To go into specifics, I would pm the attacker to hear their end of the story, as well as contacting any witnesses/other parties involved to see if there was anything not mentioned involved.
This is a good thing to keep in mind, thank you.
I see. I've tried poking around on private servers to make an attempt to get myself used to basic things staff would be doing, but the rank differences are still something I'm a bit shy about. This is a good thing to keep into consideration.
Got it. I'll keep in mind to check back with this person in a few minutes to make sure they aren't frontlining or doing any other rule break.
This is a great thing to keep in mind. I'd likely forget to wrap my mind around small details, so thank you for this reminder. I'll definitely remember.
Check with the others is something I need to keep in mind. Thank you. The marine being dishonest would likely be a common thing from a marine being upset about being arrested, so the best I could do is verify from a witness/witnesses and check logs to find any other pieces that would complete the story.
No other staff being online doesn't excuse involving oneself in a case they are involved in. The only exception would be if the medic is ignoring other people and causing mass grief. Otherwise, the best thing to do is to ask for assistance on staff server from other staff to see if anyone can provide assistance from there.
Ahhh, round start shenanigans would be very realistic for this situation. Round start shenanigans aren't ingrained in my mind enough, haha. I'll definitely keep it in mind. This is also a good clarification, as I might've gotten confused with a grey area in practice about the gear distinction outside of things like spec gear. Thank you.
I'll definitely keep this in mind. My brain goes straight to worse-case situations where there would be around a dozen people or the like. I also thought that asleep was a command for admins, this is very handy! The way you described would definitely be the better option for smaller groups. Thank you for that clarification.
Ahhhh all right, I get what you're saying. My mind usually goes to the worst, as previously mentioned. And logs would definitely be something I should check first if not clear, thank you.
I figured this question regarded SOs and XOs as well, but I would for sure inform the council if it was focused more on a CO. Like you said, it'd likely also be a RP infraction as well, so it would be important to inform them, as well that whitelisted players are valid to be judged with OOC rules as well as council guildelines.
Ah, shoot. I was working on my responses with a document and I guess it didn't translate over correctly. My intended response was that seeming I already issued a note, I would pm them telling them being disrespectful may lead to punishment and inform them to make a staff report on the forums if they don't agree with the decision. If the behavior would continue, I would give a 3 hour chillban. As previously stated in one of my other answers, staff are volunteers and don't need to tolerate toxicity or hostility.
This is great to be reminded of. I haven't played any other servers besides CM in a long while, so I forgot this could be a variable worth explaining.
I'm a bit shy in this area with handling other staff members, so the best idea that pops in my head would to be to speak with them directly if their ahelp isn't finished with ruling, or taking the subject to the respective manager if they already finished the case. I apologize.
Got it. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I definitely would have been a bit concerned if it happened in practice.
To say "only" to certify people on discord is wrong. However, I understand where the thought could come from. I said in a staff channel that helping with certifications on the discord is one of the things I would like to do as a mod (or similar). I like the idea of helping in areas that need it, and certifying is one of the areas that seems to have lacking personnel with assistance, like reporting logs on the forums, which is also another task that I hope to be able to take up. I want to volunteer to help in many different ways that I can. Of course, I've had some people mention how exhausting it sounds. But in a general way, I want to help in areas with larger workloads. This does not mean I would be offering less of a hand for in-game moderation, as my meaning was service in many different areas.
I hope I was able to give acceptable responses to yours or anyone else's concerns. If there is anything else you'd like to ask me, don't be afraid to ask. My discord tag is Frog#6006 for anything less warranted on the forums.![]()