Synthetic Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID? WH0_T00Kthejam
Discord ID? Jam#1411
Marine Name Harley Piett / Oronto Obasanjo
Other Whitelist Applications
Character Information
Name of the Synth Character you wish to play Jeanne
What is your Synthetic's Personality? Jeanne will be a synthetic with a interest in human biology
Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you? I enjoy playing support roles shipside and on the ground but feel limited by what I can do. So I want to be able to do more for those I support.
What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic? My most fond memory is being saved from the queen during hijack by Clark then being carried away and having my fractures fixed.
Synthetic Character Story
First part-
Before me on a table lay a preserved body in an HRP or Human Remains Pouch for short. The local CMB unit has requested that I look at this as it was connected to an unusual case that had yet to be solved efficiently.
How familiar are you with Engineering? I am very familiar with engineering, I can set up and build a good starting FOB and make barricades on the frontline if needed.
I.E Making a safe area for medics.
If it's really needed I can assist the CAS PO in setting up their dropship or setting up the dropship engine modules if there are no DCCs or POs around.
How familiar are you with Command? I can comfortably run CIC in a pinch if needed by:
Using tac maps
calling out downed marines on the OW console.
Using announcements to be clear and concise with critical intel.
How familiar are you with Medical? I am confident in my ability as a medic and as a doctor to perform under pressure and not allow any marines to Perma.
I can do chemistry along with the proper dosages per pill such as 7.5u of bicardine and 7.5u of meralyne.
How familiar are you with Requisitions? With my combined RO and SEA hours, I feel I can comfortably run REQ with little to no issues regarding supply drops or the FOB crate and get through the morning rush at a reasonable pace.
What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example. I can engage in combat for the defence of myself or others.
For self-defence, a situation could be I am pounced on by a runner on my way to the front I can give it a few hits with my telebaton until it disengaged.
For the defence of another, a marine has walked onto a hugger trap and has been hugged and a lurker arrives to collect them. I would attempt to drag and carry the marine away from the lurker and call for backup, relying on the baton if all else fails.
Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines? Yes
Have you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline? Yes
Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans? No
Are you currently banned from our Discord, and if so, why? No
Discord Ban Reason -
Other Information
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?