some amazing warrior players thats a blast seeing play and learning something from em
DP, SHP, MEZ, and some prime XX warrior that i've seen a lot but never found out who they are.
You could instantly tell when chubbs was playing and this was before prefixes, so yeah him
shp and ace were hands down the biggest threats. Shp had like 50+ kill rounds. Shit was insane to be on the receiving end of. Theres a pretty big gap under those 2 names.
Bsp, dom, boo, are all solid high tier players who can rack up the kill count. Tko too as of recent has been improving a lot.
That autist hivelord or drone who spent 1,5 hours spamming weed sacks on every tile giving a stroke for every marine player who ruined their mouse clicking on the 100000000000th damn sack when all OBs and nades we out.
shakeEZ, Redikal, Shep and also DOR in where devs were forced to do dropship changes because of him.
BOO gets a mention because he was my hunting brother before too.
A - the most powerful warrior player.
Symbosis - the best queen play of all time.
He who shall not be named, (but began with the letter V and ends with S), HUG and BOO.