Ban appeal
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Ban appeal
Your Byond ID: Mattmaster77
Character Name: Carl 'Dad' Winston
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Slc97
Total Ban Duration: Perma
Remaining Duration: Forever
What other servers do you play on? Hippie, Goon, (long dead) Apocalyptic Gaming
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Goon once, same with Apoc, none on Hippie
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Reason: Classic MAttmaster. He got mad and punched a guy to death. The guy was new and accidentally released the SM. He didn't even know he'd done it. So Mattmaster decided instead of Ahelping or calling MPs to beat him to death with his own fists. I've personally talked to Mattmaster about this multiple times. He doesn't learn. It's time to file for perma...
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Date of incident: October 30th; 6:40~ PM
"He got mad and punched a guy to death." So what SLC was trying to say is that I directly beaten my MT, who was "new" to death, by directly punching him which immediately resulted in his death. Now if you looked at the logs you can see that he tried to fight back with a screwdriver, he didn't land a hit but he managed to hit a connector port, so that caused me to continue fighting him until he was knocked out. As for not ahelping I've dealt with many situations where the admins would take the easy route and reply to me "Solve it IClly" or just ignore me flat out, so I didn't bother, I've gotten too used to it. As for beating him, I did it until the XO told me to stop after he was knocked down a second time, the first time I got a weakened on my second punch. I broke his ribs by punching, nothing more, nothing less, no weapons involved on my part. He ruptured his lungs by running at me with a screwdriver trying to stab my eyes, there was a medic who didn't try to defib him apparently, and the XO pulled (not grabbed) the MT out of the Engine Room (where he (MT) could have taken rad damage before the fight).
"The guy was new and accidentally released the SM." Do you have proof that he is new, besides his word? No. Does the military assign new, untrained maintenance technicians to a ship where it may encounter hostile forces where it would require trained personnel to handle situations? No. Do you press a button which you don't know what it will do but is surrounded by caution marks. Survey says! No. (including Apop): ... ton#p69071 He didn't bother to ahelp mentors for directions, which there were some on, if you are going to give me flak for not ahelping, then he also should be given some as well. He knew to switch to harm intent and was aiming for my eyes with a screwdriver, he knew better.
"Mattmaster decided instead of Ahelping or calling MPs to beat him to death with his own fists" There is no guarantee that the admins would have pulled through an ahelp with me anyways, as he had claimed he was new. That is why I acted the way I acted, not anger. But more on the sense that I wanted justice for what he had done, since he had completely shat on Engineering early on by ejecting it. I did not kill him, I broke his ribs, and he ruptured his lung by continuing to fight me, losing blood by the XO dragging him out of the core room, along with possibly taking radiation damage from the SM, he would have lived. The XO didn't intervene, only called MPs during the fight, who never arrived until minutes after the fight. I'm not going to lie to you and say I feel guilty because I don't, he had known better than to not eject the SM. The lethal force rule is vague as it doesn't say that punching someone until a bone breaks is a no-no. I asked him if he ejected the SM, he said no, I checked the SM, then checked with the XO if the MT I talked to was the one who ejected it, XO said yes, so I went to the MT and asked him again, he said no and I punched him, he fought back which was a sign of consent in terms of lethal force, Slc told me to look at the rules, yet I didn't kill him, he walked around with a broken rib, rupturing his lungs, and most likely giving himself radiation damage killed him.
As for the "negative" notes, is there really any "positive" notes out there, and do they get deleted over time, if not for both, then it's going to stack up against you over time since new staff get added, along with their own interpretations of the rules and their interpretations of situations. Slc upped my 4 day ban up to a perma when I tried to stress it to him that I only broke the MT's ribs, not killed him directly (causing the kill blow) with my own hands. I don't have exact logs since it's been a day ago.
As for the griefing of "multiple marines", I don't know where you (whoever approved and applied the perma) got that from, but that's not true when it's a single MT that broke the camel's back.
The only rule where I feel would be the issue is Lethal Force, it says that it can be illegal which is what I won't deny. "THIS DOES NOT PREVENT IC CONSEQUENCES SUCH AS DEMOTION OR ARREST." (copied from the rules) SLC, you told me that I should read the rules, and I looked them over and over, I don't see how this can be griefing if there was an arguement, me and the MT disagreeing with the fact he released the SM, a physical altercation, him and I punching eachother, and weapons being drawn, him pulling out a screwdriver. Lethal Force protects me in this scenario, is what I did illegal in Marine Law, yes, against the Rules, no.
