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Thread: README - Applying for the CO Whitelist

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    Developer & CO Senator (Major General) naut's Avatar
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    Question README - Applying for the CO Whitelist

    Applying for the CO Whitelist

    Welcome! If you’ve come across this page you’re probably planning to become a Commanding Officer (CO). A CO is a whitelisted role that grants additional privileges and responsibilities to you as the ultimate authority on board the ship.

    The Commanding Officer is a role of great power and great responsibility, and while we are the whitelist with comparatively basic standards when applying compared to the other whitelists, we are simultaneously the most entangled whitelist with the Marines and have the most interaction with them overall. As a result, Commanding Officers remain to be expected to uphold standards becoming of a competent leader, role model, and officer, not only while playing as the CO but also as a player.

    If you have not played the game in half a year or longer there is a strong chance you have been removed from the Whitelist following a purge that took place around late 2021. If you are one of these people (referred to as being "purged"), you can reapply to the CO whitelist with minimal additional requirements by resubmitting an application as normal.

    This does not apply to COs who have been removed due to punitive action (dewhitelisted). If you were dewhitelisted, contact a CO Councilor for readmission.

    • You must fulfill all "prerequisites" and requirements listed below. Failure to do so will result in denial.
    • You may reuse the story you have used in your previous CO application(s).
    • You are encouraged to have a recent (<2 months ago) presence in the game, particularly as leadership roles including SL and XO. This is so we, the CO Council, can have experience as to whether or not you have adjusted to the current climate of CM and can handle the modern-day rigors of being placed in charge.
      • Special circumstances, depending on the judgement of the CO Council, can have this requirement waived. Contact a CO Councilor if you wish to explain extenuating circumstances.

    • You are welcome to contact the CO Senator or CO Councilors should you have any questions or concerns regarding the reapplication process.

    In order to be able to qualify for the CO role there are a few things you need to have beforehand:

    • Be on the CM Discord. Announcements and rulings for the whitelist are given on the Discord and you are required to be on it to be eligible.
    • CIC leadership experience as an Executive Officer (XO). 30 hours or more as XO (approx. 23 rounds) is the minimum to qualify.
    • Field experience as a Squad Leader (SL). 5 hours or more as SL (approx. 4 rounds) is the minimum to qualify.
    • No bans or notes in the last 30 days. (Minor notes may be ignored and EORG bans are not counted in this.)
    • COMPREHENSIVE knowledge and reading of the CO Code of Conduct.
    • A basic but well-founded knowledge and understanding of the following:

    Knowledge of these is crucial to succeeding as a Commanding Officer. Make sure you read them well.
    These prerequisites apply to ALL applicants INCLUDING THOSE REAPPLYING FOR THE WHITELIST.

    Experience you do NOT strictly need (but it helps if you play as these roles anyway):

    • Military Police (MP) experience. Knowledge of Marine Law is critical to being a Commanding Officer but you do not necessarily have to play as MP to fulfill this.
    • Department heads (CE/RO/CMO/CMP). It is encouraged to play as at least one department's head to get an understanding of shipside leadership, but this is not mandatory -- especially if you have XO experience.

    Once your basics are completed you’re ready to start filling out your application. Before you do, though, here are a few recommendations:

    • Play as only one character for XO. Having a randomized name will make it much harder (if not impossible) for people to vouch for your ability and your character.
    • Ask other people, particularly whitelisted COs (or even CO Councilors) to help review your application. They can assist you with what needs to be changed and what looks good to make your application stand better.
      • Make sure this is with multiple people. Having one person to review your application usually isn't enough!

    • Your story isn’t everything. You can make it as elegant as you like but as long as it does the job it’s not the central part of your application; you are.
      • This isn't an excuse to slack off on it, though. The story is meant to provide an insight of how well of a character you can make for your CO. If it's bad, it won't look good on you.

    • Remain active in the community, especially on Discord, so people know who you are and know who they're voting for. Nobody will trust someone they don't know.
    • Continue to play leadership roles such as XO while your application is up to allow more people to be able to see you on the playing field and, consequently, vouch for you.
      • A significant reason many CO applicants are denied is that not enough people have seen you, or you haven't been seen enough. Exposure is key, and playing rounds, especially while your application is up, helps significantly.

    • Use an external document editor like Notepad, Word, or Google Docs to write your application for copy-pasting into the forums. Writing it on the forum entirely is not recommended, as it doesn’t save upon exiting the tab or your browser.

