Moderator Application
Personal Information
Byond ID? Tempelers
CM Character? Virginia Markso
Are you 16 or older? Yes
Timezone Pacific Standard Time (UTC-7)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 20 hours at least, but my recent activity is very active.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? While I don't have any experience moderating in SS13, I do have experience moderating some Roblox servers (I know right) and several RP Discord Servers.
Do you play any servers aside from CM-SS13? The Wasteland, Goonstation, and I rarely play Yogstation
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: I haven't applied for anything else.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? I am not, no.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No, I have not.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? No, I have not.
Are you familiar with the chat program Discord (its use is required)? Yes
Communication is a vital part of being a Moderator. Are you willing to actively do so with the team? I am fully aware that communication is a crucial skill to being a Moderator. I'm fully aware that I'll have to coordinate and help with other staff members.
Common Staff Situations
A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him. What's the context? Actions always have meaning, nothing is EVER random. Was it intentional to get grief someone else's experience? Was it on accident?
There are hundred more variables, but each one has their own response. I would speak to them about it and develop a response based on their answers.
A player ahelps that a predator has violated the honor code when killing him, what should you do? Tell them to talk to one of the Predator Councilors to figure out if it was really an Honor Code breach, if it was then they should PR it.
You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost at roundstart. I would attempt to find out if there is a SEA online, if there is I would subtlemessage them to go help the poor soul. If there isn't I would mentor help to figure out if any mentors could go SEA.
If absolutely no one was on, I would tell the CO/XO to go train them as they would be next in line.
A player is being very rude to you in adminhelps, calling you names and arguing everything you say. He is requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member. Let an Admin+ deal with the situation. There isn't any reason to keep fighting an uphill battle, they've made their mind and I can't stop them.
A player ahelps that a marine is named 'John Doe', how do you deal with this? If the John Doe player ahelps me to have their name changed, I would oblige. If it was another player, I would talk to the John Doe about naming guidelines as John Doe isn't an IC name that makes sense in the Aliens verse.
You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green and there has been no threat to the ship in the round at this point. This is a simple IC Issue. I would attempt to figure out if they attacked another marine/human with their gun, if they did then that could be potential grief.
A Marine ahelps that they were killed by a survivor. It is early round, the Marines have just landed, and the survivor claims that they were outright hostile to all Marines from the get-go and openly stated their intentions. How do you deal with this? Is it a CLF/Hostile Team Survivor? If so, then it's a simple IC Issue, but if it isn't. The Marine would be ahealed and the survivor would be warned. Hostile survivors are STILL banned no matter if warning is given. I would of course have to check logs to make sure the survivor actually killed them.
You receive an ahelp from a player stating that an MP has locked them up in permanent confinement for running into Requisitions and taking an attachment that was laying around. I would attempt to find out if this was a metagrudge/intentional to grief or pull someone out of the round. A potential MP JBAN or short ban could be handed out if so. If it's a new player, I would tell the CMP off because they're supposed to be watching their MPs. I would also send a fax to the brig to have the marine released if they already served their FTFP timer. If they didn't then they can be put in a normal cell for the rest of the amount.
The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other? Use QM to give them a disappointed QM and tell them to push the dropship to take control of the LZ DS. If there's a shipside event I would talk to the event host and have them speedup the event.
You are playing as a medic, and another medic overdoses all your patients and prevent marines from being revived. It seems like it may be on purpose. How do you deal with this situation? I would attempt to hand it off to avoid being called out for bias or anything like that. If there aren't any other admin this could very easily be mass grief which results in either a medical jban or a heavy note depending on the circumstances of the round. Of course, I would communicate with other staff about the issue to see if they knew more.
The round ends, a Marine starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member ahelps about being killed after the round ended. Was the CLF surrendered/arrested? If so then it could be EORG. CLF are still hostile after the round ended which means marines can kill them at their leisure. There's an entire section for this on the wiki.
A Marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start. You receive an ahelp from one of the victims. As long as they aren't stealing mission sensitive equipment it should be an IC Issue. If they did steal such items, I would talk to them about how that's not okay and tell them to give the items back.
You receive an ahelp from a Marine saying that he was killed by another Marine. When you ask the murderer why, he said it was because the other Marine had punched him. This is simply improper use of force, there's a point to when self defense stops. As long as the marines who punched them didn't lay like twenty punches in. I would need to check combat logs to figure out what exactly happened.
You find out that there is an improper mutiny occuring. The mutineers are rallying together and preparing to storm the CIC. How would you attempt to resolve this situation? Tell them to knock their shit off and find out why a mutiny is happening. If CIC broke a rule then I would have to punish them alongside the mutineers.
There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it. If someone isn't having fun, no one is. I would attempt to reach a peaceful solution. The people who are laughing can't be touched as humor is subjective.
A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off. I would need to aheal all the marines that died to the gunman before dealing with the marine who shot everybody up. I don't want any marines to go perma because of some dickhead. A easy perma ban on the griefer would be handed out alongside a search if they weren't multikeying. If they were I would also ban their account.
You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines straight from the Xeno hive the second they burst and die. This is LRP of the highest order and could even be mass grief if done repetitively. A simple LRP warn would be handed out and if they decide to feed larvas into getting killed that could mean further actions such as a Xenomorph jban or heavy grief warning.
You see a Xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat, as well as insulting the Queen. This is simply LRP, I would do XOOC to tell them stop if there are multiple. If it's a single bad actor then I would have to talk to them.
A Xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different Xeno player ahelps that it's low role play to call it a "dropship". Was it intentional? Did the Xeno call it that to ask the Queen what the meaning was because they heard a marine say it? This is a situation that would require chatlogs checking to find out the circumstances of the word being dropped. If it was said for no reason/they wanted to, then LRP
A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet. You receive an ahelp from a marine regarding this. Did a survivor give them a fax/phone call to confirm xenos? If they did then it's not an issue at all. If they didn't then it would be looked into and could maybe get an LRP note.
You find a Marine killing another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself. There are two other marines in the pod along with him. I would ask why the other two marines didn't kill the marine who just killed their friend on the DS. If the evac pod was the only one left/xenos are close by then it's an IC issue. I would also ask the marine who shot why they didn't just squeeze into the pod with the others.
If the marine did it when there were plenty of other pods/no threat then it would be griefing.
A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'. I would stand by my justifications and tell them why the warning was valid, but I don't want things to get too heated. Further warnings could be handed out if need be.
A player ahelps saying he was hugged by a Xeno when he was ssd, and wants the larva be removed from him via admin powers. How do you handle the ahelp? Not much can be done about this unless special circumstances such as someone intentionally lagging the server out to get free caps and such. In that case a perma ban would be handed to the ddoser/lagswitcher for exploiting and cheating.
You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforce a rule. I would tell the staff member about their wrongdoings, but if they proceeded to argue with me I would tell a manager to sort it out and get it done.
Two staff are arguing in msay if an ahelp is breaking a rule. Because the staff who took the ahelp thinks the player broke a rule, they ban the player based on their interpretation of the rules, with others thinking the person was fine. What would you do? As long as they aren't going at each other's throats, I would ask for a manager to handle the situation so they could figure it all out.
Why would you like to become a moderator? MrDadMan said I should apply for staff and here I am. I've always wanted to mod for CM, but was warded off from applying until due to the complexity of SS13. I know it can be a pain in the ass to work with.
In your opinion, what is the most important quality for a moderator? Responsibility and accountability are the main qualities for a member for staff. Standing by your opinions and your actions as staff grow reliability and trust within the community. Judgement is also a very good quality, but less important than accountability and responsibility.
Anything else you want to add? Nothing else.