Wewbombing Predator

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Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 20 Nov 2016, 22:57

Your Byond Key: Neray

Approximate time and date of the incident: Around 21:15.

Description of the incident:
Predator with unknown name got on board of Sully. After being arrested by CO and band of marines (around 15+ bodies) he desided it's a good time to suicide-explode lower deck next to tcomms to pieces, killing more than half of the ship's crew with it, including CO, BO and all MPs. First explosion was followed up with a small second one (about 15 seconds later) exploding a single east airlock and thus venting the rest of the corridor. I smell both pred abuse and admin abuse here, so please, investigate it, if possible.

How you would punish the accused:
That's a perfect example of bpredating (marines just retreated from the planet with VERY high casualties and he basically killed ~70% of their remaining manpower), so I suggest revoking that person's access to them. As for second explosion, it's just a side info, since it's a player report, but I would like to hear why it was so necessary.

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Sarah_U. » 20 Nov 2016, 23:02

Not me, I was the last pred and rushed out when I heard it was a pred round. Got killed by ancient hunter 733~ while trying to duel it (I blew up 2 pred bodies PLANETSIDE to keep their honour).
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:02

First one from the pred was legit. The second was an accident on my part and was reviving any and all that were killed in the second blast. I Even Repaired all the damage done and repressurized the area. I was going threw a major lag spike and got about 20 popups, Tried making a mother report, that didnt pop up. Apparently i didnt click on the mother report verb but the one below that which was the cause of the second explosion.

I do appologize for the inconvenience.

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 20 Nov 2016, 23:09

First one from the pred was legit.
I would like to argue with that. Lore-wise predators are usually exploding for two reasons: 1) They're going to die 2) INFESTATION.
As for this pred, CO and MPs were defending him from marines, so he wasn't going to die. And no sign of aliens as well. Personally, I think that was a really dick move. First he rushed on Sully, even though marines were losing hard and lots of ancient aliens were running on the planet (about choosing hardcore targets and stuff). Secondly, he got easily captured and desided to suicide right away (-10 points to robust and honour).
Last edited by Neray on 20 Nov 2016, 23:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Shyguychizzy » 20 Nov 2016, 23:09

Interesting, well you can scratch meh name off it for I presume this was earlier in the round, can you estimate what time it happened, I was not aware of these events? I Shyguychizzy (Ka'Torag-na Halkrath ) joined as predator around I'd say the 2 hour and 4 minute mark, or 2 hourish I would say. Was on planet for the most part then died minutes later on planet not detonating, later detonated by another fellow pred (due to being found dead in which in a way is respect for detonating our fallen as well being sure no one gets our tech). That is my part or my side of the story or what I was doing during this round, feel free to check logs as well if you wish(Referring to any staff member in which is investigating this).
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:12

The job of that pred was to reclaim stolen pred gear. And was then stripped of his own. so he activated his bracer to avoid failing his duty which failure would have meant dishonor

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 20 Nov 2016, 23:14

TR-BlackDragon wrote:The job of that pred was to reclaim stolen pred gear. And was then stripped of his own. so he activated his bracer to avoid failing his duty which failure would have meant dishonor
Which leads us to another pred that rushed Sully not long before that to claim CO's life, even though marines were dying in tens to ancient/elite aliens...

As for explosion, well, I guess it's fair enough.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:17

Well he didnt rush the sully on his own free will. he was sent to recover an Elders Gear that was desicrated

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 20 Nov 2016, 23:19

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Well he didnt rush the sully on his own free will. he was sent to recover an Elders Gear that was desicrated
That's a very long chain of interconnected events. Also, I saw that first pred talking about "I got on board to murder CO" in dead chat.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:22

Well that one I didnt know about, But the one that blew up near research was trying to recover pred gear and then leave. But was unable to complete said mission due to the researcher wearing the gear so he went after the researcher to recover the lost gear. Which didnt end well.

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:24

So Neray, Is this resolved?