    When you’re ready to make your application, head on over to this link (if the link is invalid, applications are closed) and get started.
    Once you’re ready, you can hit “Submit” at the bottom to post it on the application thread, where the review process begins.
    The CO Councilors are the individuals responsible for maintaining, upholding and policing the CO Whitelist. These are appointed individuals who are chosen by Councilors and are able to vote on applications, review reports, reprimand or remove Commanding Officers, and make changes to the whitelist or its components. They are given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) as a show of their status. Retired Councilors may keep the Lieutenant Colonel rank if they have served dutifully for an extended period of time.

    The CO Senator is in charge of the Councilors and essentially the "leader" of the Whitelist. Senators are responsible for ultimately giving the final acceptance or denial verdict on an application or report, and may veto a Council decision or vote if it is against their wishes, or make an executive decision independent of Council vote. The Senator is appointed by both the Whitelist Maintainer and the preceding Senator.

    Together Councilors and the Senator form the CO Council, the body responsible for overseeing the whitelist. You are allowed to ask any of these members for help on an application or if you have questions regarding the whitelist and/or applying for it.
    Last updated 1/1/2023.

    • Nauticall / naut#0047 / Col. Samantha 'Sammy' Maverick (Senator) as of May 24, 2020
    • Superreallycoolguy / Dargus#4831 / LtCol. Karl Walz (Councilor) as of August 1, 2021
    • Solidfury7 / Solidfury#2164 / LtCol. William 'Jester' Crimson (Councilor) as of September 21, 2021
    • Kaga / Kaga#4957 / LtCol. Kaga 'Solid' Shikiya (Councilor) as of December 11, 2021
    • c4xmaniac / c4xmaniac#7108 / LtCol. Nigel Godfrey II (Councilor) as of May 30, 2022
    • MorrowWolf / Morrow#1453 / LtCol. Rickard Boar (Councilor) as of May 30, 2022

    When your application is up on the app thread, it’ll be subject to review by community members, whitelisted COs, and CO Councilors alike. The lattermost are the people responsible for judging whether your application succeeds or fails. They aren’t the sole factor though; negative community feedback from non-Councilors can swing the vote against you, so make sure to remain professional and calm.

    You may occasionally be asked questions by community members or Councilors. These can range from questions about scenarios (such as Marine Law incidents), to questions about your routine or a briefing you would give, to asking you to clarify a section of your application. You are encouraged to answer these to the best of your ability.

    Applications will be +1’d or -1’d by community members and Councilors. If 3 out of 5 Councilors votes in your favor, you are accepted; if 3 Councilors vote against you, you are denied.

    AS OF 2022:
    Application voting by Councilors is now held internally. Votes will be released by the Senator, or someone of equivalent authority in their absence, towards the end of the 2-week voting period stating if the application has been accepted or denied.

    Applications are processed WITHIN 21-28 DAYS (3-4 WEEKS) maximum (unless stated otherwise). If the Council cannot come to a proper conclusion on your application before then, your application will be automatically denied.
    If you are accepted:
    You will be notified of acceptance on your thread by the CO Senator or other similar administrative position (including the WL Maintainer or a Manager), followed by granting of your permissions. Depending on staff availability it may take between 1 and 6 hours for your permissions to be updated both in-game and on the Discord, so please be patient. Once that’s done, you’re free to start playing as a new Commanding Officer!
    If you are denied:
    Don’t worry. If your application was denied you are still allowed to reapply in 30 days from the date of denial unless stated otherwise by the Council. Take that time to revise your application and learn from your mistakes and what you did or did not do that led to your denial. Remember: it isn’t considered a failure until you treat it as one.
    Common reasons for being denied are:

    • Not enough playtime in vital roles such as XO.
    • Poor or lacking application and/or answers.
    • Poor community behavior or bad standing with staff or the CO Council.
    • Lack of endorsement or visibility (this can be due to you not playing often enough or having a random name).
    • Hostile or uncooperative behavior.
    • Administrative punishments or notes (recent notes, non-EORG bans, and job bans count against you in applications and may be grounds for instant denial).

    Don’t fear failure. It’s the best way to learn from your mistakes and to develop yourself as a person.

    Regardless of how your application turns out, we’re here to support those with ambition. So be brave, Major-hopeful, and we from the CO Council wish you the best of luck!
    Last edited by naut; 12-31-2022 at 05:07 AM.
    Major General / Colonel Samantha 'Sammy' Maverick
    Colonel Chris 'Topher' Lawson
    Synthetic Tara

    CO Senator (as of 3-19-21)
    ̶D̶e̶v̶e̶l̶o̶p̶e̶r̶ Maintainer (as of of 3-23-21)

    I'm just someone trying her hardest to not get everyone horribly killed.

    im an artist too! see my works at my art dump below

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