A complaint about two predators

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A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 16:44

Your Byond Key:Lucashunte

Your Character Name:Lucas Oliveira

Accused Byond Key(if known):Coronel jones and Boltersam (that i'm aware of.)

Character Name: Lucas Oliveira, Nevari and Alex

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):16:46 (Brazilian hour).

What rule(s) were broken: Code of honor. (or just dickish acts in general).

Description of the incident: I spawn as survivor, i go straight ahead to the armory as always and i find another survivor, i say to him that i'm going to get into the crashed ship and he waits for me, i see the predators and RP saying "WHAT THE!", i get the gear, i say to the other survivor that there was a tribal man that could defend us, we go in the temple (since i located him near the crashed ship) and we find another survivor in the way, we RP our way to the temple and it turns out there was two predators, we talk a little bit and get scared, bla bla bla, when i try to create a shelter in the temple with the metal i've had he roars, i step back and he fixes the wall, i say "maybe if we create a shelter inside the rocks he'll defend us", so we accidently mine into the tombs and the pred gets a little pissed, we drop our weapons and he take us outside, after that i try to create a proper shelter and then the second predator appears, the girl gets scared and RP it out saying she pushed her finger into the trigger by accident, the predator gets a little pissed and starts to GANGBANG me with punches, i went to crit, she tries to disarm the other predator that was strangling the other survivor and the other predator shots his plasma gun AT HER, we back a little bit but she was too fucked up, i tried to fix her but it was broken bones, i head to medical to get some supplies, kill a xeno and finally get some quick clot, the other survivor splitted up with me while i was getting the girl to surgery and then the predator appears, but this time to help her, i lost track of her because the predator was dragging her around and when i finally find her i got hugged when some hunter appeared and pounced me outta nowhere, marines get to me but i got SADAR'd in the ass.

Conclusion? the guy that thinks i would't do good as predator is circlejerking and can get away with anything he says, pretty fair isn't it? i'm not sure if it was Coronel or Bolter that at least had a bit of compassion to help the girl out, since one of them shot her up for no reason apparently, the fact that they can do that and then GET AWAY with it is retarded, at least give the predators a test to see if they are realy worthy being predators, because that's just stupid.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):Unfortunately i didn't screenshot the things they did, but i'm sure someone can search for the files.

How you would punish the accused: As bad as it is, just suspend the lad that put the girl into crit for doing nothing and gangbanging me with punches to crit, i think everyone should have second chances.

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by DMAN » 19 Sep 2016, 16:46

What a PREDicament. Tighten those leashes. :^}
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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by coroneljones » 19 Sep 2016, 16:52

So to put it in my perspective, the survivors broke into the temple once, I fixed the hole, they later do it again.

I inform bolter, and I said I was going to punish them, So I give each of you a punch, throw you out, and remove a clip from the guns that were dropped, since A survivor tried to shoot at me twice, accident, possibly.

Bolter then arrives and takes over the situation with the strangle, then the other survivor goes to disarm him, they both ran, bolter went after them, I didnt see what happened, what I later see if a survivor with a broken skull, from what bolter said, they knifed them
I gave you a few extra punches for encouraging the break-in, bolter joined in, you had a med kit from what I saw.

Said knifed survivor killed a xeno earlier, I inform bolter that we had taken the surgery tools and that you arrived, so we give her a second chance by fixing her skull, then marines arrive and so on.

The survivors were warned, physically to not go into the temple once, with no consequences the first time, yet they did it again and they just got a few punches.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 17:02

coroneljones wrote:So to put it in my perspective, the survivors broke into the temple once, I fixed the hole, they later do it again.

I inform bolter, and I said I was going to punish them, So I give each of you a punch, throw you out, and remove a clip from the guns that were dropped, since A survivor tried to shoot at me twice, accident, possibly.

Bolter then arrives and takes over the situation with the strangle, then the other survivor goes to disarm him, they both ran, bolter went after them, I didnt see what happened, what I later see if a survivor with a broken skull, from what bolter said, they knifed them
I gave you a few extra punches for encouraging the break-in, bolter joined in, you had a med kit from what I saw.

