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Thread: Current Staff

  1. #21
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    July 2020

    July 2nd:
    Hogberg has been promoted back to Moderator
    Lt. Mr. Doge has been placed on Extended Leave
    Infinity38 has been placed on Extended Leave
    KingPhillipIII has been promoted to Senior Moderator
    Big Cheeks has been promoted to Senior Moderator

    July 7th:
    Bobatnight has been removed from staff
    DonCarrot has been promoted to Moderator

    July 13th:
    BurnedSweetPotato has been removed from staff

    July 14th:
    Taketheshot56 has gone on extended leave
    Furbnus has joined as a Trial Moderator

    July 16th:
    Axyinious has completed their trial, however due to RL circumstances they have requested an extended leave
    Sir Lordington has returned from Extended Leave as a Senior Admin

    July 17th:
    Yayyay007 has retired from staff

    July 22nd:
    Thesoldier has been Promoted to Community Manager
    Nanu308 has been Promoted to Mod Manager
    Forest2001 has been Promoted to Admin Manager
    Tharinoma has completed his acting manager duties and is Promoted to Senior Admin

    July 23rd:
    Sakuyoi has retired from staff
    Tharinoma has retired from staff, they are welcome to return at any time.
    Hogberg has retired from staff
    Ugnip55 has returned to staff as a trial mod. His trial is set to complete 6th of August.

    July 24th:
    RavingManiac has retired from the developer team
    Ranged66 has retired from the developer team has retired from the developer team
    SlyWater has retired from the developer team

    July 24th:
    Sulaboy has returned as a trial Mod. His trial is set to complete 7th of August.

    July 25th:
    DommyGaming has been promoted to Trial Admin. Their trial will end on August 25th.
    Superjo98 has been promoted to Trial Admin. Their trial will end on August 25th.
    Simplecites has been promoted to Senior Moderator.

    July 30th:
    Furbnus has completed his trial and been made a Moderator.

    July 31st:
    Dr. Lance has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 14th.
    ZACSO-X has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 14th.
    Last edited by Nanu308; 07-31-2020 at 03:05 PM. Reason: ZACSO-X
    Unhinged retiree boomer man
    Get off my lawn you kids

  2. #22
    Head Developer Nanu308's Avatar
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    August 2020

    August 1st:
    LT. Mr.Doge has returned from extended leave. Trial is set to complete August 15th.
    Dorkkeli has been put on extended leave, he may return at any time in the future.

    August 2nd:
    AlanParkerMasters has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 15th.
    Scorpii has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 15th.

    August 4th:
    Solidfury7 has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 18th.

    August 5th:
    ben11567 has become a Trial Moderator, his trial period is set to complete August 19th.
    DommyGaming has retired from staff. They are welcome to return at any time.
    Ugnip55 has completed their trial period and been promoted to full Moderator.

    August 7th:
    Sulaboy has completed their trial period and been promoted to full Moderator.

    August 8th:
    ZACSO-X has left staff.
    Desmet has retired from staff.

    August 13th:
    Jamesthebond has joined as a Trial Mod. Trial set to complete August 27th.

    August 18th:
    Scorpii has been promoted to full Moderator.

    August 19th:
    ben11567 has been promoted to full Moderator.
    LT. Mr.Doge has been prmoted to Full Moderator.
    Solidfury7 has had their trial extended by two weeks.
    Dr. Lance has Retired as Trial Mod.
    Anoonki has Retired as a Mod.
    AlanParkerMasters has had their trial extended by two weeks.

    August 21st:
    AlanParkerMasters has passed their trial.

    August 22nd:
    Taketheshot56 has returned from Extended Leave as an Admin

    August 23rd:
    Frans Feiffer has retired from the Dev Team.

    August 24th:
    Superjo98 has passed their trial and is promoted to Admin.
    Frans Feiffer has retired from the Dev Team.

    August 27th:
    Furbnus has been given a two-week suspension from staff.
    Simplecites has retired from staff, they are welcome to return at any time.
    Lt. Mr. Doge has retired from staff.

