It's time to start duel wielding machetes using light armor.
Also please just take the m39 out back and put it out of it's misery. It's suffered enough
It's time to start duel wielding machetes using light armor.
Also please just take the m39 out back and put it out of it's misery. It's suffered enough
Goosen Dagen-casual marine
Reminder that the dev who did this did it under a fake name in the changelog so it wouldn't come back to him, but forgot we all know who he is anyway.
you probably get this a lot, but the latest build with the damage nerf across the board is a bit too forgiving to xenos. it enables highly aggressive, often sloppy play that would have had a high chance of backfiring in previous builds. i havent seen queen-centric murderballing of this scale since back when she could charge around and deflect bullets
the problem of an across-the-board nerf to marine guns is that it effectively buffs all xeno classes' survivability, even the classes that were already doing fairly well, granting them an unneeded buff. you need to study which xeno classes are underperforming and tweak them up rather than moves like this.
Last edited by misto; 04-29-2019 at 06:44 PM.
May Time