Highlights includes a lot of QoL changes and Trijent Dam testing.
The grenadier spec having IFF is also a thing.
Highlights includes a lot of QoL changes and Trijent Dam testing.
The grenadier spec having IFF is also a thing.
Last edited by NethIafins; 04-15-2019 at 08:23 AM.
The changed sfx for the firearms somewhat bothers me, obviously because I'm used to the previous ones but also because the new sounds just feels either too weak for the carbine and shotgun, and being too strong for the sidearms, pretty jarring to hear loud bang noises instead of plinks while firing an M4A3, and to hear plinks from the carbine that shoots the same ammo as the M41.
please remove trijent from map rotation on low pop, it is insufferable.
Haven't tested it yet cuz boat life, gunne have to see later
Head Developer & Marine Law Maintainer
The new gun sound effects are really tinny and seem to lack any real impact. Not sure why they were changed.
Trijent is a failure both in map design and gameplay. Even after shrinking it by HALF, it's still way too big and half of it doesn't get used. The map is either big open spaces where xenos can juke about endlessly, or tiny corridors with doors every 6 squares and corridors leading off who knows where. Both LZs are too close together and there is zero benefit to picking LZ1 over LZ2. It's impossible to secure any point aside from LZ1 as marines, as there's way too much space in between possible places, meaning supplies and fresh marines never reach you because of the aforementioned issues. The existing 'chokepoints' can be bypassed by xenos just by walking one or two screens away on average, and marines can't defend them all, defeating the point of them. It suffers from the same problems as Ice in all these regards which shows a failure to learn, and I'm unsure why it's been put into rotation when all these problems are glaring issues.
Warrior grab cooldown needs increased, as you can just chaingrab and permastun marines. As it stands, it cools down a few seconds before marines even get the opportunity to resist out.
Tank autocannon is pants. It's a big sniper flak round, and we all know why flak rounds are usually just dumped in prep: Low damage, the spread is worthless and causes negligible damage to those around. The tank's autocannon exacerbates these problems, locking down whichever area it's firing at for marines while xenos just bop through it taking next to no damage.
Tank repairing needs fixing. As it stands, each weld of an item takes 14 fuel, takes around 8 seconds, and fixes 1% of damage. To fix one items from 90%, that's almost a minute and a half. Now imagine you've been in a protracted fight doing your job, and all your kit's at 50%. That's 400 seconds of fixing PER ITEM, not including stopping to refuel or source new tanks. Currently, the only way around this is to spam clicks on the item as this repeats the fixing, and it doesn't stop because you had fuel when you 'started', so you can repair 20-30% in the time it would've taken to do 4%. Either make fixing kit repair 5-10% each time, or decrease the time taken and welder fuel used to 4 seconds and 4 welder fuel. This means tank crews aren't punished for doing their job.
IOs need their access changed so they don't have access to Req or the ID mod consoles.
Last edited by Chaznoodles; 04-14-2019 at 11:41 AM.
Remove neuro please and thanks
To increase xeno winrate I'd rather see a different route than this aim-assist we've been given. I think the issue at hand has been Novice Queens and lack of player interest in xeno to fill their slots up.
Xeno population is as high as it has ever been, the other round we had 50+ active xenos. If anything with the resurgence of higher xeno population they need some nerf.
For marine the quick-equip and body targeting hotkeys are GODSENT, very very good! Didn't like the gun sounds except the BR TAT TAT SMG.
For xenos i don't have too much to say considering i haven't been playing them, but the new targeting sounds nice for bad clickers like me.