Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

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Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by Gentlefood » 11 Sep 2016, 20:33

Bug Description: Shoot a hunter/runner with a shotgun and have it get knocked backwards. Watch as it jumps on you anyways.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Shoot Xeno
2. Have Xeno pounce you laughing at your attempts to not die.
3. Die.

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Byond: phil235

Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by phil235 » 30 Apr 2017, 19:35

Can't reproduce. The shotgun stun is pretty short. What you might've seen is the xeno pounce as soon as the stun wore off so you didn't have time to see the xeno sprite change. Unless you meant you shot the xeno with shotgun mid-pounce?

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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by Kerek » 02 May 2017, 20:52

phil235 wrote:Can't reproduce. The shotgun stun is pretty short. What you might've seen is the xeno pounce as soon as the stun wore off so you didn't have time to see the xeno sprite change. Unless you meant you shot the xeno with shotgun mid-pounce?
I've experienced this aswell. If you shoot a xeno when they pounce they get stunned but instead of stopping in air, like they should IMO since they lunge forward and the kick from getting hit, they continue and stun their target even though they themselves haven't been stunned.
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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by phil235 » 08 May 2017, 15:22

Then I don't see it as a bug, shooting the xeno mid-pounce doesn't stop its momentum, the xeno lands on you which stuns you, doesn't matter if the xeno is stunned, it is its weight that stuns you.

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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by Garrison » 09 May 2017, 17:09

So the force of a shotgun blast can't stop the momentum of a pouncing creature the size of a... Tiger? (only in reference to runners, I dunno how to compare hunters)
Edit: To clarify, this is a serious question.

Closest experience I have to this is I once buckshotted a runner mid pounce or just before. Although the Runner still tackled me down, it was in crit.
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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by outordinary » 18 May 2017, 05:40

Shotgun isn't some half life gravity gun man, the momentum of the runner/hunter is going to be greater not to mention it is in mid-air rather than on its toes where it can be knocked off balance, you would need a baseball bat or something heavier to knock it out of its momentum.

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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by tuzz » 19 May 2017, 06:21

If its 00 buckshot going at 1200 fps and all pellets hit, it would slow a 200 pound runner down by 0.25 mph.
So realistically it makes sense, but no comment on whether it is good or not gameplay-wise.

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Re: Xenos can pounce out of shotgun stuns.

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 04:30

Not a bug then, closing

Xenos cannot pounce when stunned and it is currently intended for Xenos to not suffer pushback when pouncing