Said knifed survivor killed a xeno earlier, I inform bolter that we had taken the surgery tools and that you arrived, so we give her a second chance by fixing her skull, then marines arrive and so on.

The survivors were warned, physically to not go into the temple once, with no consequences the first time, yet they did it again and they just got a few punches.
did Bolter realy said the other survivor KNIFED him? what a fucking joke, just look at the logs, all we did was disarm the predator that was strangling our friend, then Bolter fucking shots her with the plasma gun, the only knife that can be found is in the other temple, and we didn't have plasteel to create one either, by the way, pred punches got buffed and they even put me into crit, all we did was to mine our way into the tombs by mistake, after that you all came and throwed us out, the situation could have just ended right there, the temple wasn't even your lodge, so i'm not sure why defend, RP or not, there's not much to see in there, all i wanted was to be a slave, but i guess things can't end well huh?

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by coroneljones » 19 Sep 2016, 17:05

lucashunter608 wrote: did Bolter realy said the other survivor KNIFED him? what a fucking joke, just look at the logs, all we did was disarm the predator that was strangling our friend, then Bolter fucking shots her with the plasma gun, the only knife that can be found is in the other temple, and we didn't have plasteel to create one either, by the way, pred punches got buffed and they even put me into crit, all we did was to mine our way into the tombs by mistake, after that you all came and throwed us out, the situation could have just ended right there, the temple wasn't even your lodge, so i'm not sure why defend, RP or not, there's not much to see in there, all i wanted was to be a slave, but i guess things can't end well huh?
To be fair, I said that bolter knifed THEM, as for the punishment, second time you broke into the tomb one of you even grabbed the war glaive, you were desecrating the tomb of fallen hunters, and you "wanted to be a slave"? seems a bit meta, as for the crit, I actually expected the armor you had to hold up against a few punches, and you had a medkit so you could have fixed yourself
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 17:13

coroneljones wrote: To be fair, I said that bolter knifed THEM, as for the punishment, second time you broke into the tomb one of you even grabbed the war glaive, you were desecrating the tomb of fallen hunters, and you "wanted to be a slave"? seems a bit meta, as for the crit, I actually expected the armor you had to hold up against a few punches, and you had a medkit so you could have fixed yourself
can be meta, but it is the most fun thing to do realy, you teach the survivors to fight and can RP a lot, i had mechanical limbs, but i'm sure you didn't noticed that, about the lad stealing the war glaive...i didn't saw that, but we were leaving, i should have grabbed that damn plasma tool to make a shelter, but instead i asked them to do it for me and they just broke into the tomb by mistake, the first punches were fine, but then both of you started to punch me at the same time, things got a little messy there

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 17:15

Honestly the only issue I see here is the Predators not killing the survivors sooner.
Predators shouldn't be working with survivors, unless it's to enslave them, fight them or force them to fight each other.

Everything you guys did as survivors is actually completely good reasons for the Predators to straight up murder you.
Destroying and building in their lodge give them free reign to murder the shit out of you.

Am I missing something here?

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 17:18

Also, there's some pretty blatant meta-gaming going on here.

The colony was just over-run by aliens who killed all the other humans.
Theres no way in hell a survivor is going to say "hmm let's go hangout with those other aliens, maybe they'll protect us"

UNLESS, the predators specifically did save the survivors. To just walk up to the Predators and assume they won't hurt you though is pretty META.

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by coroneljones » 19 Sep 2016, 17:21

Feweh wrote:Honestly the only issue I see here is the Predators not killing the survivors sooner.
Predators shouldn't be working with survivors, unless it's to enslave them, fight them or force them to fight each other.

Everything you guys did as survivors is actually completely good reasons for the Predators to straight up murder you.
Destroying and building in their lodge give them free reign to murder the shit out of you.

Am I missing something here?
We didnt actually build the lodge in the temple, the xenos were hived in the north east, we took the south west ruins, but thats pretty much about it
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 17:25

Feweh wrote:Honestly the only issue I see here is the Predators not killing the survivors sooner.
Predators shouldn't be working with survivors, unless it's to enslave them, fight them or force them to fight each other.

