Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

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Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Toroic » 22 Aug 2016, 03:26

Fellow xenos, lend me your minds.

For the past week I have been playing xeno, hives have regularly been going through 2 and 3 unrobust queens who tend to rambo into clusters of marines and die.

I'm looking for one of you to step up and regularly play queen, and at a high level

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Egorkor » 22 Aug 2016, 04:11

looking for a party to raid the marines need a queen a praetorian and a ravager, T3+lvl

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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Sarah_U. » 22 Aug 2016, 04:25

:) You've seen me play, you know marines don't like it when I queen.
If I'm correct, when you posted this it was 3AM right? Or was it 8AM?

Sidenote: If I happen to be on and actually flag for alien for queen, hive better be prepared to listen to me or get ahelped for not willingfully dying at my every whim.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by TeknoKot » 22 Aug 2016, 09:13

What is this dating th- I mean, stuff going on.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Toroic » 22 Aug 2016, 09:31

Sarah_U. wrote::) You've seen me play, you know marines don't like it when I queen.
If I'm correct, when you posted this it was 3AM right? Or was it 8AM?

Sidenote: If I happen to be on and actually flag for alien for queen, hive better be prepared to listen to me or get ahelped for not willingfully dying at my every whim.
It's not that they don't exist, they just haven't been showing up the last week.

It's weird for the hive to have a T3 that survives 3 queens.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Renomaki » 22 Aug 2016, 22:19

I myself would gladly like to play some queen sometime, but the problem is I don't like rushing to take the role of queen.

I prefer to ask and wait to see if anyone claimed it first before taking it upon myself. Otherwise it would be rude.

Communication is key to survival, after all. Don't want 3 hivelords when you could have a crusher and a boiler, yeah?
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Polkjm » 23 Aug 2016, 23:09

To me it usually feels like nobody wants to be the queen, and non-robust players take on the role out of nessecity.
I agree that there are a lot of bad queens, but more often than not nobody else wanted to be it that round, so can't really blame them.
I usually play between Eastern 3pm and 12pm the days that I play, and I go queen from time to time. It's a lot of pressure so I go crusher instead most of the time

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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by saronsen » 24 Aug 2016, 15:40

Momma tends to be active around that time.

Her cloaca is poised to fuel the hive.

But no really, if a queen is being a little unsettling in her descriptions and use of Momma, it's probably me. I may or may not have played with you before Toroic. My first run as queen ended up with me dying a couple minutes before the pods launched, and a Crusher (I think it was you) and one or two other xenos surviving to the end.

We killed a lot of people that day.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by Toroic » 24 Aug 2016, 15:58

saronsen wrote:Momma tends to be active around that time.

Her cloaca is poised to fuel the hive.

But no really, if a queen is being a little unsettling in her descriptions and use of Momma, it's probably me. I may or may not have played with you before Toroic. My first run as queen ended up with me dying a couple minutes before the pods launched, and a Crusher (I think it was you) and one or two other xenos surviving to the end.

We killed a lot of people that day.
This all seems familiar. I've learned how to escape and survive being stuck on the pod now, died a number of times attempting it before.
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Re: Wanted: Robust Queen for US central 9pm-12am

Post by DMAN » 25 Aug 2016, 09:49

I'm a single king looking for a queen.
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