    August 28th:
    DommyGaming has returned to staff as a Trial Admin, their trial will end on the 20th of September.
    Waltermeldron has been promoted from Coder to Developer
    Bongosz has been promoted from Spriter to Developer
    Vicacrov has been promoted from Coder to Developer

    August 30st:
    Jamesthebond has passed his trial and been promoted to full Moderator.
    Somenerd has been accepted as trial mod, their trial is set to complete the 15th September.
    Medizan has retired from staff.
    Last edited by forest2001; 09-17-2020 at 02:59 PM. Reason: Dev Updates
    Head Developer & Marine Law Maintainer

  3. #23
    Head Developer Nanu308's Avatar
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    September 2020

    September 1st:
    DoctorProbe and SgtMike has been promoted to Senior Moderators.
    RobBrown4PM has retired from the staff team, he is welcome to return at any time.
    Starmute has gone on extended leave.

    September 3rd:
    Critilius has retired from staff.

    September 4th:
    Griffith78 has returned to staff.
    Solidfury has passed his trial.

    September 5th:
    Doctor Compy has been suspended from staff for 4 Weeks.

    September 9th:
    JaioAcex has been accepted as Trial Moderator. His trial is set to complete September 23rd.

    September 16th:
    Sulaboy has Retired.
    Somenerd has passed their trial. Promoted to full mod.
    6DIRTY has been accepted as Trial Moderator. His trial is set to complete September 31st.

    Dev Team updates:
    Awan has been removed from the Dev Team.
    Retrokinesis has been removed from the Dev Team.
    Atebite has been removed from the Dev Team.
    Fourkhan has returned to Gameplay Architect.
    Thedonkified has returned to Gameplay Architect.
    Nethiafins has stepped down from Head Dev to Lead Coder, System Admin & Code Maintainer
    Tobinerd has stepped down from Lead Mapper to Developer & Mapping Maintainer.
    Vicacrov has moved from Temporary Gameplay Architect to Code Maintainer.
    Triiodine has taken the role of Spriting and Mapping Maintainer alongside his Head Developer position.

    September 19th:
    Big Cheeks has Retired from staff. He is welcome to return at any time.

    September 20th:
    DommyGaming has passed his trial and is promoted to Admin.

    September 21st:
    Hunk1 has retired.
    Warfan has joined as a Trial Moderator. His trial is set to complete October 5th.

    September 22nd:
    Vicacrov has gone on Extended Leave.
    TheDonkified has gone on Extended Leave.

    September 24th:
    Basedoperator has joined the staff team. His trial is set to complete October 9th.

    JaioAcex has had their trial period extended by a week.
    Frans Feiffer has returned to the Dev Team.
    Last edited by Nanu308; 10-03-2020 at 02:46 PM. Reason: Frans
    Head Developer & Marine Law Maintainer

  4. #24
    CM-SS13 Vice Host
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    October 2020

    October 1st:
    Adralimas has stepped down to Senior Moderator and gone on Extended Leave.

    October 2nd:
    DonCarrot and JaioAcex has retired.

    October 3rd:
    Griffith has been removed from staff.

    October 5th:
    Warfan has passed their trial and is promoted to Moderator.

    October 6th:
    Bibiex has rejoined the staff team as a Moderator, they will be on trial until October 20th.
    Audi_Gzz has rejoined the staff team as a Moderator, they will be on trial until October 20th.

    October 7th:
    DommyGaming has retired from staff, again.

    October 8th:
    Doctorprobe69 has been promoted to Trial Admin, their trial will end on the 5th of November.
    Alardun has joined the Dev Team as a Coder.

    October 9th:
    Basedoperator has passed their trial and is promoted to Moderator.

    October 11th:
    SimPleCitES has returned to Staff as a Senior Moderator.
    Novacti has been promoted to Trial Admin, their trial will end on the 8th of November.

    October 12th:
    JarekTheRaptor has been given a 1 week suspension and demotion to Moderator.
    50RemAndCountin has returned to staff as a Trial Moderator. Trial set to complete 26th of October

    October 17th:
    Taketheshot56 has retired from the admin team.
    Fortypercent has has joined as Trial Moderator, they will be on trial until 31st of October.

    October 18th:
    JamesTheBond has returned to staff. Due to returning recently recieves his old position back of Moderator.

    October 19th:
    JarekTheRaptor has returned to staff as a Moderator.

    October 20th:
    SgtMike has gone on Extended Leave. He may return to his old position at any point in the future.

    October 21st:
    Superreallycoolguy has joined as Trial Moderator, they will be on trial until November 4th.
    Bibiex and Audi_Gzz has had their trial extended for two weeks or untill training is completed.

