Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

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Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by completelynewguy » 26 Oct 2016, 22:00

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Add to the Marine Law about insulting and/or offending a superior officer.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Make getting brigged over calling the CO a cuck a thing. Make the Bridge look shittier when they brig your SL for making an offensive joke.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Add to the Marine Law somewhere:

"Insulting or offending a superior officer is a minor offence. The offender will have the minor crime of 'Insulting/Offending a Superior' on their record. But it can be interpreted as Dereliction of Duty as the offender is too focused on insulting their superior, rather than their duty. Punishment for 'Dereliction of Duty by Constant Verbal or Written Harassment': Placed under supervision in the Brig for 3 to 10 minutes. "

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Add the suggestion to the Marine Law page on the wiki.
Last edited by completelynewguy on 29 Oct 2016, 14:15, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Damarik » 26 Oct 2016, 22:06

While I agree that insubordination/slander is a briggable offense, offensive jokes seem to fly around this server like mosquitoes in the bayou. Much like disobedience to the Queen Xenomorph, how often do you expect this to actually be acted on? I mean, at least you guys have a way to punish... but do you really think people are going to take it seriously?

Despite my above thoughts, I +1 this idea.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by YungCuz » 26 Oct 2016, 22:19

Theres gonna be aloooooooooot of people in the brig. +1 Ayyliums
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Fitchace » 26 Oct 2016, 22:37

+1 What I do as a superior is to ORDER that individual to stop making those comments thus if he says something again you can brig him for breaking a law and charge him with insubordination.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by coolsurf6 » 26 Oct 2016, 23:58

This will make MPs way more fun!
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Renomaki » 27 Oct 2016, 00:25

Fitchace wrote:+1 What I do as a superior is to ORDER that individual to stop making those comments thus if he says something again you can brig him for breaking a law and charge him with insubordination.
The sad part is, due to your name alone, all it does is egg people on.

All because Carson is a "meme", people think it is funny to try and fuck with him, but all that does is hurt the marines as a whole. A recent round where the PO, for no reason, decided to push Commander Carson because of his meta reputation disgusts me. People will do anything for 15 minutes of fame, I swear...
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by MrJJJ » 27 Oct 2016, 04:22

Just use insoburdination if they disobey a order, not for the fact they called you a "cunt", seriously, this is like putting someone in jail for pushing a marine for 15 minutes


Additonal Note: Also, since due to "mah brotherhood and mah friend" this can cause a lot of sudden MP deaths and CO to rise

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by completelynewguy » 27 Oct 2016, 09:02

To help and address any concerns about the Bridge:

If you know your shit about the Bridge positon and have your feelings hurt by bad jokes and insults, get the fuck out of Bridge. Either you head to Cryo or you deal with it and don't go on a powertrip.

Realistically speaking, arrests made on the claim of insulting a superior officer will only happen on rounds where the memers, Russians, and shitlers are present.

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by forwardslashN » 27 Oct 2016, 20:55

I read this suggestion as hurt fewehings.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Jakers457 » 27 Oct 2016, 22:06

-1 On another server I play on, they got rid of the offending an officer law because it was redundant and people used it as a universal sentence to arrest anyone they wanted.

Also, it would either result in a weakened ground force or cause mass riots.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Jeser » 29 Oct 2016, 06:22

If someone after retreat will say: "Motherfucking command, you left marines down there, we told you to send it up ON SIGNAL, but you did it earlier" You will order to brig that person? Most likely, half of retreated marines will think same way, MP will get shot and so will you. Dissobeying the order is a legimate reason to brig person. Insulting will lead to unnecessary wounds and deaths.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Azmodan412 » 29 Oct 2016, 08:47

Nothing to see here.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Jumes » 29 Oct 2016, 08:53

Because the CO needs his safe place from bullies. -1

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Jroinc1 » 29 Oct 2016, 13:57

Azmodan412 wrote:UCMJ: Article 92: Failure to obey order or regulation. +1
Stow that shit. Don't joke about that.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Helgraf » 29 Oct 2016, 14:00

+1 sure.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by completelynewguy » 29 Oct 2016, 14:23

I added a little bit more to it.

And now, for background on why I made this suggestion:

One round, a PO called a CO a cuck and a toliet-licker.
The CO arrested the PO. Eventually, the CO had the PO stripped of his uniform and headset.
PO ahelps the legitimacy of being arrested. I mark his ahelp and we have a minor discussion on how retarded it is to brig and demote the only person onboard that can make the dropships go faster. I suggest that either of us make a suggestion about this.
While this is happening, I manage to get the attention of the marines by telling a mod about the situation. We both viewed it as appropriate to make fun of the CO (and by extension, the Bridge) by making a MOTHER report pointing out the Rasputin being 62% efficent because the CO brigged the PO over the PO saying some mean, mean words.

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by LordLoko » 30 Oct 2016, 15:27

+1 to this

completelynewguy raised an interesting problem and I don't feel the insurbotination cover this.
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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by Snypehunter007 » 19 Jan 2017, 10:31

Marine Law has been updated.

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Re: Marine Law: Hurt Fewwings

Post by forwardslashN » 19 Jan 2017, 15:59

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