Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 15:27


Artyrial Loudain:

Timed Ban:


1 Day?:

1 Day:



Incited a riot/mutiny,did not follow RP guidelines.:

Round start RO decides everyone should get one attachment, which is within his right the commander then agrees with him and backs him up.

It seems pretty dumb to send people into combat under-geared... especially when you have plenty of gear than can help marines fight(E.G. A foward grip so they don't get FF'D in the back by that random bullet that spews out from the spray) so I organise a peaceful protest in the canteen and tell people to stand on the tables against them sending us into fight under-geared the MP's then come along and throw flashbangs at me without saying anything.(Pretty sure the Reg's say your meant to ask people to come in peacefully... and as I was clearly stating it was peaceful protest they didn't need to come in all gung ho?)

I then get carted off to the brig but outside the doors another marine named Carrlos drags me away and sets me free, the MP chases us though and as I'm walking towards them stuns me again instead of asking me to come in peaceful and arrests both of us. We then get left in the brig holding area for about 10 minutes. I still wasn't told why I was arrested or anything.(I mean seriously flashbanging people who are standing on tables speaking and saying nothing back to them seems like pretty shit RP)

Another MP starts beating up one of the prisoners and leaves her in crit and then drags me in a cell and puts me in without saying a word, then increases the time. A BO comes to the brig and says I was inciting a riot when everyone who was with us never attacked or broke anything we all just stood on the tables, the BO then threatens to execute me multiple times and leaves when a couple of prisoners break free.

I stand and watch until an MP runs in with a gun and tries to shot at the prisoners, the MP then pulls out a knife and starts chasing them. At this point I decide to break out of the cell using my rifle. The Prisoner who is in crit is still in the cell and the Carlos who tried to save me earlier is too. Seeing the MP with the knife still running after the prisoner who broke free, I tree to free carlos as well. I then get slept by SLC97 and banned my Mauro for not following the RP guidelines?. When I'd say the mute MP's flashbanging one person who was just standing on a table without saying a thing and then beating up other prisoners were breaking RP?.
Last edited by masterspots on 11 Sep 2016, 18:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Kerek » 11 Sep 2016, 15:30

Carlos Bennett was my name.
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Horace Wallenber
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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 17:47

We just had a staff meeting and one of the major issues we brought up was stopping this exact behaviour at round starts.

Simply given that it handicaps marines completely and its ALWAYS the same players doing it

Mutiny, riot, protesting, sing along... call it whatever you want, it all has the same effect in the end.

As per Apops request... situatuons like these at round start are being dealt with by admins. Infact, ill alert Apop to this one just to see if he agrees.

Edit: looking into the ban time... ill probably change it, 60days is crazy.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 11 Sep 2016, 17:50

So, here's the story as I saw it. Since I was involved, I will leave the ban investigation to another mod or admin.

1. Your ban is not 60 days. Your ban is 1 day. Here is the excerpt from the ban issued Banned by maurovega|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason

2. You two were both involved with starting a riot in the RO line because the RO was making you sign a sheet of paper and only giving one attachment. This is absolutely not okay. Here is the excerpt from the RP guidelines concerning incidents of that nature. If your a Marine - ACT LIKE IT, don't break laws or disobey orders and expect nothing to happen. You can object to "questionable" orders and break laws in RP situations, but you wouldn't be "rioting" just because the RO is a shitler.

You have just awoken from cryo sleep, you don't even know what your mission is, so it is absolutely ridiculous to riot over the RO trying to keep track of who has what from his inventory and only handing out limited inventory especially when the CO went ahead and said it was okay to only hand out one attachment. Attachments are a privelege not a right.

3. The MP that stabbed the prisoner and was doing the shooting was already handled by me, so that is inconsequential to the situation.

When I noticed the massive scope of this situation, I contacted Feweh immediately to assist me and brought Vega in to catch the sides of the stories of Masterspots and Kneez. I explained the riot to Feweh and he told us to ban the rioters. Vega examined the notes on both players and determined appropriate ban times.
We are lately cracking down on the RP guidelines. They have become a serious issue and we will no longer tolerate low RP nonsense like a riot for having to do paperwork and only getting one attachment. I was involved in the situation, so I obviously would recommend the ban stays, but that will be up to either Feweh or TR.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 17:54

It wasn't a riot, We were literally sitting on tables peacefully doing nothing other than "TALKING" Which is what you do to resolve problems?! and instead I get flashbanged stunned and arrested then banned for trying to role-play?!

I try to role-play a situation out instead of what I use to do and I still get banned for it?

Do we all have to become mindless slaves like the aliens now when we play marine to avoid getting banned?

The message I got said 1440 hours

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 17:57

masterspots wrote:It wasn't a riot, We were literally sitting on tables peacefully doing nothing other than "TALKING" Which is what you do to resolve problems?! and instead I get flashbanged stunned and arrested then banned for trying to role-play?!

I try to role-play a situation out instead of what I use to do and I still get banned for it?

Do we all have to become mindless slaves like the aliens now when we play marine to avoid getting banned?

Youre on a military vessel?
What do you think would happen to you if you did that in the military? You follow orders, commander said 1 attachment and you follow that. There is no protesting or rioting because you dont get what you want.

MPs did very well by flashbanging you for that behaviour and there is nothing wrong with it.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:01

Lol what?! You flash-bang people who aren't doing anything when the MP regulations say they should speak to people before they try to arrest?!

What I want? What I wanted was for them not send us in under-geared when they had plenty of gear to give out?!

