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Thread: Stan_albatross - Yautja Application

  1. #1
    Dev Team Manager Stan_albatross's Avatar
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    Stan_albatross - Yautja Application

    Yautja Whitelist Application
    Personal InformationByond ID:

    Discord ID

    Marine Name
    Karl Karlsson

    Character InformationName of the Yautja Character you wish to play
    Enhath'vot Guan-Dha

    Name and history of your Yautja’s clan:
    Clan Guan-Dha

    You should read this one before the Character story.

    1442 words

    Yautja Character Story

    total 1753 words

    EXCERPT : 1800 minutes to prepare. I said aloud “I need a weapon”. I knew the elder and the other higher-ups were watching the final stage of the blooding from far up in the council. To put on a show now would make them appreciate the artistry of my hunting. I quickly found a shard of flint, and a rock to shape it on. This flint would be my cornerstone to success against the r’ka. I quickly knapped it into a workable axe-blade using a nearby stone, and cut down a small sapling. I used some twine to secure the blade to the handle, and I had a workable axe. Workable for as long as the fight with the r’ka lasted, that is. I next moved on to a much larger piece of flint - using the rock from before, alongside another nearby, I shaped this into a spear head. It was quickly secured to a shaft with more twine. While looking for a sapling for the next spear, my eye chanced upon a special plant. The strong roots of this extraterrestrial tree branched into three prongs near the earth. I quickly muttered a thanks to Dhachak for the blessing of the tree - unsurprisingly it was growing in shallow water - and set about removing the section of the root. It was surprisingly tough, and took quite some effort to remove with the somewhat flimsy axe, but once I took it out, the result was perfect. The quick shaping of three spearheads turned the harmless root into a deadly tri-pronged trident.

    ConfirmationsHave you read the honor code and do you understand that if you breach the honor code you may be subject to disciplinary action and have your whitelist revoked for a set amount of time?

    Do you understand that any behavior that is unbecoming of a member of the community may result in you having your whitelist revoked? Such things include, but are not limited to: Racism, toxicity, excessive or malicious trolling, abuse of staff or etc.

    Do you understand that you may face having your whitelist revoked, or other disciplinary action undertaken, should you be banned or warned on the CM discord?

    Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted?

    Do you understand that community members may report your in-game actions on the forums, and that you may be asked to defend your actions.

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    Before I gave a proper answer I wanted to ask a few HC questions and hypotheticals, I hope you don't mind.
    1) A yautja is infected by a facehugger and is nested inside of the hive, and is being protected by the queen and a majority of the hive, what do you do?

    2) You encounter a fairly honorable marine who has been observed to take down many xenomorphs and even a fellow yautja, how do you interact with it if at all?

    3) You encounter a xenomorph who has shown itself to be a highly capable member of the hive, with there only being a around 9 xenomorphs left, and this xenomorph having a majority of the killcount, how do you interact with it, if at all?

    If you need me to clarify about any of the questions, just ask.

  3. #3
    Dev Team Manager Stan_albatross's Avatar
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    It's fine to ask some questions since there aren't really any proper HC questions in the app questions themselves.

    therefore, here are the answers

    1. This is an extremely bad situation for the hunting party, however freeing the yautja does not require as much extreme force as killing an abomination, so making sure the yautja does not burst is priority number 1. I would inform any other yautja that I was freeing the capped one, mutter a small prayer to Dhachak and try get in to the hive, HPC or LPC the xeno gang protecting the cap (if they notice and attack me or try to stop me freeing him, which they almost definitely will) , free him, and get out, all as fast as possible and with minimal xenos killed/attacked. Any xeno hindering my attempts to free the yautja would be worthy, and therefore incapacitated via HPC/LPC or death or bypassed with the main objective being freeing the infected yautja. However, if any xeno is manipulating, moving, or further dishonouring the body of the yautja, they would become dishonourable. (Infecting a yautja, naturally, is dishonouring the body). Once we get out of the hive, I would SD him if he was dead/unable, or let him SD himself were he able.

    2. Here for me there are two things I can do (from my perspective), being Honour duelling or thralling the marine. If he's honourable I wouldn't feel much IC compulsion to hunt him (yet), so I would offer him some water to drink and decide on my further actions based on his reaction to this. If he rejects the water, hunt once he is worthy, as he rejects the divine and is obviously just another foolish ooman (IC), but a very strong one. If he drinks the water and doesn't say much, I'd offer a duel, as he obviously has some residual understanding of Dhachak and needs to enhance his hunting prowess - or I can enhance mine by besting him in a fair fight. If he compliments the water, or shows great respect to it, I'd thrall him as he is both honourable and strong. I'd let him hunt some defilers of water/disrespecters of Dhachak first. Luckily, since every map in the game except ice colony has some water on it, I can use this for any religious ritual to complete the thralling.

