As the name suggests, these are a few small ideas I feel would improve the role of pilot and make things much less annoying when using the Rasputin. What and how this would work is in the details!
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
It's getting way too common that I see, as a pilot, SLs getting impatient and just launching it when I'm waiting for people or marines to load up. It currently feels like the pilot does nothing. With these features added, I feel like the pilot can be an organizer of sorts. He can force impatient SLs to wait and properly have people load up. And stop cowardice when some try to escape on the Rasputin, on their own.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
- Make it so that, when trying to move the Rasputin it takes a minute before it initiates launching procedures (on top of the refueling time);
Make it so if the pilot launches from the cockpit it's as it is now, that being that it immediately begins launching;
Add an "anchor" mode that can be triggered from the cockpit by the pilot that makes everyone unable to launch the Rasputin;
Make it so if the pilot stays by his terminal through the entire trip the trip lasts less;
Finally, allow the pilot to cancel any Rasputin launch not done by the CO during that 1 minute period.
More or less covered in details. The only one I'm unsure of his the anchor mode. I feel this is a core part that should exist but I'm unsure how it could be worked in so an inactive CO mixed with a dead/inactive pilot won't make the Rasputin an inmovable rock.
EDIT: In case anyone ever has the interest in supporting this but (like me) notices he value but issues with anchor mode. I did consider a manner of implementing it as of now. It could just be auto-enabled if the pilot is active and on board the Rasputin. Any attempts to launch by anyone except the Commander or the Pilot (while the pilot is on the Rasputin) would pop up on the Pilot's visor as a "departure request". Of course, the Queen using the terminal would also override this.