This might be my saltiness from getting instantly grenaded as a Xeno when trying to invade the Sulaco's hangar. but I'm tired of waiting 10 years for the Queen to decide to attack the metal hive only to be killed immediately by Grenades from 30+ marines decimating our entire attack force.
My idea is when the Queen pilots the shuttle, the shuttle "Crash" lands on to the hangar Stunning the marines for like 5-15 seconds giving Xeno's a chance to actually survive the initial landing.
Marines have the option to just stay in the upper decks to avoid the Xeno's once they get stunned, and concentrate on defending the Top deck.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
I think this will benefit the Balance when marines decide to run away with 50 of them still alive and healthy. And to let Xeno's have a shot on actually surviving grenade spam and the mass number of bullets in a enclose space(Hangar and in the shuttle).
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Once Queen Crash lands the shuttle Stun time should be:
5-15 seconds or longer on the lower level(or just enough time for Xeno's to get there shit together once they land)
1-4 seconds on the upper level(like a really short time I'm just using seconds as a reference)
This will apply to the Pod too.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Add stun time when shuttle lands