Add a targeting harness attachment for baldies; SMG and Rifle attachment; a ghetto retrofit counterpart of Smartgun technology.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Reduces overall levels of FF albeit at a fair price.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
New targeting computer attachment; either for underslung or barrel.
- Pros:
- Moderately increases accuracy (targeting computer helps with accuracy).
- Weapon ignores FF (targeting computer directs weapon to avoid friendlies).
Cons: - Reduces projectile damage (byproduct of venting mechanisms to help supplement automated ballistics aiming; reduced muzzle velocity).
- Sharply reduces fire rate (targeting and control systems aren't as advanced as those on the Smartgun; takes quite a bit of time to readjust/reacquire targets).
The Idiot Proof Baldie Special: Magnetic Harness + Targeting Harness.
The Friendly Sniper: Rail Scope + Targeting Harness
Also to preempt what I'm sure is going to be an obnoxiously recurrent argument, no this does not step on the toes of the Smartgun, because the Smartgun has ungimped burst fire, fire rates and damage with 200 rounds, and if you're a robust specialist that can extract good mileage from a SADAR or other weapons, you're probably better off getting attachments that don't utterly gimp your DPS because you know how to avoid FF.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Minor coding changes + spriting.