Ban Appeal
Byond ID? Bulaven
Do you confirm you have read the Appeal Rules and that this appeal conforms to them? Yes
Character Name? Not applicable, to my knowledge.
What is your discord tag? (If appealing a discord ban) -
Type of Ban? Permanent Ban
What is your Bancode? REF-05OCT2022-P258SA
If jobban, which job are you appealing? As the ban is a bit broader than a singular job, I can not rightly indicate a specific job.
Admin who banned you (if known) Unknown. The ban seems to have been applied while I was not on the server.
Total Ban Duration Permanent. Been several months, now.
Remaining Duration Optimally? Not quite so long as 'Permanent'.
What other servers do you play on? Aurorastation, Baystation, Halo station, Dead Space, Polaris, Warhammer, Civ13... The list goes on.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? I think I am still banned on Paradise station. Happened... Back in 2016, I think? Signed up for BYOND and joined the server. Made a character. Went and made a sandwich. Made the mistake of leaving a cousin with the laptop. And apparently an SSD individual was introduced to a hatchet and had their head remodeled. Have never been really bothered to appeal the ban.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine? No
Is your copy of Windows legitimate? Yes
Do you connect using a VPN? If so, which provider? Don't intentionally use a VPN, but I do use a mobile phone hotspot. This may have caused me grief in the past with a stickyban.
Reason for Ban Staff Harassment Multikey - Bancode REF-05OCT2022-P258SA
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None applicable. Simply have not had the time to do so.
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc). If you were in the wrong, explain what you did that was wrong, and describe how you have or will improve your behavior. I will be entirely blunt: While I have been known for disagreeing with the streamlining of the server over the last seven years, I have never attacked any of the staff, nor done anything to intentionally harass, annoy, or otherwise cause disruption in the lives of players or staff members on an OOC basis. I have no idea why the ban was applied. I made to log in, and I was banned. I know this seems conveniently short, but I honestly have nothing to add. I have no idea.
Do you understand that making low-effort appeals (short/does not address the issue/shitposts) may lead to immediate denial and/or other types of consequences? Yes