Ban Appeal
Byond ID? Abloobloo
Do you confirm you have read the Appeal Rules and that this appeal conforms to them? Yes
Character Name? Shawley Harton
What is your discord tag? (If appealing a discord ban) Abloobloo#2165
Type of Ban? Discord Ban
What is your Bancode? N/A
If jobban, which job are you appealing? N/A
Admin who banned you (if known) Don't know.
Total Ban Duration Permanent
Remaining Duration Permanent
What other servers do you play on? TG
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? I'm not banned on any servers.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine? No
Is your copy of Windows legitimate? Yes
Do you connect using a VPN? If so, which provider? I don't.
Reason for Ban I think I posted something NSFW? It was a while ago so I don't really remember.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): -
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc). If you were in the wrong, explain what you did that was wrong, and describe how you have or will improve your behavior. I recently got back into CM after not playing for over a year, and i've realised that I was banned from the discord server at some point.
I'm not entirely sure what it was that I posted that got me banned, but i'm sorry for it, and i'll make sure not to do it again.
Since its been over a year since I was banned, I think i've served my time, and i'd like to be let back into the discord.
Do you understand that making low-effort appeals (short/does not address the issue/shitposts) may lead to immediate denial and/or other types of consequences? Yes