Current Feature Discussion
Main Topic of Discussion Corporate Liaison
Feature(s) in Question Fax Machine
Opinion of this feature I have played CL multiple times, and absolutely enjoy the unique way I am able to role play this character as a member of the ship. Yet the main "weapon" of this role is supposed to be the Fax Machine as it is used to send faxes to Weyland (admin), and get responses to these faxes which can alter the result of the role play itself in simple, or dramatic way. The problem that I've seen nearly every time playing as this role is that no faxes are ever answered. Now I do still enjoy the role itself without the fax responses, but it makes the role half as powerful as it could be, and it also ruins some role play scenarios when the fax machine isn't responded to.
(Optional) Ways to improve this feature I understand that admins usually are playing in the game as well and also get busy with other things, but I would like to request that the CL role be payed more attention to in matches, as it adds more reasons to play the role, and it allows the player to have access to the fax machine (which is the main weapon of the CL as stated). Even just a simple response saying "The fax machine network is offline." could allow the CL to focus on other activities than sending more faxes or always expecting one. I would also like to suggest that Admins and Mods possibly undergo some sort of training to know how to respond to the Fax Machine Messages, so that it can be used more frequently.