TeknoKot wrote:
"hey medic dumbass just go north of caves and treat my wounds, its not like im supposed to die with all these wounds on me already and pop out a bonus player- i mean, larva"
Okay, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.
You sound like a permarine who wants the best of both worlds, SPECIFICALLY to both prevent xenos from gaining larva AS IS THEIR RIGHT FOR CAPTURING YOU, AND wants to retain the ability to be cloned. This sounds extremely selfish.
You SHOULD have an entire squad to try and rescue you, and you can still talk, and you know where you are in the pic. Talk to them?
Xenos are ALSO played by players. Maybe they saw the host with the boomstick and decided that they didn't like the idea of you having 21-23 min to fight out and try to instakill them with your SADAR.
XENOS ARE ALLOWED TO USE SLASHING, if you are NOT nested. If you WERE nested, ahelp it, that's illegal. Slashing IS risky for xenos, as I believe the burst time is 25 min AND marines can get internal bleeding, external bleeding, and infected wounds, but if I saw you as a xeno, I'd slash the SHIT out of you to get dat boomstick off the field. We aren't stupid, IC or OOC, and once you one-shot the first t2, expand takes a secondary priority to "STOP THAT GUY WITH THE FUKIN BOOMSTICK".
The medical system we have graciously allows you to remain out of crit up to -25% hp. Makes marines tough to kill.
How about we lower the threshold to 0% HP? 'rines die quicker now IN GENERAL. No? Okay... how about we make bleeding more deadly, or infections more quick? NO? Okay... yeah.
Suggestions like this are why I'm glad that suggestions in general are being ignored and unimplemented by staff, but, in fairness, I WILL give you one already existing workaround currently in code.
Head to the researcher before you leave. He can make chemical implants. They hold... 30u I believe? Fill one with 15u tricord and 15u tramadol. Have him implant it, OR borrow the CL's implanter. Deathgasp to trigger it. There. You're out of permacrit.