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 18:11

masterspots wrote:Lol what?! You flash-bang people who aren't doing anything when the MP regulations say they should speak to people before they try to arrest?!

What I want? What I wanted was for them not send us in under-geared when they had plenty of gear to give out?!

Dis-obeying orders and inciting "protest or rioting" is definetly a proper reason to be arrested.

Once again, military ship.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:12

Never disobeyed orders, I just protested that they were dumb.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 18:14

masterspots wrote:Never disobeyed orders, I just protested that they were dumb.

Right, so standing on tables in the middle of a mission convincing other marines to "protest" isnt a valid reason to be brigged?

Fuck me then, I'm a firefighter and if I did that at my station i'd definetly be in a load if shit.
I could only imagine the shit you'd be in if it was the military.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:19

If you are a Fire fighter would you be happy with having to fight fires with your gas mask and no fire helmet or vice versa?

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 11 Sep 2016, 18:24

The MP was handled and the stabbing happened long after the riot in question. The MPs never abused anyone before the riot started.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:24

They smashed someones head against the glass several times at the round start....

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 18:25

masterspots wrote:If you are a Fire fighter would you be happy with having to fight fires with your gas mask and no fire helmet or vice versa?
Well considering you're given the mandatory equipment needed for the mission you're fine. Just like before attachments you were also fine.

The problem is that you and other players are very self-entitled. You feel like you deserve the attachments and everything no matter what. When you dont get what you want, you act out so you'll get it.

Theres a big difference between my Chief giving us mandatory equipment like a gas mask and him giving us extra perks like newer walky-talkies and flashlights. We dont need them, but they definetly help. No one is going to fucking protest though that we didnt get them as we still have our needed and mandatory equipment.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:27

We don't get newer magharnesses we get magharnesses. Magharnesses, Quickfires, Gyros they are game changers. A Magharrnes on your sadar? You can't lose it, A quickfire on your rifle you have an insane weapon that will kill people super quick. A lot of the time this non-required gear is what can and will win rounds?!

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Westhybrid » 11 Sep 2016, 18:29

masterspots wrote:We don't get newer magharnesses we get magharnesses. Magharnesses, Quickfires, Gyros they are game changers. A Magharrnes on your sadar? You can't lose it, A quickfire on your rifle you have an insane weapon that will kill people super quick. A lot of the time this non-required gear is what can and will win rounds?!
Last I checked, the gun you're issued will still kill whatever you're aiming at.

Fancy toys aside, sometimes there's going to be unfortunate instances where you don't get your attachments.
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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:30

Unless your bullet flies off randomly and friendly fires a marine? Oh wait we have 'Non-essential' equipment that meant you wouldn't have hit a friendly lets not give it out and loss marine lives.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 18:30

masterspots wrote:We don't get newer magharnesses we get magharnesses. Magharnesses, Quickfires, Gyros they are game changers. A Magharrnes on your sadar? You can't lose it, A quickfire on your rifle you have an insane weapon that will kill people super quick. A lot of the time this non-required gear is what can and will win rounds?!

Ok you need to understand this.
What youre arguing is a need to change the in-game rules. Right now RO can refuse you attachments, you know this.

Furthermore, we are discussing your appeal and ban. The MPs were dealt with as noted by SLC.

The reason this appeal is being denied is due to the fact that you have a history of this behaviour (borderline almost perma banned).

Because of this, you were banned due to your notes and history. Furthermore, APOP REQUESTED all staff take a harder stance at round start chaos.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:31

Pretty sure this is the first time I tried to peaceful talk about it.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 11 Sep 2016, 18:33

The MP that was stabbing someone did so after one of the marines broke out of prison and opened fire and stabbed someone who was breaking into the brig. Because the stabbing occurred when the shooter had been dispatched, and because I had to talk tot his MP about arming himself with lethals twice that round, he was jobbanned from MP. I am log diving right now to find the shooter.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:36

What about the MP who beat someones face into the glass and then the other one who beat another prisoner into crit, I'd say those a fairly good RP reasons for not wanting to be in jail and trying to free the others without harming the MP's at all. So I fail to see how I broke the RP guidelines?

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 11 Sep 2016, 18:37

I double checked masterspots, you ban was never set for 60days. Seems to be mis-information spread by people not involved in your ban.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:38

Feweh wrote:I double checked masterspots, you ban was never set for 60days. Seems to be mis-information spread by people not involved in your ban.
Sorry when I looked at the message It said 1440 hours. Fixed the original post.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 11 Sep 2016, 18:39

Okay, so I was wrong about the shots fired, I got my situations from that round mixed up, but that just supports my jobban on the MP originally. The other MP slammed someone's face into the glass because all of her equipment had been looted so she didn't have any stuns to detain so she went for this. Brutal yes, but condoneable under the circumstances., and the MP that beat someone into crit was the same one who got jobbanned.

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Re: Ban appeal

Post by masterspots » 11 Sep 2016, 18:43

Westhybrid wrote: Last I checked, the gun you're issued will still kill whatever you're aiming at.

Fancy toys aside, sometimes there's going to be unfortunate instances where you don't get your attachments.
I understand unfortunate instances, such as they've ran out or the powers out. But refusing to give hand them out and making everyone fill out paperwork cause "Lel I can do itz" Is not understandable, Sure if he explained Central command has asked that I keep a tally of what goes in and out here's this complete form to fill in and here's your two attachments, Cool fine I'll sign.
