Later-on, I found out that the editor could no longuer support my video card and wouldn't allow me to start the executable, forcing me to entirely stop the project after it had corrupted 2 of my designs and been quite the problem child.

To this day, the editor is much better. Optimizations fixed all the issues I have encountered, but I do not wish to map for NS2 anymore... Probably due to the fact I haven't touched it in years.

PS: Decided to add other pictures from various work like I was at it. Nothing really big, just happened to pass by and find them.
PS2: Had free time, decided to start making one or two small sceneries to practice. Will update when it's a bit more completed.

EDIT: Updating the Imgur links to format the accessibility and disposition of images. For better examination and evaluation, etc etc.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Bmc777 » 24 Aug 2016, 03:02

If you were applying for a moderator position, I would already be leaning towards a +1 based on your forum activity and good etiquette alone. Unfortunately, I can't really take those things into account for a mapper position. This is just a critique based on your SS13 map work, I'm not familiar with Natural Selection 2 so I'm not taking that into account.

I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, but I'm not a fan of your Southern Compound Mining Map. You obviously put in some effort into the map, but it just comes off a bit sloppy. The placement of the rooms don't really make much sense to me. For instance, I'm not sure why a Morgue is accessible from the main hangar and why it is adjacent to a completely empty room that seems to just be there to fill unused space.

The storage room is across the hall from an empty room that is next to a room with some conveyor belts that don't really seem to have much use. Conveyor belts are normally used to easily transport items, but any items that they would transport are in a room across the hall, it just doesn't make much sense.

Going north, I just see more empty areas and I'm not even sure what the northern most rooms are for. Everything just looks clunky and incomplete.

The map really gives the vibe that you didn't put a lot of planning into the reasons why rooms are in certain areas and more like you just needed to fill up space so you placed rooms wherever they would fit. Your drop ships are alright, the biggest critique I would give is that the second two dropships' tails would interfere with the engines due to their placements.

Like I said, I love your forum activity and your commitment to the server. I really do appreciate the work you put into the map, I just have to question the design decisions. I'm sorry but I have to give this application a -1

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Minijar » 24 Aug 2016, 07:39

I'm going to have to agree with Bmc on this one. The maps don't seem to make much sense design wise. You're a good player certainly but I don't think you're right for mappe. Perhaps try polishing your skills a bit and try reapplying.

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 24 Aug 2016, 09:51

I appreciate the critique and I'll actually try to take those comments into account to adjust my skills and take more time planning the various rooms and design.
I actually produced the designs and planning while I was really busy and myself I questionned the disposition of various elements of my map at times. As I stated before though, I have been slowing down the progress on the map due to having much happening and it being generally unusable due to several programming errors (Pre-Alpha port).

See'ing as you're dissatisfied, I hope to finish the various sceneries I previously mentionned to actually do a better example of my skills and possibly even swap your opinion. I do heavely enjoy mapping, and poor execution on my part being the downfall of this application would greatly pain me.
(Note: I'll make the zoning, power and atmo (At least a dummy) of the various elements for areas to be fully functional whenever possible).

I'll try to come up with a few new designs of the area and complete them before I post.

I greatly appreciate your honnesty, and commentaries are highly valued and only helps me to improve in the long term.

PS: Not applying for mod since it'd require to be inside the game too much during classes and HW. At least with mapper, I can pick up where I left off and continue developping, especially since it's a project which wouldn't be involved with other development progress (At least, not directly).
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by MadSnailDisease » 08 Oct 2016, 12:02

What's the situation on this? Are you still interested?

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 09 Oct 2016, 14:15

Well, my semester is going 'just okay', but I may have to uphold the actual app.
I've been generally toying with map mechanics, trying to find bugs and whatnot to avoid repeating them in my projects, while also perfecting my layouts and skills in all 3 main categories for development (Coding, mapping & spriting) as to promote my independant map project.
Although what greatly pains me is that I would've had more time after the semester (6-7~ weeks) or before and multiple devs, admins and heads revealed that the server efforts would be wasted on an additional map even thou I would be the only one working on it. That's the main throw-off, otherwise I'd still be fully interested if I were to go on making an independant map.