    October 26th:
    Bibiex, 50RemAndCounting and Audi_Gzz has passed their trial.

    October 29th:
    Carlac has joined the Dev team as a Coder

    October 31st:
    Trustscience44 has joined as Trial Moderator, they will be on trial until November 14th.
    Fortypercent has passed their trial and been promoted to Moderator rank.
    Last edited by forest2001; 11-03-2020 at 10:13 PM.

  5. #25
    Head Developer Nanu308's Avatar
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    November 2020

    November 2nd:
    Zelkova has retired from staff as a Moderator.
    Cryodrake has been removed from staff due to inactivity.

    November 3rd:
    SgtMike has returned to staff and been given his old position Senior Moderator back.

    November 5th:
    Doctorprobe69 has completed their trial and is promoted to Admin.

    November 8th:
    Bongoz has been removed from Staff.
    SgtMike has been given a 4 week suspension and demotion to Moderator.

    November 10th:
    Waltermeldron has gone on extended leave.

    November 13th:
    Superjo98 has retired from the Admin Team.

    November 14th:
    forest2001 has gone on emergency leave until further notice due to real life circumstances.
    AcuteCircle has been promoted to Acting Admin Manager for this duration.

    November 15th:
    Firatrix has joined the dev team as a Coder.

    November 19th:
    Warfan has been suspended from staff due to misconduct.

    November 20th:
    forest2001 has returned as Admin Manager
    AcuteCircle has been promoted from Admin to Senior Admin for her work as Acting Manager.

    November 22nd:
    BasedOperator has been removed from staff, and recieved a community ban.
    Grimreaperx15 has been promoted to Senior Admin.
    Frozentsbgg has been promoted to Senior Admin.
    Ordukai has been promoted to Senior Admin.
    Somenerd has been promoted to Senior Moderator.
    Xperia15 has been promoted to Senior Moderator.
    Bibiex has been promoted to Senior Moderator.
    Ugnip55 has been promoted to Senior Moderator.

    November 24th:
    Trustscience has passed his trial to full moderator.
    Nauticall has joined as a Trial Moderator. Trial set to complete 8th December.
    Lolziam has joined as a Trial Moderator. Trial set to complete 8th December.
    Last edited by Nanu308; 01-14-2021 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Fira
    Head Developer & Marine Law Maintainer

  6. #26
    CM-SS13 Vice Host
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    December 2020

    December 2nd:
    SimpleCites has been promoted to Trial Admin. Their Trial will end on December 30th.
    SomeNerd has been promoted to Trial Admin. Their Trial will end on December 30th.
    AcuteCircle has been returned to Acting Manager whilst the Mod Manager is recovering from Surgery.

    December 3rd:
    Vampmare has gone on extended leave.
    Warfan1815 has returned to Moderator as his suspension is over.
    Frans Feiffer has retired.

    December 5th:
    Lumdor has returned to staff as a Senior Moderator.

    December 6th:
    Sgtmike suspension is over and has returned to staff as Moderator.

    December 9th:
    Nauticall has finished their trial and been promoted to Moderator.
    Lolziam trial has been extended by one week.

    December 11th:
    Pfanner has been accepted as Trial Mod. Their trial is until 25th.

    December 17th:
    Lolziam has finished their trial and been promoted to Moderator.

    December 20th:
    Nauticall has moved from Moderator to Spriter
    Ghostsheet has joined the dev team as Coder
    AcuteCircle has been promoted to Mod Manager
    Nanu308 has moved from Mod Manager to Dev Team Manager

    December 24th:
    Solisdude has been accepted as Tmod. Their trial is due January 9th

    December 26th:
    Jarektheraptor has been promoted back to Smod

    December 26h:
    Pfanner has been promoted to MOd

    December 27th:
    ThesoldierLLJK has retired from the staff team.
    SomeNerd has been promoted to Admin
    Simplecites has been promoted to Admin

    December 28th:
    KingPhillip went on Extended leave

    December 29th:
    BIgBoyyo has been accepted to the Development team as a Mapper.
    Last edited by AcuteCircle; 01-02-2021 at 10:53 PM.

  7. #27
    Retired Manager
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    January 1st:
    Bancrose has retired as Whitelist Maintainer, we thank him for his time on staff.
    Snooper44 has been promoted to Whitelist Maintainer.

