Currently, the CL is a mostly lackluster role that relies on an increasingly diminshed RP value onboard the ship. This rework will make it more mechanically engaging for both the CL and the marines.
The CL is mostly played as an RP role or more rarely, a CLown role (see Gut Bumburn, the legend), and has barely any mechanical power at all. This rework will make it a more attractive role by combining defcon itself and its abilites as a tool to give the CL his power.
The Liason will recieve a paper labelled as a Mandate, that'll be the bonus objectives marines will try to execute to earn the company's favor and assistance. The Mandate will be written and sent as a normal fax, except that it'll be more visible to the staff team and have it's own menu to ghosts and staff to review it.
A Mandate needs a range-band of company support, that is how much the Company (staff team) will deem the objective valuable... An easy objective will net Defcon 5 tier rewards, while a moderately difficult objective will net Defcon 4 tier rewards, and hard objectives Defcon 3 tier objectives. A mandate will be APPROVED or DENIED by the staff team after reviewing it... bad formatting, grammar or spelling, bad objective? Deny it. A good fax with a reasonable objective? Set the difficulty according to your judgment and approve it.
After the staff approves the fax, it'll appear as an annoucment to the marines with an option to view the contents similar to how D-chat fax viewing works. The CL can view the progress of the Falling Falcons through an overwatch console in his office that he can access - Should the Falling Falcons fail to fulfill the objective, the CL can fax the Company to report that their Mandate hasn't been fulfilled. A potential punishment in the form of a Defcon reduction will incur:
An easy objective will net a loss of 30% of defcon.
A moderate will net 40%.
A hard objective will net a loss of 50% defcon loss.
Ofcourse, the CL is still subject to the whims of the staff that are online at the time, but the staff and the CL will have a reason to be mechanically enganged, and this'll hopefully up the RP fun and the mechanical fun that the CL can get.
The punishments are abit lackluster, and the reward tiers are vague in definition - in example...
Demanding a hard objective like not trashing the colony would be hard to follow, but the Company ultimately does not control the operation and incurring a defcon loss for this seems unfair. While the staff team can deny this Mandate, human error can still occur... if you change it to REQUESTING to not trash the colony, it becomes a much more fair objective, but you cannot rely on CLs to be great... or to not softgrief.
I've come up with this the last couple of days, so this is not the most fleshed out rework, but I can (hopefully) see alot of potential with some proper adjustments, so feel free to give criticism.