This is a Guide on how to be a Robust Researcher. Now with less old grammar mistakes! And with more new ones!
Researcher objectives:
- Decrease Defcon Level by analyzing blood/liquids of Xenos, dragging bodies to containers and growing Xenos.
- Synthesis Experimental Drugs.
Make grenades.Make "grenades".- Help with surgery in medbay.
Chapter 1. Xenology. How to analyze Xeno blood and grow Xeno.
By doing Xeno research you can decrease Defcon by 2 levels. You can this by analysing liquids from Xeno corpses, draging corpses to containers and growing Xenos.
To analyze liquids from Xeno you need a Xeno corpse, empty beaker, syringe or IV drip. Take blood from a Xeno corpse with a syringe or IV drip. Usually, a Xeno corpse has two or more unique liquid inside. After you took blood, separate it with Chemical Centrifuge or with ChemMaster 3000. Then, put the vial containing 30 units of pure xeno plasma/blood in the XRF(Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner). Each time you analyze unique Xeno liquid Defcon decrease by 5-10%.
Here is a list of Xenos with Unique liquids inside:
Drone, Praetorian, Carrier, Spitter, Sentiel can have different types of blood. Example, Carrier can or can't have Egg Plasma in him, unless developers made liquids fixed for each Xeno. There can be other changes. Each blood gives 20 points to Defcon.
Be sure to make Anti-Neurotoxin(1 unit of Neurotoxin and 1 unit of Dylovene) and Royal Plasma (1 unit of Egg Plasma and 1 unit of Dark Acid Blood), scan it to get 20 points for Defcon.
Xeno Blood properties:
1. Catecholamine Plasma - Paining Level 1, Muscle-Stimulant Level 6.
2. Chitin Plasma - Hardening Level 1.
3. Anti-Neurotoxin - Neuro-Shielding Level 1, Level 2 make marines immune to Queen spit, which makes here Mad and Sad. Put it in Sophomoric and profit.
To grow an Xeno, you will need a monkey in a containment cell and an egg, plant the Egg In the containment cell , then wait. Healthy Xenos decrease Defcon, this is the only way to push Defcon to level 1.
UPDATE: You can also infect monkey by injecting it with Egg plasma. Monkey will lose a lot of blood for several minutes. To counter blood loss inject monkey with 3-4 Drippers, iron, sugar and nutrients. After several minutes it will stop bleeding and scan will say that there is something in the chest.
As for now sugar will fully replenish blood, so by injecting 30 units of sugar, monkey will live until it infected.CAUTION!!!: Use this method on own risk, it is bugged and you will be banned for that.Fixed.
NEW UPDATE: You can make Corrupted Hive. In order to do that, you need clearance 5 X - Max clearance, egg plasma or egg, royal plasma or dark acid plasma.
1. Get Max clearance.
2. Scan or re-scan Royal Plasma, you can make it by mixing Egg Plasma with Dark Acid Blood.
3. Change one unique propertie of Royal Plasma in machine it will cost 10 points, make sure receipt doesn't have Egg Plasma and Dark Acid Blood or it will just make basic Royal Plasma, so just change cheaper properties. Different levels on unique properties will make different xeno hives. Level 2 - Corrupt, Level 3 - Alpha and etc.
4. Infect monkey with egg or Egg plasma.
5. Inject 5 units of Moddified Royal Plasma, before larva is hatch.
6. Profit.
Chapter 2. Pharmacology: Testing and growing drugs .
Scanning drugs in the XRF machine for the first time decreases defcon by 1-3%.
You begin the round with one research paper which tells you how to synthesize a level 1 clearance drug, but it won't tell you what the drug does. To find out what it does, you need to test the drug on a monkey or scan it in the XRF machine (30 units of pure liquid). XThe XRF will tell you what Clearance Level you need in order to know what the drug does. Ask the CL to increase the Clearance Level of the XRF machine by scanning his ID card on it. Now, if you scan the drug again, you will know what the Level 1 Clearance drug does. As the Defcon goes down, the CL can increase your Clearance Level. The maximum Clearance Level you can achieve is level 4, but even if the XRF is upgraded to level 4, scanning a Level 4 Clearance Drug doesn't give you the full information about it on the report.
From time to time IO will bring you new research papers from the ground. He can bring you two types of paper. First type(Synthesis) tell you have to synthesis drug and second type(Experiment) will only tell you what drug does.
Here is a list of properties which Experimental drug could have:
Here is a list of usefull properties:
Here is a list of semi-usefull properties:
Here is a list of useful, but pointless properties:
Here is a list of not useful, not harmfull or does nothing properties:
UPDATE: All properties are now listed in wiki. There is also secret DEFIBRILLATOR property, which is not listed in wiki. By using this drug you can defibe marines. Marine who are injected with this drug will hear heart-beating and then will be revived.
Also IO can bring you some vials with Expiremental Drugs. Scan them in XRF in order to get Analyzis which tells you how to make drug.
If CL is not around, you can try to find out what drug does on monkey. In order to do so you need to harm monkey. Hit monkey with welder to get burn damage, hit with crowbar to brake bones and brute damage, throw knife to get "shrapnel", break chest and let it move around, so it will harm organs. Then you inject monkey with 5 units of drugs and see what happens. Be aware, that fluxing and bonemending works slow and needs time. 10-20 units of drugs could OD monkey.