Everything you guys did as survivors is actually completely good reasons for the Predators to straight up murder you.
Destroying and building in their lodge give them free reign to murder the shit out of you.

Am I missing something here?
As i'm aware of, predators should't be killing innocent survivors, not that they feel bad, but because mostly they didn't challenge or "attacked" them, the thing that gets me most is the fact Bolter used his plasma gun to kill the other survivor and not even dueling him, since nothing would have stopped him from doing so, i was only there to RP and from my character view the tribal men to defend them, all we did was break into the building two times (that could be easily fixed with the metal we had) and Nevari for shooting two or three times, those bullets weren't even going to damage them and they could have easily challenged her for a duel, i'm pissed not because they punched me to crit, but because we all died for the predators, if they didn't had broken her skull, none of the events would have happened

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 17:29

lucashunter608 wrote: As i'm aware of, predators should't be killing innocent survivors, not that they feel bad, but because mostly they didn't challenge or "attacked" them, the thing that gets me most is the fact Bolter used his plasma gun to kill the other survivor and not even dueling him, since nothing would have stopped him from doing so, i was only there to RP and from my character view the tribal men to defend them, all we did was break into the building two times (that could be easily fixed with the metal we had) and Nevari for shooting two or three times, those bullets weren't even going to damage them and they could have easily challenged her for a duel, i'm pissed not because they punched me to crit, but because we all died for the predators, if they didn't had broken her skull, none of the events would have happened
But you aren't innocent?
You're more worthy prey than the Marines.

Think about it, you survived a xeno attack alone with very few weapons. This is more honorable and skillful than any other marine who landed with a bunch of guns.

Your intentions don't matter if you're friendly or nice and want to chat. The predator decides who he wants to hunt, not his target.

This is a little concerning considering you applied for predator and don't seem to be grasping some basic concepts here.

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 17:42

Feweh wrote: But you aren't innocent?
You're more worthy prey than the Marines.

Think about it, you survived a xeno attack alone with very few weapons. This is more honorable and skillful than any other marine who landed with a bunch of guns.

Your intentions don't matter if you're friendly or nice and want to chat. The predator decides who he wants to hunt, not his target.

This is a little concerning considering you applied for predator and don't seem to be grasping some basic concepts here.
But if i'm so honorable, why would they ignore me and punch me without even challenging me into a duel? if i was innocent i would't have weapons with me obviously, but don't you think testing and seeing if i truly was a worthy prey? they could have easily send me away to fight a xeno, but do you realy think shooting the survivor, without challenging or warning him first was a good idea? they would't miss an opportunity of fighting such a worthy prey to blast his face off or punch him until he goes to crit, but i'm sure neither of them wanted to have a fight with us, they wanted to go after the marines or xenos as always, i find it boring a round where there could be so much RP but it all goes to waste because the predator just can't talk with the survivors, i can be a little pissed off, but you should give some trial or something to test the predator at least.

I'm applying to be predator because i don't see any fun in them right now, the predators mostly just wander around looking for worthy people, but i'm doing diferent things, since they are just the same generetic bullshit

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by forwardslashN » 19 Sep 2016, 17:52

I don't really get this complaint. You assumed the predators were going to protect you, went out of your way to find them, the other character shot them, and they responded aggressively. You weren't even killed or crippled by them, which is a lot more than what a lot of marines get, and you're saying it's unfair? They're not supposed to be your friends. Unless there's something I'm missing here, the only one at fault here is you for "rping" meta information.
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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 18:07

forwardslashN wrote:I don't really get this complaint. You assumed the predators were going to protect you, went out of your way to find them, the other character shot them, and they responded aggressively. You weren't even killed or crippled by them, which is a lot more than what a lot of marines get, and you're saying it's unfair? They're not supposed to be your friends. Unless there's something I'm missing here, the only one at fault here is you for "rping" meta information.
So, what i was planning to do was create a shelter somewhere in the caves as i always do, found a predator, from my view my character was thinking it was some local tribe that survived and could have helped us (not that i through they would help me of course) and only to find out they were aliens, when the predator placed the metal back into the wall i knew we were screwed, i asked if one of the survivors could have build a shelter around the area so we would have protection from them since they were defending the place too, the survivor then mines into the tombs and i think that's all the information i didn't gave