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Renomaki » 20 Nov 2016, 23:29

I was the CO.

To be honest, I don't blame the pred for blowing himself up. Despite my efforts to peacefully negotiate with it, the marines kept trying to kill it, me constantly struggling to hold off the swarm of angry marines. He probably blew up thinking he was going to die to an angry mob, and chose to die with dignity than be humiliated like he was before his death.

I am not bothered at all about this, although I was curious as to how the explosion reached out further than expected.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 20 Nov 2016, 23:29

TR-BlackDragon wrote:So Neray, Is this resolved?
I guess, yes. Thank you for your time, Dragon. Since I wasn't around observing when first predator was doing his dark deeds, if somebody else will want to report his unfair choice of the target, well, it's up to them.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 20 Nov 2016, 23:31

I had stated what the second smaller one was, it was accidental and I was reviving those that died by it. only had like two people actually respond to it though

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Feweh » 20 Nov 2016, 23:39

Being captured by Marines while attempting to retrieve Predator gear is a valid reason to blow up on the Sulaco.
Infact, blowing up and doing as much damage as possible is the most honorable way to go.

Marines need to understand that if you take Predator gear, expect to be hunted down.

Other than that, the admin extra bomb was admitted as a mistake so you have your answer for that.

Any other questions?

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Aracino » 21 Nov 2016, 08:36

Well, marines really don't know that or else meta Feweh. Then again, you probably shouldn't stick on some fuckin gross Jamaican quad mouthed monster things mask. Not really meant for human skulls. But people like pred gear because "muh stats".

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Feweh » 21 Nov 2016, 09:34

Aracino wrote:Well, marines really don't know that or else meta Feweh. Then again, you probably shouldn't stick on some fuckin gross Jamaican quad mouthed monster things mask. Not really meant for human skulls. But people like pred gear because "muh stats".
Really not a good excuse of "marines dont know that because of Meta". People love to pick and choose what meta-knowledge they know all the time.

Will never punish anyone from running away from the preds bombs. However its very logical that if you took high tech equipment that youd presume maybe the giant alien would want it back?

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Boltersam » 21 Nov 2016, 11:39

Feweh wrote:Really not a good excuse of "marines dont know that because of Meta". People love to pick and choose what meta-knowledge they know all the time.

Will never punish anyone from running away from the preds bombs. However its very logical that if you took high tech equipment that youd presume maybe the giant alien would want it back?
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 21 Nov 2016, 12:52

Boltersam wrote:Action will be met with reaction. Force with force. Aggressiveness, with aggressiveness.

The moral of the story is if people decide to attack and try to kill something or someONE for no good reason, they will be met with similar actions.
It all started with non-Elder pred getting on board to murder CO. He failed, his equipment got captured and so on and so on.

The only question left is why that pred targeted CO is a first place. Marines were losing badly and aliens had way more juicy honourablu targets. But, well, I digress.
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Boltersam » 21 Nov 2016, 14:15

Neray wrote:It all started with non-Elder pred getting on board to murder CO. He failed, his equipment got captured and so on and so on.

The only question left is why that pred targeted CO is a first place. Marines were losing badly and aliens had way more juicy honourablu targets. But, well, I digress.
That's a separate issue to make a report for, as you made a report for them exploding, which is allowed.

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 21 Nov 2016, 17:09

Actually the pred gear that was trying to be recovered was the gear of the elder who was nicknamed the hero when all he did was kill a crusher he was hunting before getting swarmed then draged away by marines. then stepping on a mine and dieing. and then being taken up to the sulaco and then brutally disembowled by the researcher. lol

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by slc97 » 21 Nov 2016, 17:27

He died doing what he loved.... Being in excruciating pain.

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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Neray » 21 Nov 2016, 21:20

slc97 wrote:He died doing what he loved.... Being in excruciating pain.
*takes off his helmet and cries*
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Re: Wewbombing Predator

Post by Feweh » 21 Nov 2016, 21:51

