Your Byond ID:rev_benji
Character Name:Benjamin Forrester
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Job ban from everything with bridge access.
Admin who banned you (if known):warnipple
Total Ban Duration:Its been a week, I was instructed to wait a week to appeal.
Remaining Duration:n/a
What other servers do you play on? tg, not much though since I started playing this server.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?I have been banned, not currently banned.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):Improper escalation, improper brig procedure.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
The player complaint:viewtopic.php?f=71&t=9231
Heres the short version:I was a bridge officer. Survivor Sars Clayton was looting a corpse of survivor Harry Cowper in cloning, they were about to be cloned. I told them to stop, body blocked them but they kept trying to take items. disarmed them and took their flash. I told them to leave, they did not. I tried to flash them but they had huds, I did not. I told them many more times to leave the area. I said "last warning" "are you going to leave?" they didn't so I shot them repeatedly. I followed them up the ladder where they collapsed from injury.
They got surgery, and I cuffed them when they got out of cryo. They stopped saying anything. I figured they'd probably come back and try to get revenge, so I put them in the brig with a radio if they "woke up." My plan was to send them back to the surface if they started responding. I put the timer at like an hour, not intending them to serve the full sentence. Around this time I got bwoinked, and received jobban. I went to the cell and they were actually logged out at this point. I put them in cryo sleep tube.
A bit later, they came onto the bridge with a stolen ID and face obscuring mask and killed me, tried to hide my body in a locker. They got a day ban for that, too lenient in my opinion, but I digress. Finished up the round as BO without incident.
Why I think I should be unbanned?
Well, for one, I didn't know I had stuns available. This was I think my second or third round as BO and I hadn't touched sec equipment in the other rounds as BO. They had huds, so flash is out. I thought you had to be full MP to use tazers and batons. Actually still not exactly sure on this, but I'm pretty sure BOs can use tazers.
There were no active MPs at the time, pretty sure we didn't have any at all that whole round, or we had one but they didn't do anything. I never saw them but on the crew manifest much later in the round.
The brigging was unlawful, but I didn't know this at the time. I thought it was ok to use it as a "holding cell" or whatever. As I said, I didn't plan on having them actually serve the sentence, I was going to let them out if they said something on the radio. I was afraid of just leaving them somewhere, because of retaliation. Which happened.
I shouldn't have shot them, but at time I didn't think I had an alternative but to either let them freely loot things, or fistfight them. They had sec armor from the planet and I had no armor. so I would have lost a fist fight most likely. Also they had guns.
I made a judgement call, and I was wrong. I'll do better in the future.
rev_benji's jobban appeal
- Warnipple
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- Location: Kanoya Airfield
Re: rev_benji's jobban appeal
Its been a week. I'll say remove it.
I would recommend for you to read marine laws and MP rules and regulations again and abstain from MP duties as Command staff unless there is absolutely MPs on. Which in that case, you should follow marine law.
You've had a previous note on poor MP behaviour which led to the job ban on Command and MP. You reacted poorly to a situation that resulted in a player complaint. The sentencing time was not per marine law and you didn't allow the condemned to receive medical treatment, from what I was told you pulled them out before surgery was finished because you thought it was finished.
Anyway to be brief I'll vouch for the removal of the job ban since you've served your time.
1. Read marine law and MP rules again. Follow it to the dot.
2. If you're going to be in a policing situation as an MP or Command staff, ensure you follow marine law and don't use lethal force.
3. Follow proper marine law when sentencing condemned prisoners. It doesn't change if they're SSD. You let them sit there with the time they deserve for the laws they've broken.
4. No lethal force as an MP or Command staff doing MP work. Which is a follow up of 1 and 2.
5. Stay away from MP duties as Command staff unless there are no MPs available.
Not having stun equipment available is not an excuse to kill a survivor for breaking a petty law.
I would recommend for you to read marine laws and MP rules and regulations again and abstain from MP duties as Command staff unless there is absolutely MPs on. Which in that case, you should follow marine law.
You've had a previous note on poor MP behaviour which led to the job ban on Command and MP. You reacted poorly to a situation that resulted in a player complaint. The sentencing time was not per marine law and you didn't allow the condemned to receive medical treatment, from what I was told you pulled them out before surgery was finished because you thought it was finished.
Anyway to be brief I'll vouch for the removal of the job ban since you've served your time.
1. Read marine law and MP rules again. Follow it to the dot.
2. If you're going to be in a policing situation as an MP or Command staff, ensure you follow marine law and don't use lethal force.
3. Follow proper marine law when sentencing condemned prisoners. It doesn't change if they're SSD. You let them sit there with the time they deserve for the laws they've broken.
4. No lethal force as an MP or Command staff doing MP work. Which is a follow up of 1 and 2.
5. Stay away from MP duties as Command staff unless there are no MPs available.
Not having stun equipment available is not an excuse to kill a survivor for breaking a petty law.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
- rev_benji
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- Posts: 69
- Joined: 07 Aug 2016, 05:56
Re: rev_benji's jobban appeal
Thanks, I can ERT again wew.
I'd like to note that I didn't kill them, but yeah point taken.
I'd like to note that I didn't kill them, but yeah point taken.