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- Byond: DravisAxe
by DravisAxe » 10 Oct 2016, 22:38
Your Byond ID
Character Name:i used random name randy something
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):7 days
Admin who banned you (if known):infantpunter
Total Ban Duration:7 days
Remaining Duration:7 days
What other servers do you play on? none i am new i see video and friend told me
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? none i see video friend told me
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):reason griefer baldy underwear shooting
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):?
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
my friend told me game was like cod and shoot people so i get gun and shoot people then admin tell me to join deathmatch something so i left but when i come back to ask cause i cant find deathmatch i am banned
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by Warnipple » 10 Oct 2016, 22:43
Do you want to get permabanned? Because thats how you get permabanned.
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by completelynewguy » 10 Oct 2016, 22:45
What the admin was referring to is that this server is NOT CALL OF DUTY.
We role-play, meaning we act in character and play our roles, much like a movie or book.
This also means that you're expected to act like a soldier and by extension, a normal human being.
Being a bald 30 year old man that starts shooting his fellow soldiers, shortly after being awakened from their cryogenic sleep is NOT acceptable or realistic and it ruins other people's rounds.
Don't expect this to be appealed or shortened.
Infant Punter
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by Infant Punter » 10 Oct 2016, 22:46
Right, I had to ban you because you picked up the first gun you found and started shooting the everloving shit out of the first person you saw in the cryorooms while in your underwear.
You also said that a friend told you that the game was just shooting people, and when I asked the friends name, you said it was... Dravisaxe. So, yourself, I guess?
Anyways, you had a horrible misconception as to what this game is about, from wherever you truly heard about it.
Ignorance is not an excuse, man.
bring it nerd
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by slc97 » 10 Oct 2016, 22:58
So, in my opinion, you shouldn't have your ban lifted, but you should have a chance to improve. I want you to look at these 3 links.
These are our server rules:
These are our Roleplay Guidelines:
And this is our wiki:
These 3 links are going to tell you absolutely everything you need to know about how to play on our server, so give 'em a read over the next few days and come back with a better understanding of how things work, okay?
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- Byond: DravisAxe
by DravisAxe » 10 Oct 2016, 23:05
his name is Dravis Axe in game he said so i took his name as my username i will read the ones up there slc97 thank u
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- Byond: Feweh
by Feweh » 11 Oct 2016, 00:48
Read the rules and guidelines that SLC posted.
This is not a deathmatch server.
Next time you start randomly killing players you'll be perma-banned.