I'm going to be completely honest here and express my feelings on how preds are right now, what i did was meta? yes, what the predators are currently doing is fun? not for me, they don't feel like predators, they feel more like B18 nazis that search for people to duel and who ever steps in their way would have their butts kicked, what i mostly try to do (and what i feel like its the best) is to be a slave of predators, mostly because you will have three options, one is to wait for marines to reach the planet and rescue you, two to think marines are weyland trying to silence you, so turn hostile against them, and three (if there are any predators) to be a slave of a predator, since it will be fun for the predator and will be even cooler for the survivors, i can be extremely salty right now, but i just did this complaint because of how Bolter almost murdered our friend, did he tried to shoot the predators? yes, but then again, would't it be easier challenging him instead of just blasting her?

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by slc97 » 19 Sep 2016, 18:30

Here he starts strangling her.
[13:19:56]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) strangled (kill intent) Runesock/(Alex Cardinal)

Here he asks whether to kill or knock out
[13:19:57]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I will knock it out if not.

Nevari Disarms
[13:20:00]ATTACK: RevealingFortune/(Nevari Moore) disarmed Unknown (boltersam)

This is where he hit your friend with a stun bolt
[13:20:11]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) shot Nevari Moore (revealingfortune) with a the plasma bolt (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=193;Y=147;Z=1'>JMP</a>)

Here he throws the one he's strangling
[13:20:01]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) has thrown Alex Cardinal (runesock) from <font color='#6b5d00'>tile at 194, 158, 1 in area the North Eastern Barrens</font> with the target <font color='#6b4400'>tile at 194, 154, 1 in area the North Eastern Barrens</font> (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=194;Y=158;Z=1'>JMP</a>)

He stabs once with scimitar.
[13:20:14]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) attacked RevealingFortune/(Nevari Moore) with wrist scimitar (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)

They both hit Lucas a bit.
[13:20:31]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:31]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:33]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:33]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:34]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:34]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)

[13:20:53]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : They will stay away if they are wise.
[13:22:00]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I will scare them off.
[13:22:16]EMOTE: Unknown/Boltersam : <B>Unknown roars!</b>

[13:22:28]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : They encroached on the burial chamber, we will need walls inside, too.

Now, you decided it was a good idea to come back.
[13:25:28]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : It returned?
[13:26:30]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : The purple haired one is too injured.
[13:28:12]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) has thrown Alex Cardinal (runesock) from <font color='#6b5d00'>tile at 191, 133, 1 in area the South Eastern Barrens</font> with the target <font color='#6b4400'>tile at 187, 130, 1 in area the South Eastern Barrens</font> (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=191;Y=133;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[13:28:23]ATTACK: Alex Cardinal (runesock) was hit by a the SVD Dragunov-033 sniper rifle, thrown by Unknown (boltersam) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=188;Y=134;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[13:29:15]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I only hit it once for shooting me.
[13:29:22]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : Unfortunate, it was the most worthy.
[13:29:54]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) attacked Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira) with lantern (INTENT: GRAB) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)

[13:34:33]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I am more impressed by the purple hair defeating a Runner in single combat.
[13:37:26]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : The injured one did defeat a Runner, perhaps we should allow it the chance to fight once more?

Alrighty, so what I'm reading here is, you guys came in and fucked with the preds' shit. They kicked you out, beat your asses a little bit and ran you off. You came back 5 minutes later and got your asses beat again, and then they actually deemed one of you worthy enough to heal and allow to fight on. The only problem I can see here is that the preds should have killed you earlier.

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 18:38

slc97 wrote:Here he starts strangling her.
[13:19:56]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) strangled (kill intent) Runesock/(Alex Cardinal)

Here he asks whether to kill or knock out
[13:19:57]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I will knock it out if not.