    January 2nd:
    Dorkkeli returned as Smod

    January 5th:
    TheDonkified given a 1-week suspension.
    Podrick Equus accepted as Trial Mod. Trial due 20th.

    January 6th:
    Monkeysfist has retuned as a Spriter - Developer.
    Schalkguy accepted as Tmod. Trial due 21st.

    January 7th:
    UnwaveringGrey has Retired.
    Jeser has gone on extended leave.
    50RemandCounting has been removed from staff.

    January 10th:
    Solisdude passed his trial and is now a Mod. Congrats!

    January 13th:
    StephenNelson joined as Tmod. Trial due 27th.

    January 14th:
    Alardun has been promoted to Developer from Coder.

    January 15th:
    Thwomper has joined the dev team as a Coder.

    January 21st:
    Podrick and Schalkguy passed their trails and are now Mods. Grats.
    Carlarc has taken up the position of Gameplay Architect.

    January 22nd:
    Jakkkk joined as Trial Moderator. Trial due 5th.

    January 24th:
    Doctorprobe69 appointed Acting Admin Manager until February 1st
    Jaz Sunman joined as moderator. Trial due 7th.

    January 26th:
    Foolsopher has retired from the staff team. We wish him the best of Luck!

    January 29th:
    StephenNelson passed his trial and is now a Mod. Congrats!

    January 31st:
    Fortelian has joined as Tmod. Trial due Feb 14th
    Last edited by Nanu308; 03-03-2021 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Dev
    Former staff, also former Synthetic senator.

    Now just a shitposter and lurker.

  8. #28
    Retired Manager Doctorprobe69's Avatar
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    February 2021

    February 5th:
    Jakkk has passed his trial and is now a Mod. Congrats!

    February 6th:
    Doctorprobe69 has been transitioned from Acting Admin Manager to Acting Mod Manager for an unknown duration.

    February 7th:
    Sgtmike has retired from the staff team.

    February 10th:
    Solisdude has retired from the staff team.

    February 11th:
    jaz_sunman has failed to complete the training program.

    February 12th:
    Yayyay007 has returned to the staff team as a Trial Moderator.

    February 15th:
    Fortelian has passed his training and is now a Moderator, congratulations!

    February 18th:
    AlanParkerMasters has been removed from staff due to inactivity.
    6DIRTY has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his time.

    February 20th:
    Dorkkeli has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his time.
    TheDonkified has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his time.

    February 21st:
    Firatrix has been promoted to full developer, congratulations!
    Ugnip55 has gone on extended leave.
    Forest2001 has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his long term dedication and server/staff development.
    Yayyay007 has completed their trial and has been promoted to a Moderator, congratulations!
    Doctorprobe69 has been promoted to Moderator Manager.
    Dubszor has been transitioned to Acting Admin Manager for an unknown duration.
    4khan has been suspended for 4 weeks and removed from lead developer.
    Audi_Gzz has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his time.
    Simplecites has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his time.

    February 22nd:
    Jamesthebond has retired from the staff team, we thank him for his dedicated time to the server.

    February 23rd:
    AcuteCircle is back to admin manager
    superjo98 is back to trial administrator
    DommyGaming is back to trial administrator
    Frozentsbgg been promoted to Community Manager
    Solidfury has been promoted to Senior Moderator, congratulations!

    February 24th:
    Dubszor has been transitioned back to Senior Admin.
    Bathoovydood has joined the Staff Team as a Trial Moderator, their training is set to complete for March 10th.

    February 26th:
    Pfanner has received a 1 Week Suspension from Staff.

    February 27th:
    DommyGaming has been promoted to Admin.

    February 28th:
    Pfanner has been removed from Staff and received a Community Ban.
    Last edited by Nanu308; 04-13-2021 at 02:02 AM. Reason: staff updates
    Mentor 1st Mar, 2020 - 11th Apr, 2020
    Trial Moderator 11th Apr, 2020 - 23rd Apr, 2020
    Moderator 23rd Apr, 2020 - 31st Aug, 2020
    Senior Moderator 31st Aug, 2020 - 8th Oct, 2020
    Trial Administrator 8th Oct, 2020 - 6th Nov, 2020
    Administrator 6th Nov, 2020 - 21st Feb, 2021
    Moderator Manager 21st Feb, 2021 - 11th Jul, 2021
    Administrator Manager 11th Jul, 2021 - 8th Aug, 2021

    Administrator 12th Oct, 2022 - Present

  9. #29
    Retired Manager Doctorprobe69's Avatar
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    March 2021

    March 1st:
    TheBeoni has joined staff as a Trial Moderator, their training is set to complete for March 17th.

