Yautja Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID: Katskan
Discord ID Kane#2159
Marine Name Phelan/Fenn Nyx
Character Information
Name of the Yautja Character you wish to play Krrati
What clan are you joining? Other (Minor Clan)
If Other (Minor Clan), what is the Clan Name? Tarn'Ka
If Other (Minor Clan), Minor Clan Lore Clan Tarn’ka
Clan Tarn’ka deviates slightly from the normal expectations of hunter culture. While they maintain the honor of combat and leadership amongst the warriors, they see in science the same struggle of adaptation and improvement practiced by hunters in honing their skills. To the Tarn’ka, honing one’s technique in killing is both a function of individual combat skill as well as their development and preparation by advancing their tools. Tarn’ka have been known to seek out new forms of life to investigate, hunt, and study over life forms that they know are worthy prey, with the exception of XX-121 serpents. An example of this would be if a Tarn’ka hunter were given the choice of hunting human prey or a herd of elephant, they will likely choose the elephant purely on the basis that they do not have experience with the creatures. They will seek to learn the particular adaptations and hazards that the elephant brings to the hunt, and incorporate them into their own future tactics and strategies. Thus the Tarn’ka hunting patterns tend to be widely adaptable, displaying a degree of tenacity and dogged perseverance not seen in many other clans, as they will exhaust and adapt their methods to suit their tasks. Tarn’ka hunters have been known to replicate traps, use local wildlife to their advantage, and have even been observed taking samples from particularly dangerous prey for their scientist and worker castes to study. A Tarn’ka warrior was once suspected of having hunted during the Vietnam war, later employing similar traps utilizing snakes sequestered in pits and tunnels to distract and test their prey. This attitude extends into the expectations that Tarn’ka warriors have of foes they encounter on hunts. A Tarn’ka will display a much more far-sighted concern for the seizure of any of their fallen hunters or their equipment, as they show awareness of the potential for hostile forces to learn from them the same way that the Tarn’ka learn from their prey. In many ways, they could be considered “logically outraged”, with many of their inter and intra clan conflicts being generated by an insult not necessarily to the individual, but an affront to the contribution toward progress and improvement of either clan or individual.
Yautja Character Story Krrati had been tracking for two days before discovering something most unusual. Amongst the numerous creatures of this world, several were not previously cataloged. Most interesting of all, however, was the discovery that some of them were implanted with a small electronic device on their backs between the fore shoulder blades. The large felines likely possessed a sort of semi-living hair or pseudopod cells rich in chromatophores, as they shifted and matched their coloration subtly to their background, making them appear to be semi-transparent. Krrati discovered this on the second kill, during butchering. When the device was discarded, humans came to investigate. It was easily surmised as a tracking device, but the question was why? The humans that came were not warriors, they were not hunting prey, and they were not trying to control the creatures. It was a puzzling development, something not described in previous hunting expedition logs against human targets. Krrati noted with some amusement the rudimentary, natural version of camouflage the jaguar possessed in comparison to her own much more advanced, technological capabilities. As she stalked the creature on its own hunt, it seemed not to notice her aside from the occasional sniff of the air. Krrati had distilled a mixture made from local mushroom, moss and roots to mask any scent she may leave. The jaguar’s senses detected something wrong, but couldn’t quite place it. As she followed, the creature spotted prey. A wave of coloration flowed across its body, making it appear ethereal as if it were made of smoke. Slowly, carefully, it approached a moderately sized canine as it feasted on the remains of a carcass it had found. The jaguar’s technique mimicked Krrati’s, it approached slowly and carefully from an angle that would give it advantage should the canine look its way. The jaguar’s body was cloaked in shadow, with harsh sunlight giving it further advantage of contrasting glare. The wind was aligned with this approach as well, neutralizing the canine’s keen sense of smell. Years of practice came together into a kill that lasted almost four and a half seconds. Unlike the canine, the jaguar neither ate carrion nor in the open. It knew the risk, and carried its prey off toward a secure location. Krrati noted the prints of human boots in the mud, slightly dried from the previous day when they were left. Great care was taken to avoid the motion-sensitive camera network which snapped photos and video of the method by which the jaguar moved through the brush with its kill. A particular behavior of note was the way in which it stopped periodically to groom the corpse it carried, cleaning blood so that it left no scent trail. Krrati took mental note of the technique, recalling many times she had read of hunters found by their prey’s pack by following blood or viscera trails. The jaguar continued moving into deeper vegetation, nearing its shelter. Before it had even arrived at its usual feeding area, Krrati had nimbly ascended into a perch to survey the area and detected another hunter. It fancied itself civilized, more advanced, but the human’s thermal tarp and earthwork position did little to obscure it from Krrati’s careful eyes. She had seen this kind of “textbook” prepared positions that humans made, called “blinds”. It was simple to avoid any danger, for it was constructed with many zones it could not observe. The human inside was not patient, but their instinct railed against their senses and made them fire prematurely. A small slug went wide, missing the