(Note: I would be okay to help with fixing other maps, but not at a current date as I'd be way too overloaded with homeworks and paperwork, I've been non-stop working lately and using some mapping practice to relax)

It's a long story, but talking with you directly would better explain all the details in person rather than writen here as I've never been much of a good typer on forums (But I think I made the main issues stand out).
I'm still interested, but wouldn't be able to come up with any work whatsoever in the coming weeks, for about 6-7 weeks.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 08 Nov 2016, 13:13

I got some free time this week probably, so I'll try to actually make a security department on a space station, gonna try to make it fully independant with backup power and atmospheric support.
Rooms should be secured with firelocks and such to prevent break-in while still providing easy navigation for the officers to navigate.

Apologize in advance for not providing with more content in the last weeks, again, school has been forcing my schedule.
PS: If you want to actually change my challenge (which is self-choosen) you may do so, I'll check here before friday~ to know if you asked I do something else.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 17 Nov 2016, 19:01

I didn't spend enough time on this to be proud of anything I could/would submit over.
I will seek some holes in my schedule to fufill a more complete and proper gallery of images that would satisfy your requirements, but like usual I cannot be certain to keep this promise as my work partners have been HORRIBLE and my possibilities to change them... None. Thus, I'll be trying to make something whenever able.

Mostly posting, as to keep showing my interest for the application and my deep regrets for not providing with anymore concrete content that goes beyond the poor quality of my lasts.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 18 Nov 2016, 17:44

Obviously not finished, but I decided to redo some parts of the layout and post a small update. Atmospheric isn't there as it's the most complex part imo and the entire area is a dummy showcase for now. I'll be attaching backup power, atmo and keep the entire area secure like I mentionned, for it to work independantly must an emergency arise (And to prove I know some good ol' basics).

If there's anything to say or rework, keep me informed.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by dylanstrategie » 19 Nov 2016, 12:25

Having done mapping work before, I'm noticing you're not using cable bends, you should. Wire knots connect properly but just look awful, try to make full cable lines and only use knots to connect machinery or electrify grilles

For T and X crossings, simply put as many cable bends as there need be to connect everything. Cables are omnidirectional

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 19 Nov 2016, 12:39

Thanks for the tip. Personally I just used wire knots, because from experience they work much better and over several constructions I had noticed some wires wouldn't connect properly. But I guess that's because I was doing some complex stuff anyway and it was in-game.

Either way, I'll fix that whenever I get the chance and maybe I'll risk adding circular hallways and crossroads for fashion.

EDIT to avoid spam: Here's an update on the SecDep.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 30 Dec 2016, 13:17

I did some update to the main Imgur, but I have to start a new sample project to show as DreamMaker somehow corrupted the map save and I made the very basic mistake of not updating the backup during my few days of work. So the station I completed is gone and I decided to actually start a new, better one once more. At the very least the images are there, atmo isn't proper as it runs through wall and so does power, but it's relatively functional and you can see I have some base comprehension of most of this that I acquired over the lenght of my research during my studies.


I would've adjusted the layout to have medical and security nearby, for ease of access. Also, I wen't overboard by giving it a supermatter core, but I felt like due to having the Sullaco running on it, it'd be much more right to have one.
I hope you like most of it, but either way I'll keep going and make more sample work to show over.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 04 Jan 2017, 11:03

Hi again, I learned a bit how SS13 coding works and I find it rather similar to C's serie languages. It's pretty simple to understand and I decided to make a working structure element for an idea that was running around my head for a while.

So here it is, I present you an APC (Static) that's fully destructible:

The walls of the APC were coded in + sprited in, and they're explained in the imgur details.
I can pass them over if wanted, but the code is pretty much taken from reinforced glass pane as both are pretty similar in concept.

If any of you have comments or anything about the mapper application, please do present them, even if you already posted. I barrely get any comments beside the "It looks really nice.", but I want to know what players, people and the staff want to see so that I can orient my expertises in that field and create grittier, special-looking maps if need be.

