Fernando Rodrigez (Undeademon) JobBan Appeal

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Fernando Rodrigez (Undeademon) JobBan Appeal

Post by Undeademon » 08 Oct 2016, 08:24

Your Byond ID: Undeademon

Character Name: Fernando 'Clay' Rodrigez

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-Ban (Doctor)

Admin who banned you (if known): ?

Total Ban Duration: ?

Remaining Duration: ?

What other servers do you play on? Nope, Other than paradise station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? no

Reason for ban : Unsure, but pretty sure it's because I mentioned I wasn't banned from Doctor when I was banned with Researcher.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): viewtopic.php?f=87&t=9187

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I was playing Doctor for the past while, after that Researcher ban, and had caused no cause for concern or break any rules of the server, I fail to see why I was banned from Doctor, while I had been playing that role for the past while.

I mean the fact that you haven't had the same incident due me having access to this role, is pretty obvious that I did not cause any incident to do with Thermite again.

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Re: Fernando Rodrigez (Undeademon) JobBan Appeal

Post by slc97 » 08 Oct 2016, 09:28

So I'm reading your notes. Adminbot banned you for going SSD at roundstart.

The thing I'm wary about is, your appeal for researcher was denied. As a doctor, you can do exactly what you did as a researcher. Since you managed t get yourself jobbanned from doctor as well, my stance on this is that the safest thing would be to unjobban you from doctor when we decide to unjobban you from researcher.

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Re: Fernando Rodrigez (Undeademon) JobBan Appeal

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 14:04

