A small bootcamp area for ghosts to play paintball or RP while waiting for the round to end.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Instead of wanting to play as Ayys, a lot of players end up ghosting or closing the game client as soon as they die or get nested. It'd be nice to have another area to RP or practice combat in without having to wait possibly a few more hours for the round to end.
It may also however lower the number of alien players even more, so bear this in mind.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Add another verb to the ghost tab "Join as Recruit" with a warning that cloning is forfeited etc. Once accepted you wake up in your bunk on Bootcamp island with a new random name (to avoid confusion of it being an afterlife) ready to rek some nerds with paintballs. The top recruit is awarded with a JELLLLLLLLYY DONUT. Drill Sergeant Apop occasionally makes an appearance to shout abuse at skrubs encourage them to GIT GUD.
Probably a good idea to disable harm intent too.
It could also serve as an alternate Emergency Beacon response by calling reinforcements from the recruits (but that ain't part of the main idea so myb ignore this part).
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Devs are love, devs are life.