Jay Burns wrote:In my opinion, he is not a man to be celebrated.
There were a lot of people in history that aren't worth celebrating, but you still gotta respect respect the fact that the guy (along with many, MANY others before and after him) for being one of those game changers.
His actions rocked the course of history. Some of them had indirect effects on the world, while others were more direct. His existence influenced the creation of quite a few things big and small, and in general, he contributed to the world and helped lay the bricks to our current future, no matter how small those bricks were.
At the very least, he lived one hell of a crazy life, and to witness so much in his lifetime is more than most people probably ever will.
He started out life a good person, turned into an asshole later in life, and upon dying.. I'm not sure if he died an asshole or redeemed himself before death, but hopefully he had enough time to contemplate his choices in life before he withered away into the dark, discovering what lays on the other side.