Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
- Allow marines with bayonets to have a weaker ravager-like charge. Hitting any target while charging deals moderate bruise damage (Maybe equal to 3-5 knife hits)
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
- Allows marines to have a risky move which allows them to drop a Xeno to low hp at the risk of being friendly-fired or be dodged and pounced on.
- As well as a quick movement burst like most Xenos have.
- This does not add any weapon or anything, so this follows the rule.
- Also, allows crappy COs to go 'FIX BAYONETS! CHAAAAAAARGE!' while 3 marines line charge a hall down in Sulaco. Think of all the screenshots!
- Encourages more players to stop adding a million attachments to their weapon and just have a bayonet.
Downsides (I added this so that people could discuss the pros and cons and see if the trouble is worth):
- Higher risk of players going rambo
- Increased chance of friendly fire (From 90% chance of being FF'd to 91% chance of being FF'd)
- (Own opinion) Might be hard to implement? (I'm not an expert on this..)
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
- If a marine has a bayonet in his weapon, one can perform a charge which is a weaker version of the ravager. (Shorter range, lower damage, no knockdown).
- This has a cooldown (Probably in the form of 'You are tired! You cannot charge again.').
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):