Moderator Application
Personal Information
Byond ID? Ravin Hobo
CM Character? Kara Parton/G-G
Are you 16 or older? Yes
Timezone GMT
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 14+
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? No
Do you play any servers aside from CM-SS13? I play fulp every blue moon
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made: N/A
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for? No
Are you familiar with the chat program Discord (its use is required)? Yes
Communication is a vital part of being a Moderator. Are you willing to actively do so with the team? Yes although some find the deranged ramblings of a Scottish person hard to understand
Common Staff Situations
A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him. Well, if it was just an accident and it's already being handled IC then I probably wouldn't pursue it any further than checking his notes to see if they have a record of breaking IE and seeing how they didn't kill anyone; it doesn't seem like an issue that needs to be handled OOC.
A player ahelps that a predator has violated the honor code when killing him, what should you do? I would probably tell them that I do not have the ability to handle WLs and that they should message a member of the yautja council on discord or the WL manager if they want to pursue the issue.
You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost at roundstart. I will check to see if there are any SEA's online and maybe message them about it or spawn in as a sea myself if there are none and ask them if they want help.
A player is being very rude to you in adminhelps, calling you names and arguing everything you say. He is requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member. I would ask him to calm down and inform him that he has the option to file a staff report on me or that he can contact an admin via discord and that if he continues to act in this manner towards me, I will have no choice but to punish him for it I would then proceed to note him for toxicity towards a staff member.
A player ahelps that a marine is named 'John Doe', how do you deal with this? I do believe this is a name that can be achieved via a random name, so I would ask him about the name and tell him that the name could be characterised as a meme name and that it isn't allowed on the server I would ask him to change the name by next round and inform him that continued use of the name would be considered a rule break and I would stick around till next round and see if he changes it if I am not able to do so I would note him for the name and inform other staff members.
You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green and there has been no threat to the ship in the round at this point. Well, I think this could be construed as LRP, but I would probably watch him for a bit and make sure he doesn't kill anyone because he could just be deploying but otherwise, I would likely deem this an IC issue and allow for the MP's to deal with it.
A Marine ahelps that they were killed by a survivor. It is early round, the Marines have just landed, and the survivor claims that they were outright hostile to all Marines from the get-go and openly stated their intentions. How do you deal with this? I would inform the Survivor that you cant be hostile to marines as a basic survivor and that you can only be hostile if you are spawned as an event survivor. I would note him for this Aheal the marine, check the survivor's notes for similar actions, and give a 1-day ban if they have done this before.
You receive an ahelp from a player stating that an MP has locked them up in permanent confinement for running into Requisitions and taking an attachment that was laying around. The only way they could end up in Perma is through improper JAS from such a crime, so I would inform the arresting officer of the mistake, and I would probably let them off if they were a new MP but note them if they were an experienced MP.
The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other? I would probably tell the Xenos through QM that they should take the dropship and assault the ship and that this would give them a larva surge making up for their poor numbers.
If this doesn't work, I would do a bio scan that shows both marine numbers and Xeno numbers which would probably trigger a Unga neuron to redeploy.
You are playing as a medic, and another medic overdoses all your patients and prevent marines from being revived. It seems like it may be on purpose. How do you deal with this situation? I would Ahelp it but if I was the only Mod on I would Asleep the medic if they were griefing and aheal the people they griefed and note them for it and give them a day ban.
If this were due to them being a noob, I would medevac the people they overdosed then teach them how to avoid an od such as checking how much bic they already have in their system and telling them about od limits. I would then ask them to either go and get training from the SEA or to read the wiki.
The round ends, a Marine starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member ahelps about being killed after the round ended. I would inform them that Faction on Faction combat can continue past round end and that it doesn't count as EORG.
A Marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start. You receive an ahelp from one of the victims. I would Asleep them, note them and check their notes, give them a day ban if this is their first offence and probably a Permaban if this is a continued problem from the player. I would then heal anyone that needed it and tell the people whose gear was stolen where it is.
You receive an ahelp from a Marine saying that he was killed by another Marine. When you ask the murderer why, he said it was because the other Marine had punched him. I would Aheal the dead marine Note the one who broke the rules inform them that it is IE and check to see if they have done it before; if so, probably a day ban maybe perma if this is a constant issue.
You find out that there is an improper mutiny occuring. The mutineers are rallying together and preparing to storm the CIC. How would you attempt to resolve this situation? I would inform them that they need to Ahelp and request to mutiny; if they continued to attempt to mutiny without staff approval, I would Asleep them and note them and give them a 3hr ban if they didn't give up on mutinying improperly.
There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it. If the comments they made were racist, I would tell them to stop, inform them of our rules on racism and note them for it; if they already had notes for racism, I would ban them,
A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off. That's an instant permaban griefing and attempted ban evading. I would aheal those affected and MOOC telling them to ignore what happened and that they were dealt with.
You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines straight from the Xeno hive the second they burst and die. I would tell them off for this, note them for it and give the Xenos another larva and ban them for a day if they did this before.
You see a Xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat, as well as insulting the Queen. I would tell them off and note them for LRP and leave the insulting up to the queen as that's more what banishing is for.
A Xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different Xeno player ahelps that it's low role play to call it a "dropship". I would inform the person Ahelping to check the language section in the Xeno roleplay standards and inform them that there they can see that the phrase dropship is entirely within Xeno roleplay.
A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet. You receive an ahelp from a marine regarding this. I would inform them that this is considered Meta knowledge, and instead of outright saying that Xenos are on the planet, perhaps instead say, "be prepared for CLF UPP or Xenos we don't know what to expect".
You find a Marine killing another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself. There are two other marines in the pod along with him. That's valid. I would probably leave it at that unless other factors were at play.
A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'. I would note him for this and probably tell him that if he has a problem with me, a staff report is always an option; if he continues, I would probably give him a 1hr ban to cool his head.
A player ahelps saying he was hugged by a Xeno when he was ssd, and wants the larva be removed from him via admin powers. How do you handle the ahelp? I would inform him to go to the FOB if he needs to log off for a moment and that this issue isn't really something that should be handled OOC.
You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforce a rule. I would inform the Admin of this in Achat and tell him to correct the information, and if it was that serious and they didn't correct the problem, I would probably tell the mod manager.
Two staff are arguing in msay if an ahelp is breaking a rule. Because the staff who took the ahelp thinks the player broke a rule, they ban the player based on their interpretation of the rules, with others thinking the person was fine. What would you do? I would inform them that the staff member has the ability to enforce the rules at their discretion and that if they really had a problem with the ruling that they should report them; other than that, I probably wouldn't get involved.
Why would you like to become a moderator? I want to be able to make sure that the rules are being enforced during low pop EU times as I've noticed that the staff can take a while to respond to Ahelps on low-pop due to a lack of staff members. In the future, I would like to be able to make events for people to enjoy. I would be particularly interested in TWE events. Still, I think only senior mods can hold minor events, so I would probably have to wait quite some time.
Also as a CE main, I have far too much free time on my hands in between loading the OB and petting jones so I could also answer mhelps and ahelps in that time that are just simple questions.
In your opinion, what is the most important quality for a moderator? I believe the most important feature of a moderator is a willingness to keep the game fun for all players cause there's no point in banning someone for making the game more fun as long as they aren't harming others' gameplay or roleplay experience.
Anything else you I'm not very good at punctuation or sentence structure, but I try to use Grammarly to help with this, so I apologise for any errors.
I apologise for any errors in the amount of time that I suggested to ban people, for I don't really have a baseline for evaluating ban times.
If I get accepted, I do hope that I will be able to be a good moderator, but I apologise if I fail to do so.