jaguar and burying itself into a tree with a flash of splintered wood and dirt. The jaguar, being threatened in its home, immediately engaged with vicious intent. It took a moment, smelling the cordite charge from the hunter’s weapon, and pounced through the air. It landed on the tarp, finding difficulty in targeting the human underneath. Its claws shredded the tech-laced fabric indiscriminately, rage and panic mixing as it knew it was not biting into flesh or bone. The human grunted and cursed, angling to keep the confused jaguar up and away from their delicate body. Finally, it gained an angle and another flash rang out as the second slug punched into the jaguar, stunning it and delivering its noxious payload. The jaguar continued struggling a few moments, but dropped limp. The feline’s savage eyes tracked the human angrily as it stood up and gave the jaguar’s hide two hearty slaps, saying “easy now”. It rested, and a few minutes later another three unarmed humans could be heard swishing through the brush. Together, the four of them began to haul the jaguar away. Krrati followed closely, observing the apparent nervousness of the human hunter as their instinct continued to alarm danger. It was evidently distressed, though it did not know why the sensation did not pass with the neutralization of the jaguar. The humans reached their camp, a small pocket of civilization carved out of the wilderness. Apart from the one hunter, the rest of the humans present seemed blissfully unaware of any danger, casually ignoring the many devices that had been set to verify incoming creatures as friendly. Krrati waited, watching them go about normal, known human behaviors in their camp save one, who carefully examined the jaguar and typed slowly and deliberately at a data storage device. It was then that she knew her target. Night came slowly, bringing with it an increasing tide of precipitation. Krrati smelled it approaching, carefully ascending in the trees to disable her camouflage before the rain did it for her. The human hunter sat high in a stand overlooking the camp, drowsy but using some kind of stimulant to maintain watch. The hunter’s heat contrasted sharply with the cool rain that lulled the camp into sleep. His eyes slowly began to recognize something wasn’t right. The rain and sway of the forest was not the only movement out beyond the camp. Blood began slowly rushing, eyes dilating, and heart pounding. He had no way of knowing these involuntary responses sent up what may as well have been a signal flare to his opponent. At first he thought the jaguar’s mate may be looking for it, but none of the perimeter alarms had been tripped, sentries had not fired, and his own trained senses saw no reason to doubt them. One of the camp floods suddenly went dark, but when he turned his scope toward it there was no sign of damage. He had no way to know that a small thrown disk had severed the power line to it down below. With his attention elsewhere and the rain blocking any sound, the heavy footsteps of Krrati went unnoticed as she moved around him. The hunt nervously reached for his comm relay, but barely thumbed the transmit button before he felt an enormous strength heave him out of this perch and into the mud below. Dazed and not finding his rifle anywhere around, he barely drew his sidearm before he saw the towering effigy above him. His wild aim successfully hit the alien’s leg as it swung in to kick his weapon, snapping his wrist in the process. The movement had exposed Krrati to an attack she did not expect, and the hunter rose up to bury a knife into the flesh at her hip. She wheeled on the hunter, throwing him bodily across the camp’s center again, stunning him. She hefted him up, examining the catch. He continued to struggle, attempting to beat her with his broken wrist flopping against her arms and shoulder as much as with his intact fist. His spirit was admirable, but not quite the challenge she hoped for on this hunt. Disarmed and injured as he was, she dropped him to lay in the mud, turning to where the jaguar was penned. She was surprised to find a quivering human standing in her way, clutching at the mercenary’s pistol as if it would bite him. The scientist yelled at her, “Stay back! I’ll shoot!”. The quick translation system wasn’t needed, Krrati knew this feeble creature posed no threat. He flinched as a flash of lightning and thunder shook the camp, and Krrati’s fist sent him to the ground, shivering and crying as he grasped at his broken jaw. She carefully lifted up the computer he had been working on, and carried it back to the human hunter who had righted himself enough to sit and watch. He saw in his eyes the expectation of death, but was surprised and mesmerized by the way she crouched down, slowly turning the computer in front of him to see. She then opened a small bag tied behind her shoulder, and slipped it inside. The hunter blinked through the rain, as Krrati clicked something out behind her mask. “Easy. EASY. Easy now,” the hunter heard in a reflection of his own voice. His realization had barely managed to register past the pain by the time she had climbed up the prefab camp structure, disappearing into the storm. He shakily breathed a sigh of relief as the other scientists began to emerge from their hiding places and carry their wounded inside.
Have you read the honor code and do you understand that if you breach the honor code you may be subject to disciplinary action and have your whitelist revoked for a set amount of time? Yes
Did you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any behavior that is unbecoming of a member of the community may result in you having your whitelist revoked? Such things include, but are not limited to: Racism, toxicity, excessive or malicious trolling, abuse of staff or etc. Yes
Do you understand that you may face having your whitelist revoked, or other disciplinary action undertaken, should you be banned or warned on the CM discord? Yes
Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Do you understand that community members may report your in-game actions on the forums, and that you may be asked to defend your actions. Yes