    March 2nd:
    Bibiex has retired from the staff team, we thank them for their time.

    March 4th:
    ben11567 has been promoted to Trial Admin. Trial due April 4th.

    March 5th:
    Segrain has joined as a Coder for the Development team.

    March 7th:
    Clairion has joined the Staff Team as a Trial Moderator, their training is set for completion by the 21st.
    Ignominious has joined the Staff Team as a Trial Moderator, their training is set for completion by the 21st.

    March 8th:
    Glass Bottle Coke (JennerH) has rejoined the Staff Team as a Trial Moderator, their training is set to complete by the 25th.

    March 13th:
    BatHoovyDood has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!

    March 20th:
    TheBeoni has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!
    Clarion has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!

    March 21st:
    MixMash has joined the Staff Team as a Trial Moderator, their training is set for completion by the 5th of April.

    March 22nd:
    Nauticall has been promoted to full developer! Congratulations!

    March 26th:
    Glass Bottle Coke has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!
    Firartix has been promoted to Maintainer! Congratulations!

    March 31st:
    Doctorprobe69 has stepped down from Lead Trainer and CO Head Mentor.
    AcuteCircle has stepped down from CO Head Mentor.
    Jarektheraptor has been given the auxiliary position of Lead Trainer.
    Novacti has been given the auxiliary position of Head Mentor.
    MixMash has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!
    Last edited by Doctorprobe69; 03-31-2021 at 07:00 PM. Reason: Staff Changes
    Mentor 1st Mar, 2020 - 11th Apr, 2020
    Trial Moderator 11th Apr, 2020 - 23rd Apr, 2020
    Moderator 23rd Apr, 2020 - 31st Aug, 2020
    Senior Moderator 31st Aug, 2020 - 8th Oct, 2020
    Trial Administrator 8th Oct, 2020 - 6th Nov, 2020
    Administrator 6th Nov, 2020 - 21st Feb, 2021
    Moderator Manager 21st Feb, 2021 - 11th Jul, 2021
    Administrator Manager 11th Jul, 2021 - 8th Aug, 2021

    Administrator 12th Oct, 2022 - Present

  10. #30
    Retired Manager Doctorprobe69's Avatar
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    April 2021

    April 1st:
    Simplecites has returned to staff as a Administrator.
    Ignominious has completed the training program and has been promoted to Moderator, congrats!

    April 4th:
    Cryodrake has retired from the staff team as Moderator.
    Watermelon has retired from staff. We thank him for his valued contributions to the game in the time he was here.

    April 5th:
    BIgBoyyo has been promoted to full developer, Congratulations!
    Ben has finished his trial and been promoted to Administrator.
    Novacti and SomeNerd were promoted to Senior Administrator.
    JarekTheRaptor Has been promoted to trial administrator. Trial due May 6th.

    April 11th:
    ThePiachu is on extended leave. He is welcome to return in the future.

    April 12th:
    TobiNerd has retired. We thank him for all his work and wish him the best of luck in the future.

    April 15th:
    FortyPercent has been promoted to Senior Moderator, congrats!
    Superreallycoolguy has been promoted to Senior Moderator, congrats!

    April 20th:
    TheSoldier, Forest2001, and x31stOverlord have rejoined the staff team as Executive Admins.
    TheDonkified has returned as a Developer - Coder to the dev team.
    Last edited by Doctorprobe69; 04-22-2021 at 06:04 PM. Reason: Admins
    Mentor 1st Mar, 2020 - 11th Apr, 2020
    Trial Moderator 11th Apr, 2020 - 23rd Apr, 2020
    Moderator 23rd Apr, 2020 - 31st Aug, 2020
    Senior Moderator 31st Aug, 2020 - 8th Oct, 2020
    Trial Administrator 8th Oct, 2020 - 6th Nov, 2020
    Administrator 6th Nov, 2020 - 21st Feb, 2021
    Moderator Manager 21st Feb, 2021 - 11th Jul, 2021
    Administrator Manager 11th Jul, 2021 - 8th Aug, 2021

    Administrator 12th Oct, 2022 - Present

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