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Thread: Big 5 discussion 5. Trijent Dam

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by CABAL View Post
    Nah, it should be faster than nearly any beno and be able to crush trough walls with ease. No weapons needed.
    Hmm I don't know, I'm kinda feeling that it should be slightly slower than an average xeno. . .and instead of crushing through walls with ease, have it so marines can be transported by hanging on to the sides and if the driver hits a wall with the marines hanging on they get gibbed or severely wounded. I'm definitely on board with no weapons needed.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marrone View Post
    Hmm I don't know, I'm kinda feeling that it should be slightly slower than an average xeno. . .and instead of crushing through walls with ease, have it so marines can be transported by hanging on to the sides and if the driver hits a wall with the marines hanging on they get gibbed or severely wounded. I'm definitely on board with no weapons needed.
    If that would be it, then it would be useless. Runners would just chase it, directional slashing. It needs to break walls and be fast.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CABAL View Post
    If that would be it, then it would be useless. Runners would just chase it, directional slashing. It needs to break walls and be fast.
    Useless?? I don't know, seems like it would help bring back a lot of fresh hosts to the hive!! Honk honk

    I always figured it would be balanced by the idea that it would have to be constantly guarded by people outside of it. That would probably not work though, because it'd still be a really long haul back the LZ in Trijent on foot-- though maybe that can be fixed with marines hanging off the sides. Maybe make it as fast as a runner so when an alien tries to engage they have some leeway to make a fight or flight decision. I feel like breaking walls is a bit out of expectations, and unless it has like. . .shock absorbtion? Plasteel frame/bumper? Whatever it needs to be durable enough to knock through walls, I just don't really see that as realistic/feasible. Crushers may feel a little vulnerable that their niche has been outsourced. But you've been here way longer than me, so I'm willing to trust your word on it if you really think so

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