QuarianCommando job banned from Specialist

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Byond: QuarianCommando

QuarianCommando job banned from Specialist

Post by QuarianCommando » 15 Oct 2016, 02:49

Your Byond ID: QuarianCommando

Character Name: Mishka Martinak

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Unknown

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: N/A

What other servers do you play on? Hippie Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Previous bans on Hippie Station.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Can't remember the exact reason given, but I remember what happened.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Returned fire during briefing one someone who shot me with my own sidearm, somehow the shot "missed" the person who shot me, despite the wounded marine dropping a pistol with the exact same mods as my pistol, with the mag missing the exact same amount of rounds as were fired at me.

Fast forward several minutes, I'm deployed on the planet doing my job. Squad mate calls me back the LZ, and I walk into an ambush set up by a couple of my squad mates and an MP. So I ran, because people were shooting at me, and nobody took the time to explain why I was being ambushed by my own men on a hostile planet. Every now and again, I would take cover and pop a few rounds to slow down my pursuers, which at this point was roughly half of the deployed marines on the server. The chase took roughly six minutes, maybe more, before I was cornered by a line of marines who proceeded to empty their rifles into me. I hadn't killed a single person during the entire chase.

Admins only intervened after my death, I suppose they were enjoying the show. It was actually a pretty fun chase, all things considered, and I'm pretty sure everyone except the MP and my one squad mate who wanted my blood for whatever reason enjoyed it. Admin pinged me, said I was getting a perma ban from specialist for my trouble. I asked if I could get a week ban from the server instead, since the role I was playing had very little to do with my actions. He said alright, banned me for a week from the server, and I still have the perma specialist ban. I suppose I should have been a little more specific about what I was asking for, so he could have said no and saved me the week ban.

I'm appealing because I believe that my actions only warranted a server ban, even if it was a month instead of a week. Nothing about this situation would have changed if I were a standard marine versus a specialist except for engagement distance. The only specialist equipment I used during the entire affair was my rifle, and I probably would have been better off with a standard pulse rifle. I never used my grenades against marines, and I never used C-4 against them. Before the ambush, I had been working with the rest of my squad in fighting off the xenos, and I only fell into the ambush because I thought my squad mate was calling me to pick up materials I had requested that my squad needed to survive.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: QuarianCommando job banned from Specialist

Post by Feweh » 21 Oct 2016, 13:47