    3. Naturally, I can't honour duel a xeno, and if this xeno is as good as you say (majority of kills, he's gotta be pretty OOC robust) and the hive is so weak I would probably want to hold off on hunting him to make sure the fight between the xenos and marines remains fair. If he continues to show his strength and manages to hold off the marines enough to be able to get into a lull in combat, and stabillise the situation for the hive, I would hunt him as he is obviously a very strong and worthy xeno, and would be a good addition to my trophies. For the mean time, I'd observe from a distance, and deign to interact with him if he deigns to do so with me. Naturally, any interaction that would make him dishonourable would provoke me into killing him, as would any direct attack on myself.
    Karl Karlsson, the man (and sometimes Captain)
    Maxwell, the synth
    Enhath'vot Guan-Dha, the predator
    Also a feature Coder & CM's Maintainer Team Manager

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    [CENTER]Retired Synth councilman, forever a member of IO gang

  4. #4
    Member MymindisBlank's Avatar
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    Great answers , great story, most work I've seen done on an app in a long time, you answered those questioned perfectly even the third one which isnt covered fully in the honor code but should be a given due to common sense, anyway long reply short maxwell good, he would make a great pred. and purple man bad 1+

  5. #5
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    Love the answers, but I did want to clarify a infected Yautja cannot SD themselves, and the story is unique and interesting, so I will be giving this a +1, and I hope to see you on the hunting grounds.

  6. #6
    Dev Team Manager Stan_albatross's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep that SD bit in mind. Glad to see you both liked my story as well, writing it was well worth the work
    Karl Karlsson, the man (and sometimes Captain)
    Maxwell, the synth
    Enhath'vot Guan-Dha, the predator
    Also a feature Coder & CM's Maintainer Team Manager

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    [CENTER]Retired Synth councilman, forever a member of IO gang

  7. #7
    Member JaioAcex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stan_albatross View Post
    It's fine to ask some questions since there aren't really any proper HC questions in the app questions themselves.

    therefore, here are the answers

    1. This is an extremely bad situation for the hunting party, however freeing the yautja does not require as much extreme force as killing an abomination, so making sure the yautja does not burst is priority number 1. I would inform any other yautja that I was freeing the capped one, mutter a small prayer to Dhachak and try get in to the hive, HPC or LPC the xeno gang protecting the cap (if they notice and attack me or try to stop me freeing him, which they almost definitely will) , free him, and get out, all as fast as possible and with minimal xenos killed/attacked. Any xeno hindering my attempts to free the yautja would be worthy, and therefore incapacitated via HPC/LPC or death or bypassed with the main objective being freeing the infected yautja. However, if any xeno is manipulating, moving, or further dishonouring the body of the yautja, they would become dishonourable. (Infecting a yautja, naturally, is dishonouring the body). Once we get out of the hive, I would SD him if he was dead/unable, or let him SD himself were he able.

    2. Here for me there are two things I can do (from my perspective), being Honour duelling or thralling the marine. If he's honourable I wouldn't feel much IC compulsion to hunt him (yet), so I would offer him some water to drink and decide on my further actions based on his reaction to this. If he rejects the water, hunt once he is worthy, as he rejects the divine and is obviously just another foolish ooman (IC), but a very strong one. If he drinks the water and doesn't say much, I'd offer a duel, as he obviously has some residual understanding of Dhachak and needs to enhance his hunting prowess - or I can enhance mine by besting him in a fair fight. If he compliments the water, or shows great respect to it, I'd thrall him as he is both honourable and strong. I'd let him hunt some defilers of water/disrespecters of Dhachak first. Luckily, since every map in the game except ice colony has some water on it, I can use this for any religious ritual to complete the thralling.

    3. Naturally, I can't honour duel a xeno, and if this xeno is as good as you say (majority of kills, he's gotta be pretty OOC robust) and the hive is so weak I would probably want to hold off on hunting him to make sure the fight between the xenos and marines remains fair. If he continues to show his strength and manages to hold off the marines enough to be able to get into a lull in combat, and stabillise the situation for the hive, I would hunt him as he is obviously a very strong and worthy xeno, and would be a good addition to my trophies. For the mean time, I'd observe from a distance, and deign to interact with him if he deigns to do so with me. Naturally, any interaction that would make him dishonourable would provoke me into killing him, as would any direct attack on myself.
    A few things I see, and have a slight problem with, then I'll state my questions.