Nevari Disarms
[13:20:00]ATTACK: RevealingFortune/(Nevari Moore) disarmed Unknown (boltersam)

This is where he hit your friend with a stun bolt
[13:20:11]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) shot Nevari Moore (revealingfortune) with a the plasma bolt (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=193;Y=147;Z=1'>JMP</a>)

Here he throws the one he's strangling
[13:20:01]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) has thrown Alex Cardinal (runesock) from <font color='#6b5d00'>tile at 194, 158, 1 in area the North Eastern Barrens</font> with the target <font color='#6b4400'>tile at 194, 154, 1 in area the North Eastern Barrens</font> (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=194;Y=158;Z=1'>JMP</a>)

He stabs once with scimitar.
[13:20:14]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) attacked RevealingFortune/(Nevari Moore) with wrist scimitar (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)

They both hit Lucas a bit.
[13:20:31]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:31]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:33]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:33]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:34]ATTACK: Coroneljones/(Syra'yte Kv'var-de) busted Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)
[13:20:34]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) jabed Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira)

[13:20:53]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : They will stay away if they are wise.
[13:22:00]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I will scare them off.
[13:22:16]EMOTE: Unknown/Boltersam : <B>Unknown roars!</b>

[13:22:28]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : They encroached on the burial chamber, we will need walls inside, too.

Now, you decided it was a good idea to come back.
[13:25:28]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : It returned?
[13:26:30]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : The purple haired one is too injured.
[13:28:12]ATTACK: Unknown (boltersam) has thrown Alex Cardinal (runesock) from <font color='#6b5d00'>tile at 191, 133, 1 in area the South Eastern Barrens</font> with the target <font color='#6b4400'>tile at 187, 130, 1 in area the South Eastern Barrens</font> (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=191;Y=133;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[13:28:23]ATTACK: Alex Cardinal (runesock) was hit by a the SVD Dragunov-033 sniper rifle, thrown by Unknown (boltersam) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=188;Y=134;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[13:29:15]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I only hit it once for shooting me.
[13:29:22]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : Unfortunate, it was the most worthy.
[13:29:54]ATTACK: Boltersam/(Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja) attacked Lucashunte/(Lucas Oliveira) with lantern (INTENT: GRAB) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)

[13:34:33]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : I am more impressed by the purple hair defeating a Runner in single combat.
[13:37:26]SAY: Unknown/Boltersam : The injured one did defeat a Runner, perhaps we should allow it the chance to fight once more?

Alrighty, so what I'm reading here is, you guys came in and fucked with the preds' shit. They kicked you out, beat your asses a little bit and ran you off. You came back 5 minutes later and got your asses beat again, and then they actually deemed one of you worthy enough to heal and allow to fight on. The only problem I can see here is that the preds should have killed you earlier.
we came back to get our gear that they didn't gave us, we were in the border of the temple, so we didn't realy were next to it, i was looking for the metal that i dropped but i'll guess they used all since there was a lot of metal walls where we breached, was the shot realy a disabler? how did she broke her head?

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 18:44

Well, this is resolved.

Through this complaint I've come to realize that you dont really understand predators.

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Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by lucashunter608 » 19 Sep 2016, 18:50

Feweh wrote:Well, this is resolved.

Through this complaint I've come to realize that you dont really understand predators.
I know predators from movies and basic information from the wiki, but i've never read any comics about predators, i did read the wiki quite a lot, as most as i don't understand predators completely, i'm not realy sure why would you deny my app just because you think i don't know exactly what predators are there for, but then again, i'll apply again with more information until luckly i get accepted

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Byond: Feweh

Re: A complaint about two predators

Post by Feweh » 19 Sep 2016, 19:01

lucashunter608 wrote: I know predators from movies and basic information from the wiki, but i've never read any comics about predators, i did read the wiki quite a lot, as most as i don't understand predators completely, i'm not realy sure why would you deny my app just because you think i don't know exactly what predators are there for, but then again, i'll apply again with more information until luckly i get accepted
Good attitude
