We are a paramilitary organisation ...
We have the best of the best - with some personal issues here and there. Real characters as you say nowadays ...
We do everything, from stealing to protecting transports, smuggling weapons for those who can pay for it. We destroy organisations if the price is right and provide safe routes from A to B, even through hell if it has to be ...
Welcome everyone, i am sure most dont remember the old post of this And if you do, congrats you boomer What i want to try with this post is simple, in the game Xenonauts, i'll run a lil modded campaign with the X-Division mod (Basically the equivalent of Long War for X-Com) What i need from you Marines, i'll demostrate:
Ay yo sign me up, Natalia Quiroga, and i want X class (Classes will be shown below, additional gear can also be requested)
And thats it, with the names i get for Marines, Vehicles, Jets, Transports and Bases i'll make a series of it, and upload it here, the campaign will be on the Hard dificulty and with Ironman, below this short explanation, will be the list of equipment to pick from, the classes, the waiting list of people to join (You can ask for certain nationality, looks or whatever you would like) and the names for the bases, Vehicles ETC.
These classes can vary a lot, and are merely a simplification, equipment can be as diverse as one wants it, your own snowflake loadout
Riflemen: Your standard PFC, usually comes equiped with an assault rifle or a battle rifle and various grenades, the jack of all trades master of none unit, short to medium ranges, any high stats can help our PFC's
Assault: The shotgun fanatic, the one dude to see a huge alien and say "I'll PB his face off" Short ranges, shotguns and or Melee weapons, various nades and breaching equipment, benefit the most from Fast Reflexes and High Timeunits
Sniper: Medium to long ranges, Bolt action or DMR users, best suited for marines with High Accuracy, the sniper rifle can vary in type and ammo, but most of the types we looking at a High damage Aimed shot, just like in CM
Heavy Weapons: This is our SG, SAW duty and or heavy weapons guy, they bring massive guns to bear down loads of hot lead to supress down enemies, to handle most of these guns a High Strenght is required, unless you want to kill half your squad that is
Scout: Unlike our scout, we dont have cloaking technology
YET so they most rely on light weight, speed and maneuverability to survive, ofter carriying a Pistol, SMG or PDW, they are the runners to call out enemy positions, mostly usefull with High Timeunits or Reaction time, a small ammount of ordnance on their belt is usually usefull
Shield: Our moving walls and cover, Shield users require High Strenght along with Good Morale, along with High Health to withstand the barrage of enemy fire and keep moving to support their allies, often using a sidearm as self defense since their shield blocks a good portion of their view, their belt mostly filled with flashbangs or smoke grenades for more utility, if left alone they usually collapse
Rocketeer: Or good ol' Sadar
Or M5 RPG for you Zoomers user, usually needing very High Strenght in order to bear not only this bringer of Doom, but also enough ammo for a whole op, they can vary from pure damage to support rockets depending on their ordnance, but not the most usefull unit when a live enemy is needed, mostly carry around a Sidearm for desperate moments
Medic: The blood and life of the Marines, usually carriying merely a Handgun or SMG for self defense, they carry the most medicine, bandages and chems to keep the fighthing force strong and the spirits up, any type of ordnance can be carried aditionally, a good amount of Timeunits is strongly recommended to keep everyone healed
Squad Leader: Overwatch over their fellow marines on the field, can carry a vast array of weapons, providing the much needed co-ordination in the field, usually benefit from High Moraly in order to keep calm in the most hellish situations
Available Equipment:
Keep in mind this list will REALLY expand as time goes on
Also none of these names are in the game, i had to guess some and search for others, but i dont regret it
Starter Equipment:
Beretta 92 - Starter Ballistic Pistol
Mossberg 500 - Starter Ballistic Shotgun
Assault Rifles:
Colt M16 - Starter Ballisctic Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifles:
H&K G3SG/1 - Starter Ballistic Sniper Rifle
Machine Guns:
FN MAG - Starter Ballisctic Machinegun
Rocket Launcher:
Mk153 Mod 0 SMAW - Rocket Launcher: HE Rockets
Hand Granades:
Mk 2 Hand Grenade - M83 Smoke Grenade - M84 Stun Grenade
Waiting List:
Depending on the Xenonauts Agents we get, and the Stats, names will be taken from the list into action and be updated on rank and status here
Mei May - Medic
Julien Mao - Medic
Reinhard Shriver - Medic
Jane Jacobson - Medic
John Zaniah - Riflemen
Darin Coldsmith - Riflemen
Mark Kesserline - Riflemen
Marcus Crowe - Riflemen
William Crimson - Riflemen
Uriel Wood - Riflemen
Ed Waffles - Riflemen
Akira A. Bowchief - Riflemen
Roberto Moreno - Riflemen
Andrew Marsow - Riflemen
Miranda Hunt - Riflemen
Clancy Long - Riflemen
Ingwe Styles - Riflemen
Axel Strife
Asmodious Smith
Yaroslav Arkanov
Ever Valentry
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
Ed Trevor
Alan Jones
Mike Hernandez
Dolthgar Folk
Julien Petrov
Kaelyn Brooks
Maxim Senaviev
Wanda Fisher
Andrew Bryson
Cabal Shephard - Sidearm, nades, Polish with Goatee
Philip Driver - Later AT user
Rain Winterson
Youseff Mohammed
Adam Howard
Kai Atkinson
Archibald Langley
Xavier 'Tag' Hart
Hans 'Robot' Krautz
Bob Shoe
Cassius Klaus
Madison Delaney
Joe Campbell
Ritona Sterling
Iridium Kalrath
Elena Mei
Aiko Amano - Later CQC
Locke 'CAS' Briggs - Kit with a CQC weapon
Mathew Hawkins - Extra nades
Lother Jones
Apple Briggs
Graham Maclagan
Boris Bourbon
Djinn Nyx
Nick Kaiser
Mira 'Nine Lives' Vane - Sawn off
Squad Leaders:
Archibald V. Cartwright
Fabio Espinoza
Seth Harazuka (Extra kit for a badass)
Mark "Legless" Connor
Names for: Aircraft, Vehicles and Bases:
Whike time pases and we get more bases set up, increase our jets or transports, names will be taken from the list
Next Outposts will be:
Hadley's Hope
Next Fighters will be:
Flying Dutchman
Next Transports will be: