Ban Appeal

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Byond: Mr_Freeman101

Ban Appeal

Post by Mr_Freeman101 » 20 Sep 2016, 03:41

Your Byond ID:Mr_Freeman101

Character Name:Cletus "chop"Jones

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Griefer
Admin who banned you (if known):johnkilla56

Total Ban Duration:72Hours

Remaining Duration:71Hours

What other servers do you play on?Only Colonial Marines

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?No

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):Griefer, fired at multiple marines in breifing killing one and disconnected immediatly..

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): The given reason for being banned is not accurate. I never DC'd from the server, I sat dead waiting for what was going to happen either by a Admin poke or to be cloned and sent to the brig.I do have evidence only in the form of a copy paste to Note Pad. I'm not sure if that's admissible or not so I will just link it if asked to. I never murdered anyone in or during briefing. The Rasp and the Pod were already on planet. My intentions were to Follow "Fortun Guevara" the Bravo Team medic, into the RO office and rob him of his pain med's in a RP situation. I walked in to the RO there were two other people,"Noah Kirchner" and "Sarah 'PDW' Cowart". I decided I would close the Emergency Doors to make things a little easier with the theft. I did not just start shooting people up. I used the take hostage mechanic like a stick up on "Fortun Guevara". Then stated in all caps "DO NOT MOVE!" After that "Noah Kirchner" attempted to Disarm me and throw me down. From there own a brawl ensued resulting in their own friendly fire and and my return fire into a chaotic seen resulting in about 3 deaths including my own. From reading chat logs as I waited to see what was going to happen I was blamed for all of the murders and Shooting them for no reason and banned a few minutes later while I waited IN! the server dead waiting for a Admin to message me or to be cloned and face Marine law in game. I did not get a chance to explain the situation in a Admin sit if that was going to happen at all Or face some RP justice by Command.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by JohnKilla56 » 20 Sep 2016, 04:59

i tried pming you thrice but all three times i got the standard client is no longer connected message. i don't know if anything can cause that other than you not being connected so i'm pretty sure at least for a few minutes while i was trying to contact you after the incident you weren't there.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Mr_Freeman101 » 20 Sep 2016, 06:38

There are instances with "Timeouts/Lag" on this server but chat was flowing at the time the ban was dropped. From my "evidence" what little it may mean, I see no messages from a Admin/Mod to accept a chat window. I'm not calling you a liar. I do/did not see anything pop up or make a "bing" like noise.If I was disconnected on purpose I don't think the last thing in my chat would be the Ban message. If I really wanted to be a jerk griefer I would of just shot a grenade at them without reason, or just shot them on sight.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by slc97 » 20 Sep 2016, 07:16

Actually, John, there is a thing I've noticed where when a player dies they will have two player panels. One for their bodies and one for their ghost. If you open the one for the body, it looks just like they've logged out, but the one for their ghost will have them logged in. It's possible you opened the one for their body and that's why it said the client was no longer connected.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by JohnKilla56 » 20 Sep 2016, 22:53

well that might be the case here i mean i didnt see two of them but it would seem the most likely given i was handling two issues at that time

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Mr_Freeman101 » 21 Sep 2016, 00:44

Based off my Appeal I am just curious if the ban still stands. I know I didn't DC from the server. So I'm just wondering based on what I stated if that falls under Fail RP or Grief even though my intentions were not to cause grief, or a hick up in communication to resolve this in a sit and it will be resolved. I really enjoy playing the game and would like to get back in the fight as soon as possible thanks.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by JohnKilla56 » 21 Sep 2016, 01:14

if you wouldn't have d/ced it would have been a much less harsh ban so ill say that i apologize if thats what happened and see about removing the ban early since about a day has passed.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Mr_Freeman101 » 21 Sep 2016, 01:26

That's fine with me I'm still just foggy about the actual ban so I know what I did wrong so I don't do it again. AS far I know I believed it was fair escalation because I was tackled and disarmed punched ect. ect.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Post by Rahlzel » 21 Sep 2016, 01:26

Ban removed. Welcome back :)
