Ban Appeal
Byond ID? Drakyry
Do you confirm you have read the Appeal Rules and that this appeal conforms to them? Yes
Character Name? Mike Goldberg
What is your discord tag? (If appealing a discord ban) Draky#5423
Type of Ban? Permanent Ban
What is your Bancode? Discord ban
If jobban, which job are you appealing? Discord ban
Admin who banned you (if known) TheSoldier, I believe
Total Ban Duration Permanent
Remaining Duration Permanent
What other servers do you play on? None in the past few months
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? Perma from paradise & the russian paradise
Do you play using a Virtual Machine? No
Is your copy of Windows legitimate? No
Do you connect using a VPN? If so, which provider? A few, including windscribe and more private ones
Reason for BanLink to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): --
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc). If you were in the wrong, explain what you did that was wrong, and describe how you have or will improve your behavior. Apparently I got hit with the permanent ban for posting that message. I honestly didn't know it would be that big of a deal, i didn't spam it, I posted it in the appropriate meme channel, yadda yadda. I guess someone on the mod team had low tolerance for that kind of stuff. This was about 2 years ago. Ive been banned from these forums for posting about the ban too but apparently that bans gone now (or maybe the mod gave me a timed/1 year ban here as opposed to perma like on discord). Basically I just wanna be able to make use of the discord server for appeals/etc when these forums get retired. If you want to, you can mute me on all the server channels sans those required for communicating with administration. I don't plan to post there anyway.
Do you understand that making low-effort appeals (short/does not address the issue/shitposts) may lead to immediate denial and/or other types of consequences? Yes