On that, I wish you all a nice day and thank you again for your time ^^

PS: Wooh, I feel like I'm spamming my own thread, shameful display.
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Rain7x » 04 Jan 2017, 22:07

Sarah_U. wrote:Hi again, I learned a bit how SS13 coding works and I find it rather similar to C's serie languages. It's pretty simple to understand and I decided to make a working structure element for an idea that was running around my head for a while.

So here it is, I present you an APC (Static) that's fully destructible:

The walls of the APC were coded in + sprited in, and they're explained in the imgur details.
I can pass them over if wanted, but the code is pretty much taken from reinforced glass pane as both are pretty similar in concept.

If any of you have comments or anything about the mapper application, please do present them, even if you already posted. I barrely get any comments beside the "It looks really nice.", but I want to know what players, people and the staff want to see so that I can orient my expertises in that field and create grittier, special-looking maps if need be.

On that, I wish you all a nice day and thank you again for your time ^^

PS: Wooh, I feel like I'm spamming my own thread, shameful display.
I'm not a dev;and I certainly am not a mapper, but in my opinion this looks like a great improvement from earlier. I like the pipework and cablework and how easy to follow it is. Also, that APC is pretty awesome.

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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Sarah_U. » 10 Jan 2017, 17:40

List of added images, description past the link:

Full images here:
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Re: Sarah_U. Mapper Application

Post by Bmc777 » 16 Jan 2017, 16:22

I'm going to give you some feedback, I'll be mostly focusing on what I don't like about your maps so expect a lot of negativity. It's not that there's more bad than good, it's just that I don't think I need to point out most of the things you've done well other than a few of the things that stand out.

One thing that I see is a common problem for you across almost everything you've shown is that it still feels like you're not putting a lot of thought into filler content. When you place items/objects a lot of the time it doesn't really make sense where you've placed them. That's probably one of the biggest things you can work on to improve your mapping.

I'm going to try and point out some immediate issues I see with each of your posts. This isn't all-inclusive and some of it is going to seem nitpicky but I hope you find the critiques useful.

I'll start with your post from December 30th:
- Don't use the full pane glass for your windows, it's too blocky. Smooth window transitions look nicer in general.
- The small room with the desks in space in the south-east needs to go entirely. I don't really see why someone would want to just chill at a desk out in space.
- A small example of thinking about where objects should and shouldn't be. The fire extinguisher and first aid box don't really belong in the relatively safe room you have them in, put them in a dangerous room like the supermatter core area where they'll be useful in emergencies.
- I have a hard time understanding what the room with all the chairs and tables in the center is actually supposed to be for, there's just strange table and chair placements everywhere (Chairs facing tanks?).
- The room with the green computers just feels weird. Maybe try spacing out the computers more or something.
- The little supply closet to the north of the main entrance is too cluttered, you'd have to move stuff out of the way to access the objects in the back.

Your solar array area is the one mapping example I have no issues with. Everything makes sense and you've made good use of space. The one exception is you need an APC.

January 4th:
- The APC you've made is a nice idea.
- There are a couple of weird connected wooden to metal tables
- There's a barricade overlapping a flipped table
- The APC just looks like a giant rectangle. I understand you're limited with what you can actually work with for walls so that's possibly more of a spriting issue than an actual mapping issue.
- The gibs suggest that the battle was recent, but the skeletons suggest it happened awhile ago. Pick one of two and stay consistent with that theme.

January 10th:
- The overall shape comes down to being made up of two connected ovals, try for a bit more interesting design.
- Floor patterns are nice for the most part, but the random pattern you went with for the tail section doesn't really work out.
- There's a lot of large empty space. Try to break it up some either by dividing the larger rooms into smaller ones or placing more objects throughout those rooms.
- This map really suffers from the placing of objects without really thinking of why they're there issue I mentioned earlier. For instance, there's a sausage sitting next to a sword and splint in one of the southern rooms. Try to keep each room themed with related objects.
- The teleportation rooms are much too cramped.

This map seems like you regressed a bit. Look back at the things you did well, like the APC interior and Solar Array, and see if you can get in the same mindset you were in when you made those maps. You might just be rushing these examples, if you think that's the case, try slowing down a bit. Quality is always better than quantity.