UPDATE: Developers gave Research Department new equipment and now you can modify existing drugs.
Obliviouss0 made a good guide about it. You can check it here.
Tips and tricks on increasing OD level of drugs using new machine, by research Bob S....(Ah forgot his name sorry Bob):
Sometimes IO just never comes with new Research paper, well don't worry, you can always grow your own experimental drugs. For that you need plant seeds and beaker of mutagen. You plant seed in the tray and use 5 units of mutagen to mutate it, adding more mutagen makes plant mutate several times. Then you wait for plant to grow. Harwest it and check with plant scanner if it has unique chems. If plant has unique chem make more seeds of it and plant it again, so you can get 30 units of drug. To get drug from plant use All-In-One Grind machine. Then scan it on XRF.
Tips and tricks:
1. Some plants can be harvested multiple times, other ones.
2. You can Spray all three trays at ones with Spray Bottle.
3. You can use Unstable Mutagen or Diethylamine in Spray Bottles.
4. Sink will fill bucket fully if you set bucket to transfer 120 units.
5. If you accidently manage to get plant with Ultrazine be sure to mass produce it.
6. You can only grow 4 types of Experemental Chemical?(Didn't tested it)
7. If you use wire-cutters on growing plant you will damage plant but also you will get seed from it. Don't abuse it to much or you will destroy plant.
8. Chance of getting new drug is 20%.
9. If you dump 200 units of muraget, plant will mutate 100+ times. Because mutation chance takes in calculation of ammount of mutagen, having more then 100 mutagen in tray will garantee mutation of plant.
10. Weeds can mutate each tick... So with 200 units of mutagen they can mutate more then 1000 times... Figure out how to get yield from it.
11. You can get any Clearance drug from plant... It just hard...
Powergamming tactics to grow chems:
UPDATE:How to use Hydroponics machines.
After a while you will notice that a lot of plants produce very small ammount of chems and sometimes you need to replant them a lot, wasting time and resources. To fix this problem you can moddife plant to grow faster or to produce more ammounts of drug.
Here is step by step guide on how to use Hydroponics machines to get certain idea on how to use them.
1. Disspanser grass and poppy.
2. Put grass seeds in Lysis-isolation Centrifuge.
3. Put disk in it.
4. Record DNA on disk.
5. Do it again untill you get all 6 DNA gens. Use new grass seed if machine destroys previeus grass seed during exctraction.
6. Put poppy seed in Bioballistic delivery system and disk with one of genoms, after that apply Genom to poppy seeds.
7. Eject seeds and check what stats have been changed. You can compare stats with healthy seeds from dispansser. You want change in two stats Maturation time or Potency.
8. Label disk and what it changes.
9. Repeat again untill you will know what each do or untill you found disk genom which can change Maturation time or Potency.
10. Take healthy poppy from Disspanser and apply Genom that changes Maturation time.
11. Now you have poppy with Potency of 20 and Maturation time of 2.
12. Plant poppy to get more seeds.
13. Mutate with 60 units of mutagen.
14. You should be able to have plant with 5-20 units of new drug.
Every plant have same sets of Genoms. If you have found Genom which changes Maturation time in grass, you can exctract same Genom from the other plant. For example, Genom for Maturation time is XX, If you exctract it from grass you will get maturation time of 2, If you exctract it from Soybeans maturation time of 4.
How to use this:
Plants will mutate differently, some plants will have Potency of 60 when fully grown and mutatted. So you can exctract this potency and inject it to other plant with potency of 1 for example, then Potency will change from 1 to 60. You can use it on plants with good drugs but low potency.
Genoms and what they change:
1. Consumption.
Consume gasses
Requires nutrients
Nutrient consumption
Requires water
Water consumption
2. Environment.
Ideal heat
Heat tolerance
Ideal light
Light tolerance
Lowkpa tolerance
Highkpa tolerance
3. Resistance.
Toxins tolerance
Pest tolerance
Weed tolerance
4. Vigour. - you want that.
5. Flowers.
Product icon
Product colour
Biolum colour
Flower icon
Flower colour
6. Products: - you want that.
Exude gasses
Alter temp
Harvest repeat
Chapter 3. Explosions. All you need to know about nades and some reciepts.
Because of update Researches can no longer make grenades with equipment they have. It is job of Ordnance Technician now. In general developers made good guide on how to make grenade in wiki.
WARNING MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT RED EXCLAMATION MARKS MEAN IN THE PICTURE. Basically if you mixed more then suggested number mixture will explode! So don't make more then 59 ANFO at one. But you can make more then 60 units of ANFO in one beaker if you make it in smaller portion(20-30 units) and then just put smaller portions in one big beaker.
Report anygramma mistakes andinformation I missed.
Thanks to: lunessia, Kameron Hunter, Benbot16, anonymous14z, Yukonsnow, Nimiety, Eliteempire. Thanks to TobiNerd for making Research Department better place. I hope he bring explosives back.
I am sorry lunessia for forceing you to correct my grammar mistakes.
Kameron Hunter don't ruin fun of new and old researchers let them experiment. Anyway you are good researcher main.