Complaint against Scrat

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Complaint against Scrat

Post by Evod » 03 Sep 2016, 22:56

Your Byond Key:Evod

Your Character Name: Richard MacReady

Their Byond key:Scrat505, Moderator.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 9:35pm CST, 9/3/16

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
1. Send a personal message (PM) to the violator asking them to explain their actions
2. Investigate the situation
RULE ZERO OF THE SERVER WHICH STATES THAT "Admins (not Mods or Mentors) retain the authority to ignore the following rules at their discretion when they feel it's in the best interest of the current round/server/playerbase at large."

Description of the incident: Banned Evod for EROG for TWENTY FOUR hours with no investigation, now it does say no warnings for EROG under the rules however I was giving a punishment eight times bigger than was stated in the rules without any reason why. This is poor form for a mod to use rule zero, WHICH THEY CAN'T DO. I'm choosing to make a big deal because this Moderator clearly does not understand that my fuck up (EROG) at the end of the round was hardly ruining anyone else's fun seeing as how the server was going to restart in SECONDS(Which is why I presume he decided to extend my ban other than favoring another player over me?) And that he lacks communication skills which is an important skill that a Moderator should have should he decide to bend the rules like an Admin, and not say anything to the person they're banning.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
How you would punish the accused: Revert from Moderator to Trial, being put a probationary period until they learn how to be a proper moderator.
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Re: Complaint against Scrat

Post by Whistle » 03 Sep 2016, 22:58

EORG requires no warning.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Complaint against Scrat

Post by Feweh » 03 Sep 2016, 23:00


ERG is a auto-ban no questions asked or message needed.
Generating combat logs against friendlies once the round ends is ERG.

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Byond: Scrat505

Re: Complaint against Scrat

Post by Scrat505 » 03 Sep 2016, 23:10

I will also note that the 24 hour ban timing was not chosen by myself, per-se. I decided to try out Lazyban, which I had never used, and selected first offense. It promptly delivered 24 hours instead of 3, which I didn't realize until shortly after. If you had PM'd me on byond or something we could have easily cleared this situation up.

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Re: Complaint against Scrat

Post by Feweh » 03 Sep 2016, 23:15

This is resolved.

The 24hour ban will stick as this was an improper Staff Complaint and given how harshly you wanted our Mod punished.
(FALSE accusations may be met with YOU getting punished instead of the accused.)

Had you made a Ban Appeal, we would of properly lowered the time given as it was a simple error.
In the future, read our game rules and forum rules properly.
