Commanding Officer Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID? Goshflipheck
What is your discord username and handle? goshflipheck#3143
What is your timezone in UTC? UTC -5 or EST
Player Name You Use Most? Hunter Stanford
Make a list of links to all of your ban appeals as well as whitelist and staff applications (both accepted and denied) submitted within the past year. For appeals, provide an additional ban reason and the appeal’s verdict next to the link. I have none.
Have you been banned in the last 3 months? No.
How familiar are you with command positions? I consider myself well versed and knowledgeable about the duties and usual round progression of all command roles, from either observing competent players, playing as said role, or playing as the subordinate of the role e.g (CT->RO).
I have playtimes in all command positions except CMP, as I don’t find playing MP particularly enjoyable. I feel I have an adequate grasp of ML from the MP, XO, and general number of hours I have played as the marines and reading ML to still be a fine addition to the CO WL.
Approximately how many hours do you have as Executive Officer (XO) at the time of writing this application? 155.7
Approximately how many hours do you have as Squad Leader at the time of writing this application? 66.7
Basic Questions & Story
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship? Hunter is and has been a career officer of the USCM since acquiring his degree and joining OCS, and he feels the next natural step in his career is to become a CO based on his experiences in the Neroid and especially serving as an Executive Officer aboard other patrol vessels similar to the Almayer.
Hunter also enjoys the lifestyle, and has failed personally to start a family or to maintain his relationships outside of the corps, which in turn refocuses his priority on his career in the corps and other related interests.
The pay raise associated with promotion also greatly motivates him.
How did your character attain the position of CO? Stanford was promoted recently in the wake of more prominent CLF attacks in the Neroid and the relevant weakness of the USCM presence in the Neroid being brought to the attention of various higher ups.
Stanford was a natural pick to fill any incoming gaps of officers needed in securing the Neroid from the CLF and further UPP influence.
Provide a short story of your Commanding Officer.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner? Give an example. I’ve read Marine Law and the Commanding Officer Code of Conduct. I won’t copypaste what it says here. Obviously and firstly, it’s only appropriate to pardon a prisoner if I am allowed to do so.
Moving on from that, when considering doing a pardon one of the first things I would consider is whether or not they will commit another crime after my pardon, as obviously, me ending up in jail isn’t going to benefit the operation over whatever the pardon may accomplish.
I feel it's important for me to say I would only consider their actions in round. You can be the most famous/infamous player in CM.
If I haven’t seen your character's actions in round enough for me to surely say you won’t commit another crime, I won’t pardon.
Doctor accidently blowup the chemline at the start of the shift? They can serve their sentence and learn to be more careful next time.
A doctor who has diligently served and done their job throughout the course of the round that accidentally blows up the chemline and gets imprisoned while medical is overflowing? Pardon.
I know not all situations, even where time sensitive or what can look best for the operation are worthy of a pardon though.
For example, I wouldn’t pardon a specialist in the brig for a major crime just because the FOB came under siege or the front was having difficulty.
Also important I feel to mention is I wouldn’t waste my time with a pardon if an appeal could accomplish the same goal, assuming the case isn’t time sensitive like some examples. Marine Law has an appeal function and a separate CO pardon function for a reason.
Though on that note, I WOULD pardon someone if I believe they were brigged along lines of malicious compliance, fringe takes on ML that I would disagree with, or otherwise rather than wasting time with an appeal while an operation is going on and that person would be beneficial to the operation. The CO has the highest authority ML wise on the Almayer for a reason.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution? Give an example. As I said before, I’ve read Marine Law and the Commanding Officer Code of Conduct. I won’t just copypaste what it says here about when you can or shouldn’t BE. I’m not going to BE someone unless it’s allowed.
To give an example of when I think it's appropriate, I’ll start with the classic briefing BE.
I’m not going to roundremove Mr. Marine because he and someone else decided to have some fun whacking eachother into crit with chairs in briefing. If there are MP’s online, they can deal with it. If staff are online as well, they can also deal with it after the fact and have a word with them about RP expectations.
However, on the flip side, the briefing BE is talked about often for a reason. If it’s particularly lowpop without capable MPs, if per se the brawl escalates into unwilling parties or turns bloody, doesn’t end after ordered and warned, and is causing significant disruption to the briefing, I’m well within my rights to BE the perpetrator/s and I could see myself doing so.
As another example I feel important to mention, I would BE someone actively trying to harm or overthrow one of my departments. I’ve quite often seen marines trying to ‘mutiny’ or ‘overthrow the MP’s’ while ignoring the Acting Commander or CO, the only entity they can actually mutiny against. A threat to the effective operations of the ship like that shouldn’t be ignored, and eventually calls of ‘LYNCH THE CMP’ could turn into ‘LYNCH THE CO’.
I would also heavily refrain from BEing obviously new players.
As of 2/4/2023, COs can now BE for LRP behavior! Woo!
I would try to use this sparingly as possible as per normal, as I understand BEs are generally, a little LRP overall in concept themself. However, I know, oddly enough, several rounds in the past where I’ve been XO, no MPs, only to hear “chef actively gibbing people for burgers” and I think the LRP BE is a positive ruling/addition to BE powers.
Have you read the Code of Conduct? Yes
Have you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes
Do you understand you cannot advertise or promote this application on any platform, including Discord? Yes
Do you also understand that you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Do you understand that you represent the CO whitelist and that while playing CO as any character, you must adhere to the CO Code of Conduct, Server Rules, and Roleplay Standards? Yes