This is my word against Slc's and I ask that no bias is towards any party during this appeal, only the facts provided, I'm not going to argue against my notes since it's well done in the past, but this is what broke the camel's back, so I'm going to contest this since it's what I feel an illegitimate permaban, and I'd like for Apophis himself to investigate this situation fully since his job is to make sure all appeals, applications, and complaints are processed fairly and without bias.
Character Name: Carl 'Dad' Winston
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): Slc97
Total Ban Duration: Perma
Remaining Duration: Forever
What other servers do you play on? Hippie, Goon, (long dead) Apocalyptic Gaming
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Goon once, same with Apoc, none on Hippie
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Reason: Classic MAttmaster. He got mad and punched a guy to death. The guy was new and accidentally released the SM. He didn't even know he'd done it. So Mattmaster decided instead of Ahelping or calling MPs to beat him to death with his own fists. I've personally talked to Mattmaster about this multiple times. He doesn't learn. It's time to file for perma...
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Date of incident: October 30th; 6:40~ PM
"He got mad and punched a guy to death." So what SLC was trying to say is that I directly beaten my MT, who was "new" to death, by directly punching him which immediately resulted in his death. Now if you looked at the logs you can see that he tried to fight back with a screwdriver, he didn't land a hit but he managed to hit a connector port, so that caused me to continue fighting him until he was knocked out. As for not ahelping I've dealt with many situations where the admins would take the easy route and reply to me "Solve it IClly" or just ignore me flat out, so I didn't bother, I've gotten too used to it. As for beating him, I did it until the XO told me to stop after he was knocked down a second time, the first time I got a weakened on my second punch. I broke his ribs by punching, nothing more, nothing less, no weapons involved on my part. He ruptured his lungs by running at me with a screwdriver trying to stab my eyes, there was a medic who didn't try to defib him apparently, and the XO pulled (not grabbed) the MT out of the Engine Room (where he (MT) could have taken rad damage before the fight).
"The guy was new and accidentally released the SM." Do you have proof that he is new, besides his word? No. Does the military assign new, untrained maintenance technicians to a ship where it may encounter hostile forces where it would require trained personnel to handle situations? No. Do you press a button which you don't know what it will do but is surrounded by caution marks. Survey says! No. (including Apop): ... ton#p69071 He didn't bother to ahelp mentors for directions, which there were some on, if you are going to give me flak for not ahelping, then he also should be given some as well. He knew to switch to harm intent and was aiming for my eyes with a screwdriver, he knew better.
"Mattmaster decided instead of Ahelping or calling MPs to beat him to death with his own fists" There is no guarantee that the admins would have pulled through an ahelp with me anyways, as he had claimed he was new. That is why I acted the way I acted, not anger. But more on the sense that I wanted justice for what he had done, since he had completely shat on Engineering early on by ejecting it. I did not kill him, I broke his ribs, and he ruptured his lung by continuing to fight me, losing blood by the XO dragging him out of the core room, along with possibly taking radiation damage from the SM, he would have lived. The XO didn't intervene, only called MPs during the fight, who never arrived until minutes after the fight. I'm not going to lie to you and say I feel guilty because I don't, he had known better than to not eject the SM. The lethal force rule is vague as it doesn't say that punching someone until a bone breaks is a no-no. I asked him if he ejected the SM, he said no, I checked the SM, then checked with the XO if the MT I talked to was the one who ejected it, XO said yes, so I went to the MT and asked him again, he said no and I punched him, he fought back which was a sign of consent in terms of lethal force, Slc told me to look at the rules, yet I didn't kill him, he walked around with a broken rib, rupturing his lungs, and most likely giving himself radiation damage killed him.
As for the "negative" notes, is there really any "positive" notes out there, and do they get deleted over time, if not for both, then it's going to stack up against you over time since new staff get added, along with their own interpretations of the rules and their interpretations of situations. Slc upped my 4 day ban up to a perma when I tried to stress it to him that I only broke the MT's ribs, not killed him directly (causing the kill blow) with my own hands. I don't have exact logs since it's been a day ago.
As for the griefing of "multiple marines", I don't know where you (whoever approved and applied the perma) got that from, but that's not true when it's a single MT that broke the camel's back.
The only rule where I feel would be the issue is Lethal Force, it says that it can be illegal which is what I won't deny. "THIS DOES NOT PREVENT IC CONSEQUENCES SUCH AS DEMOTION OR ARREST." (copied from the rules) SLC, you told me that I should read the rules, and I looked them over and over, I don't see how this can be griefing if there was an arguement, me and the MT disagreeing with the fact he released the SM, a physical altercation, him and I punching eachother, and weapons being drawn, him pulling out a screwdriver. Lethal Force protects me in this scenario, is what I did illegal in Marine Law, yes, against the Rules, no.
