gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

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gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 25 Oct 2016, 20:57

Your Byond ID :gatokabum

Character Name:Arnald ''Tex'' Blackburn

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 3 day ban

Admin who banned you (if known): feweh

Total Ban Duration: 4320 min

Remaining Duration: 3 days

What other servers do you play on? none

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? i've been banned yesterday, litteraly, my first ban.... yog station banned me on my first day of byond.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): "Returned from 24 hour ban, instantly wanted to start a mutiny. Do not return again to this server without understanding the rules. This is a Medium RP server, your behaviour and attitude isn't tolerated."

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):cmon man, i was talking with the GameAdmin WestHybrid, mind you i've read the rules, nothing there about command doing a shit job, i said, "guess i'll join MP, might be a good thing to vary from marines, i'll throw a mutiny just to spice things up and make the round less boring for the people inside the station right?" wrong. got called a asshole for no reason, quite the rude thing mind you, i did NOT insult the admin in any form or way, and get called asshole, when i question his decision he opens my file see i was banned, thats ok, i was banne, saw just the ban, continued to be a total rude asshole with me, I was beeing patient with him and saying it is a dick move to call someone asshole out of nowhere ( not in those exact words mind you) and, out of the blue, comes feweh, nothing to do with the conversation, and bans me, for t h r e e days not even a warning, i'll quote the rules right here.

Rule 0. Admins (not Mods or Mentors) retain the authority to ignore the following rules at their discretion when they feel it's in the best interest of the current round/server/playerbase at large. However, they will be fully accountable for their actions should they choose to exercise this privilege. If an admin says something is a rule, and you disagree, FOLLOW WHAT THEY SAY AND MAKE A COMPLAINT ON THE FORUM. Do NOT excessivly argue with them, you WILL receive a ban or extension on your ban.

Rule 0.1 READ ALL THE RULES. By playing on the server, you are confirming that you have read ALL of our rules (not just some or a few). Ignorance is not an excuse and breaking rules without reading may extend your punishment.

1- I didnt grasp the rules, and was curious why I wasnt able to do a muttiny, and wasnt going to settle with a "NO YOU CANT NOW SHUT UP, NO MORE QUESTION WHY NOT", so i began to ask WestHybrid why not and give some situations. I've read your rules thru and trhu, and when you say you'll not be warned, you say "End of Round Grief is an IMMEDIATE 3 hour ban with no warnings." <-- see? "with no warnings", the first rule doesnt have it, so by definition you should warn me before the ban

2 - I did read ALL of the rules, unlike paradise station, you guys dont have a catch word in the middle of the things and the rules are very strict, the rules on mutinys are imcomplete, or it is a unspoken and unwritten rule that mutinys can only be held if command is doing a shit job. as you can see here, and i quote the mutiny law on paragraph 5.

Mutiny - Mutiny is not allowed unless an Adminhelp is made giving the reason before you start. Also, you must follow these rules:

The situation MUST be role-played.
The commander MUST be given a chance to stand-down peacefully
You MUST have the support of SEVERAL other marines (at least 5, no single man mutinies)
Uninvolved marines should be given the chance to remain uninvolved. They *might* shoot if they see you firing on the commander without a reason. Try to subdue them, WITHOUT lethal force or explain the situation.
Minimize Losses (use either non-lethal force ONLY, or give all marines who oppose you a chance to stand-down)
Do not start firing until you have been fired upon

see, no law about that. you may want to edit your rules man. I rest my case.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 25 Oct 2016, 21:01


West was really nice with you, I was there.
After telling you you couldn't do a mutiny you then sat in a wheelchair with a fire-extinguisher and said "watch me i'm going to rocket around".

I don't think you're mature enough for this server, as you don't seem to be grasping the server rules or how to conduct yourself.

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 25 Oct 2016, 21:02

thank you feweh, i can see you are a really undestanding guy, hah

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 26 Oct 2016, 18:37

hey, and what about reviewing your rules? I'm no attorney but I can see some loopholes here and there.

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 26 Oct 2016, 18:42

As a future attorney, I'll tell you exactly what I tell everybody. The rules are similar to a constitution. There are enumerated powers and implied powers within the American Constitution. Similarly, the rule set enumerates us as staff power over the rules directly written. Our implied powers are interpretations of the rules to cover loopholes. Furthermore, we are directly adding in a rule that refers to the "rules as intended" rather than the "rules as written".

Also, the warnings section that you harp on does not refer to saying if you keep doing this rule break, I'll ban you. It means that you have received a warning for similar behavior in the past.

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 26 Oct 2016, 18:56

sorry? I mean, you're like a higher power right? like the 3 powers on one, not criticizing just trying to understand, so you are "made" to counter loopholes, i mean shoudnt you guys follow a code of conduct? like a rule book for admins, i mean like a emperor you are still affected by the rules, and i didnt understand you last sentence there, i mean, you dont have to warn me before a ban even if the rules dont say you dont have to? Again not criticizing. just trying to understand.

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 26 Oct 2016, 19:04

also, before I got my first ban i was thinking about playing something like 40+ rounds and aplying for mod, this will stain my curriculum right?

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by Jay Burns » 26 Oct 2016, 19:04

Actually, we do follow a code of conduct, those rules are there so we get full berth moderating since they are blanket statements rather than direct things that say what you can and can't do, so we don't have to list down every powergaming/meta action.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 26 Oct 2016, 19:06

gatokabum wrote:also, before I got my first ban i was thinking about playing something like 40+ rounds and aplying for mod, this will stain my curriculum right?
You will be denied due to your last 2 bans.

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 26 Oct 2016, 19:09

yep, thats what i thought, not even after like 100+ rounds? I mean... forget it

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by Jay Burns » 26 Oct 2016, 19:11

gatokabum wrote:yep, thats what i thought, not even after like 100+ rounds? I mean... forget it
It's not about a number of rounds you have played, its if you have proven yourself as mature and level-headed enough to handle the responsibility of mod

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Re: gatokabum's 3 day ban appeal

Post by gatokabum » 26 Oct 2016, 19:12

Feweh wrote:You will be denied due to your last 2 bans.
also feweh, you denied this request, shoudnt it be showing a X instead of a -> ?