    1. I would inform any other yautja that I was freeing the capped one, mutter a small prayer to Dhachak and try get in to the hive, HPC or LPC the xeno gang protecting the cap (if they notice and attack me or try to stop me freeing him, which they almost definitely will) , free him, and get out, all as fast as possible and with minimal xenos killed/attacked. Any xeno hindering my attempts to free the yautja would be worthy, and therefore incapacitated via HPC/LPC or death or bypassed with the main objective being freeing the infected yautja.

    In this scenario, your objective would technically be to HALT the abomination, not freeing the Yautja. He can't SD Himself, and the Xeno's know the risk they're posing when they cap the man. LPC doesn't affect xenos, and they're guarding the pred. One HPC Blast, Rush in, unnest, and drag. Activate his SD and toss him away from the hive. Your jobs done, no further complications, swift and easy, don't overcomplicate the simple, you risk a double whammy.

    The rest I see no quarrel with, and think they were worded, and splayed well.

    1) You're trapped in the FOB, you got too caught up in your observant behavior, cade's were built around you, closing you into the FOB. You're initial entry point is being heavily assaulted, Marines discovered your presence and lighting you up, you're nearing death. What do you do? Do you SD? Do you accept your fate and go down swinging your melee? HPC out?
    Jaio 'HOP' Gsulio, Marine who enjoy's Spec, SG and SO. Hmmph. The true JTAC God.
    Athein Bo'ytill Based Unrobust Pred

    Mentor: 4-28-2020 - 9-9-2020
    TMOD: 9-9-2020 - 10-3-2020
    Retired: 10-3-2020 - Present

    Shout out to Manezhinho, mans a chad.
    Jaio 'HOP' Gsulio

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  8. #8
    Dev Team Manager Stan_albatross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaioAcex View Post
    1. If active combat was ongoing by the entrance, then the WORST way would be to HPC out as everyone in the entrance is unhuntable, unless they attack me. (as they are engaged in active combat)

    As for SD, HC dictates SD in the fob is to be avoided and only used as a very final resort. Therefore, my course of action would be to run to the opposite corner of the fob from the entrance, so only those who actually want to fight me would follow. I would try to cloak and escape via a secondary entrance, fighting in the fob isn't worth it due to the unhuntables that could be harmed if I had to SD inside it, however if the fob has only one entrance like BR LZ1 I would be forced to SD, as well as if all entrances had active combat, however it would be in the remotest part of the fob on the lowest setting so it wouldn't harm unhuntables. SD is an honourable death, while death in combat is dishonourable, so I would only go down swinging if my SD would harm unhuntables or disrupt the integrity of the fob.

    I was unsure if HPC would stun for long enough to activate SD, so I'll keep that in mind

  9. #9
    Member JaioAcex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stan_albatross View Post
    1. If active combat was ongoing by the entrance, then the WORST way would be to HPC out as everyone in the entrance is unhuntable, unless they attack me. (as they are engaged in active combat)

    As for SD, HC dictates SD in the fob is to be avoided and only used as a very final resort. Therefore, my course of action would be to run to the opposite corner of the fob from the entrance, so only those who actually want to fight me would follow. I would try to cloak and escape via a secondary entrance, fighting in the fob isn't worth it due to the unhuntables that could be harmed if I had to SD inside it, however if the fob has only one entrance like BR LZ1 I would be forced to SD, as well as if all entrances had active combat, however it would be in the remotest part of the fob on the lowest setting so it wouldn't harm unhuntables. SD is an honourable death, while death in combat is dishonourable, so I would only go down swinging if my SD would harm unhuntables or disrupt the integrity of the fob.

    I was unsure if HPC would stun for long enough to activate SD, so I'll keep that in mind

    Death in combat isn't nessecarily dishonourable, and it's not frowned upon. Especially us, we give eachother shit for avoiding fights, but I'll accept those answers.

    SD is also instant, after the confirmation menu.
    Jaio 'HOP' Gsulio, Marine who enjoy's Spec, SG and SO. Hmmph. The true JTAC God.
    Athein Bo'ytill Based Unrobust Pred

    Mentor: 4-28-2020 - 9-9-2020
    TMOD: 9-9-2020 - 10-3-2020
    Retired: 10-3-2020 - Present

    Shout out to Manezhinho, mans a chad.
    Jaio 'HOP' Gsulio

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  10. #10
    Whitelisted Predator superjo98's Avatar
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    Accepted, perms should be updated shortly.
    I play as Dawson Hook and Brad.

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