This is my word against Slc's and I ask that no bias is towards any party during this appeal, only the facts provided, I'm not going to argue against my notes since it's well done in the past, but this is what broke the camel's back, so I'm going to contest this since it's what I feel an illegitimate permaban, and I'd like for Apophis himself to investigate this situation fully since his job is to make sure all appeals, applications, and complaints are processed fairly and without bias.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban appeal
Your Perma ban is a extension of your other notes and awful ban history.
So you arent appealing your last ban, as that no longer matters.
Further-more APOP is the one who approved this. There is nothing further to investigate.
So you arent appealing your last ban, as that no longer matters.
Further-more APOP is the one who approved this. There is nothing further to investigate.
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Re: Ban appeal So you are telling me he approved of something he wasn't fully aware of?
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Re: Ban appeal
I'm appealing the ban that got me the permaban.Feweh wrote:Your Perma ban is a extension of your other notes and awful ban history.
So you arent appealing your last ban, as that no longer matters.
Further-more APOP is the one who approved this. There is nothing further to investigate.
EDIT: Slc originally told me I was getting a four day ban, but then escalated it to a perma request because I stressed that I broke the MT's ribs.
- Feweh
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Re: Ban appeal
Yes, Apop processed your perma-ban just today. (I just double checked.)
This is denied, you need to appeal your PERMA-BAN as we've already investigated your last ban and it will stick given your history.
Your perma-ban appeal should include reasons as to why you should return to the server, as we've already deemed you no longer suitable in the community.
This is denied, you need to appeal your PERMA-BAN as we've already investigated your last ban and it will stick given your history.
Your perma-ban appeal should include reasons as to why you should return to the server, as we've already deemed you no longer suitable in the community.
- slc97
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Re: Ban appeal
I'll go ahead and pop in here and just explain real quick why I escalated this to the perma boards.
You and I have multiple times discussed your excessive uses of lethal force. There was the time that you got hit by a crowbar, so you turned and shotgun blasted the guy in the face because you didn't want to give him the helmet the CO ordered you to give him. There was the time a guy was shit talking you IC, you told him to shut up, and then you murdered him. There was the time that a guy took your seat on the pod, so you stabbed him in the head multiple times with a bayonet. Now there's this.
We try for rehabilitation here. I've tried many times to explain to you why this is an improper use of lethal force. Every time you try and justify it with something unjustifiable though. You justified the shut up killing by telling me it was sometimes okay to kill someone for shit talking. You justified the crowbar killing by saying it was okay because he smacked you once in your fully armored chest. You justified the pod seat attack because it was okay to stab him in the face multiple times because you weren't planning to kill him. You justified punching this guy to death by saying that his broken ribs killed him, not you. Except you broke his ribs.
In the end, you do not take responsibility for your own actions. This lack of accountability is what led me to taking this to the permaboards. I do not believe you can be rehabilitated at this point in time as you refuse to accept any culpability.
You and I have multiple times discussed your excessive uses of lethal force. There was the time that you got hit by a crowbar, so you turned and shotgun blasted the guy in the face because you didn't want to give him the helmet the CO ordered you to give him. There was the time a guy was shit talking you IC, you told him to shut up, and then you murdered him. There was the time that a guy took your seat on the pod, so you stabbed him in the head multiple times with a bayonet. Now there's this.
We try for rehabilitation here. I've tried many times to explain to you why this is an improper use of lethal force. Every time you try and justify it with something unjustifiable though. You justified the shut up killing by telling me it was sometimes okay to kill someone for shit talking. You justified the crowbar killing by saying it was okay because he smacked you once in your fully armored chest. You justified the pod seat attack because it was okay to stab him in the face multiple times because you weren't planning to kill him. You justified punching this guy to death by saying that his broken ribs killed him, not you. Except you broke his ribs.
In the end, you do not take responsibility for your own actions. This lack of accountability is what led me to taking this to the permaboards. I do not believe you can be rehabilitated at this point in time as you refuse to accept any culpability.
- apophis775
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Re: Ban appeal
I'm going to investigate this personally. Please post any evidence/statements here.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- slc97
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Re: Ban appeal
Here is all of the evidence that was posted in the perma request.
- Biolock
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Re: Ban appeal
You have a terrible habit of thinking that because you didn't SEE the person die, you're not responsible for their death. Like... if you throw a guy into a horde of xenos and then walk away, you didn't kill him, the xenos did. While that's TECHNICALLY true, you can't honestly plea innocents through technicality.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban appeal
apophis775 wrote:I'm going to investigate this personally. Please post any evidence/statements here.
Lifting this.
However player will be under probation for 30days.